Calling it quits after 17 years....

Nurses Recovery


I've been an RN since 1997 and have decided it's time to pursue a new profession. Long story short...Self reported to BON in 2004 after 6 month addiction to narcs after assault, started NC Alternative Program and had to drop out after 9 months due to finances and divorce. In 2011 I got license back and found a job in 2 months. Here I am with 4 months to go in the Discipline program & the BON is taking my license because I failed to report one rx of Hycodan back in Feb. I was sick with the flu and basically out of it for several days and honestly forgot to send in the rx form. Six months later the BON calls and says "you didn't send a rx form and have violated the contract". I have missed 2 call ins to Firstlab in 4 years, never missed or failed a screen, all reports from employer on time & outstanding nurse on the reports per employer.I would have to restart this entire process for another 4 years and can't afford it as a single mom. I'm sooo done with the BON after all my hard work!!

Sorry for the long story....thinking about cosmetology. Any one else decided to call it quits and pursue another field?

And,yes, I am still clean almost 10 years since date of sobriety.

Specializes in Med/Surg; Case Management; LTC.

To The OP

I actually agree so much with you. while I am still committed to the program I am also wondering if all of this, meaning the program(PNAP) is worth the hassle. Sometimes I wonder about the what ifs. What if I never find a nursing job. What if when I do return to nursing, if I return, I will even like being a nurse. I enjoy helping people but there has to be another way I can help people. I am definitely happier sober and found a relationship with God that means more to me than any license. I ponder all these things and must say the conclusion I came to was the same, as long as I am sober and trust my life to God that is more than I could have ever asked for.

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.
Hi Anne-

I am very sorry for all the health challenges you have had. You have been a warm and wise contributor to this recovery forum for a long time. I hope your health permits you to continue posting here at least.

Good luck on getting approved for disability. I am sure that will help ease your financial stress a bit.

****BIG HUGS**** to you, Anne. Please keep us posted on how you are doing. :hug:

Catmom :paw:

Thanks Cat! I appreciate it! I had my appeal hearing this past Tuesday. It will be a month before we hear anything.

Dh has been very supportive thru everything, and I know it's been difficult through office visits, tests and ER/hospital stays.

My cardiologist was really great and submitted a letter giving them details about everything so I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Thanks for your kind words, cat. I feel like AN has been a help to me - I really miss my ER days so I can enjoy other PPs about their days.

Anne, RNC

Specializes in LTC, assisted living, med-surg, psych.

Wishing you the best of luck, Anne! I'm filing for disability soon myself, and anticipate being denied the first time since mine is mental health-related, even though my attorney says I more than qualify for SSDI. I will be following to see how things go for you. :yes:

Specializes in Peds/outpatient FP,derm,allergy/private duty.

Prayers for all. I have a lot of familiarity due to close family members dealing with recovery and dual diagnosis issues. :redpinkhe: and ((hugs))

Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.
Wishing you the best of luck, Anne! I'm filing for disability soon myself, and anticipate being denied the first time since mine is mental health-related, even though my attorney says I more than qualify for SSDI. I will be following to see how things go for you. :yes:

Thanks so much Viva! You're such an inspiration to me!!

This is my 2nd attempt filing for disability - I really expected to be denied the first time but the 2nd time just really floored me. My Attorney and my dh both went in with me - they were extremely pleased with the outcome but it will be a LONG month waiting - and it's only been 7 days tomorrow. Ugh!

Anne, RNC

Specializes in critical care, ER,ICU, CVSURG, CCU.

ok, here it goes, reinstated 96-97.......working on stipulations , refresher's alzh. dementia spiraled......99-98, Tex, started first lab check in daily, .....i got mad said i wasnt doing it, glad i only said it to myself..i just didnt work on pre request etc.....recovery stuck, thank goodness, mon dies end stage alz. 2000, first husband gets killed at work six months later...... how i remained sain? if i did? :), finally given advice from physician friend, get into service of others.......i did not wan0t to go thru hazzle to petition the board I went to Resp.Therapy school.....did extreamly well, working in acute care, within six months, knew I HAD TO DO WHAT EVER IT TOOK TO RETURN TO NURSEING, contacted BON, ten years after reinstatement, it was 2006..... i was allowed to simply complete pre requested refresher, courses, CEUs , monitored clinical experience, etc., and three years of monitoring....the usual restrictions.....found great job in LTC, as MDS coord....became good at it, ADON, after stipulations completed and lis. not displined anymore, even with I...worked several LTCs as DON! VERY SUCCESSFULLY, got to give back to a few nurses struggling with stipulations etc., even succesful in critical care, why the succes......i think it had something to do with working the steps, staying sober/clean, then living the steps and experiencing the promises......I get to give back to nursing today....I get to help......i am VERY BLESSED AND grateful.......sobriety date was 1987...... so it is possible, even when we think it is and support to all on similar journey

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