Call in sick over cut on hand?

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Specializes in Med Surg.

My cat got scared and scratched my whole right arm and hand, 2 cuts on one of my fingers are pretty deep so I went to urgent care but didn't get stitches since the Dr said, "You don't do stitches on cat scratches since it could keep the infection inside." (?)

So, I got oral antibiotics and covered everything up. Not sure if I should take a day off though since I'm scared of introducing anything into an open wound especially in the first 24hrs

Any advice?

8 Answers

Specializes in School Nursing.

Since you're taking oral antibiotics and can wear gloves, I don't see a reason to call out, unless you're in a lot of pain.

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

When in doubt, ask your employee health department. Were you ordered to keep it dry? Is it bandaged? Can you do proper hand hygiene? 

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

In 1995, I laid open my hand opening up a can of cat food, sutured the wound myself, worked at a LTC facility which had rampant MRSA and never had any problem, probably as I practiced good universal precautions.

Specializes in Med-Surg.

There are those who take time off for no reason at all. If you're not one to abuse your leave, take the day. I never understood those employees who end up in use or lose status and are forced into time off at the end of the year, when I sure there was at least one need for some well-deserved me-time or a random long weekend. I'll never choose dedication to a job over dedication to me, close friends, or family if I have proven my loyalty to said job time and again.

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).
ponderingDNP said:

 I never understood those employees who end up in use or lose status and are forced into time off at the end of the year, when I sure there was at least one need for some well-deserved me-time or a random long weekend. 

You're talking about me and it's not really about dedication to the job. I recently Took two seperate weeks off for my niecw and nephew's wedding and the job was expecting a state inspection (which I am really good at) Work asked me if I could postpone or come back early. I hhad to say no. I'm on vacation right now and going to visit my sister in Santa Ynez. I'll be back with plenty of time to do some planting. 


Take the day off.  How can you focus on patient care, when you need to put so much focus on your wounds?

Specializes in Occupational Health.

Keep the wounds clean and dry, take your antibiotic as prescribed, use your PPE, and wash/sanitize your hands as appropriate. Doesn't sound like a reason to call out to me IMHO

klone said:

When in doubt, ask your employee health department. Were you ordered to keep it dry? Is it bandaged? Can you do proper hand hygiene? 

Exactly. How do you wash your hands... when two fingers have open cuts?

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