Call Bell Over Use (Abuse?)


Specializes in Geriatrics.

Looking for what others think is appropriate use of the call bell in ALF. I'm looking for a way to manage over use of the call bell. This is regarding an able body person who may or may not have memory issues. The call bell can be activated as much as 12+ times in a shift. All non urgent/emergency issues. Try re-enforcing call bell is not for requesting a drink, pull my covers up, turn my tv up, down, off, on, what's for dinner, did I eat my dinner and repeated request for PRN (knowing that it is too soon, will tell you what previously said about when they had it and when they can have it again.) need to come to nurses station to request PRN (because this is a constant request).:banghead: Yes pain med has been increased, has been to other doc's, has had multiple test, exams, etc. Pill seeking?? Attention seeking?? Is on psych meds, does see the psychologist when willing, but often refuses. Never applies any of the interventions suggested by psychologist. Where is the line drawn. Don't want to violate resident's rights...

Thanks for any suggestions!

Bring the resident to the nurse's station because you "need company." Yes, it is annoying an manipulative. But I am betting that he is lonely and a bit frightened.

Give that a shot.


Specializes in Neuro ICU and Med Surg.

I agree with Sue. They sound like they are lonely.

Specializes in ICU, Telemetry.

When I get a pt like that, it's geri chair to the nurse's station, and I give them a load of towels or washcloths to fold. Works sometimes, and it's kept me from running screaming out of the door some nights.

Specializes in Geriatrics.

"Looking for what others think is appropriate use of the call bell in ALF. I'm looking for a way to manage over use of the call bell. This is regarding an able body person who may or may not have memory issues. "

I copied and pasted the start of my original post. This is Assisted Living. If the resident is lonely, unfortunately it is of their own choosing. When they are out by the nurses station it is the same behaviors as when they are in their room using the call bell. At the nurses station they use other residents to wait on them. Doesn't converse much with other residents' who may repeat their conversation. In the dinning room they are constantly tell the other table mates what they, their family and everyone else under the sun should be doing.

It's not an easy situation.

It's difficult on all the staff.


Sorry. I got nuthin'.

Specializes in Geriatrics.

Thanks! It's not an easy one!:coollook:

Specializes in ICU/CCU.

Perhaps you could keep a log of every time that he hits the call light and the reason for each call over a period of several days. Then break the reasons down into legitimate and not-so-legitimate reasons. If this person is able-bodied, he should be encouraged to walk to the nurses station for everything that is not legitimate. You could make a list of unacceptable reasons to use the call light and hang it in his room. When he calls for something that is on the list, state clearly and assertively that he must take care of that issue himself or walk to the nurses station for assistance; do not submit to his demands. Perhaps after a while he will stop abusing the call system.

Specializes in Geriatrics.

Thanks! We are keeping a log. Started out just keeping a count of the call bell. Now it has become reason, action, result.

Specializes in Neuro ICU and Med Surg.

Yeah I thought this was LTC not assisted living. I agree with the keeping a log suggestion.

Specializes in CCU, SICU, CVSICU, Precepting & Teaching.

my mother is in assisted living, and the only call bell she has is in her bathroom. is this what he's doing? calling from the bathroom?

What about having family involved? will they go to activities?

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