BSN worth it?

Nurses Announcements Archive


Ok now I am not looking for which is better BSN vs Adn agument. So dont throw darts at me for posting this. I am currently a stay at home mom, I am looking into getting my BSN while I am at home, I already have my ADN. The tuition has gone up 20% stating this summer session at the college where I was planning. I know I can apply for finanial aid but my question is would it even be worth it. I dont want a BSN to get back into bedside nursing, I can do that without a BSN. I want to know if it gives you better job opportunities, better pay, better...everything. Is it actually worth the investment. My hubby is a little reluctant as we are already crunched here and doesnt want to have another bill collector calling. Tell me if your lives improved or was it just more of the same. Does the BS in BSN stand for BETTER STANDARDS or BULLSH**??:confused:

Depends on the hospital.. At the hospital I work at as a PCA, they don't care what you have.. Same pay.. They pay depending on experiance... If you want upper-level, non-beside nursing type work,then the BSN might be more beneficial..

You will get the same pay. You should get your BSN if you want to go on and get your masters degree or if you want to get into upper management. That is all. No extra pay here or anything.

Good Luck on your decision!!

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

With a few exceptions, most hospitals pay you for the job you do, not for the degree. So ... if you are going to remain a bedside staff nurse, then the BSN probably won't yield you a higher salary.

However, the BSN will probably make you qualified for some jobs that you are now not qualified for. Many of those jobs will pay more money and/or have better working conditins, more regular working hours, etc. If you are interested in those jobs, then you will be needing your BSN.

The sad thing is that you and many others look at the additional education as being "worth it" only in terms of the immediate dollars it will put in your pocket. An education can and should be "worth" a lot more than that.


Specializes in MS Home Health.

I asked myself this question two years ago when I enrolled in a BS/MS dual degree program. In this area if you want a management opportunity you need a BS/BSN minimum or preferred a MS/MS/MBA. I found no better pay with my degrees. I got a BS and am soon to graduate with my MS in two years. Now I worked my heiney off and did distance education. All I did was eat, live and breath school plus I work full time and have five kids. I loved my school and was not interested in the least in another nursing degree. If you want to do bedside I would say yes if you want management no if you don't need a management job. But everyone don't shoot the messenger LOL.


The ADN is a faster and less expensive entryway into professional nursing practice than the BSN degree but it has its limitations. It is a great starting point but you would be wise to carefully weigh the result of allowing this to remain your terminal degree, meaning the only formal preparation you have to offer a healthcare employer.

Baccalaureate nursing programs are far more likely than other entry level tracks to provide students with an onsite clinical training in noninstitutional settings outside the hospital. As a result, the BSN graduate is well prepared for practice in such sites as home health agencies, outpatient centers, and neighborhood clinics where opportunities are expanding as hospitals focus more on acute care, and health services more beyond the hospital to more primary and preventive care throughout the community.

I am able to work in the pharmaceutical industry because of having BSN. I have also worked in the financial/investment and recruiting industries and these positions would only accept someone who has a bachelors. You can get any job you would want for a decent pay when you have a BSN. You can do it! BSN can open more opportunities whether you stay in nursing or not.

Ditto to everything stated in the previous posts--investigate in your area as to what is available for an ADN vs BSN

best of luck to you!

BSN needed for some case managers jobs, all Public health nurses out here in CA. Most school nursing and some shift supervisor (in hosp but not floor nursing) jobs. Also with the BSN and a teaching cert can teach at vocational schools(teach LVNs) and at community colleges can teach clinical only-LVN or RN. (sounds fun in some ways-part time work and help out with getting good new nurses into the field).

While the jobs are different than floor nursing...I noticed most of the pay is the same or even less than what a floor nurse can make-esp w/OT and holiday pay. But to save my back I'm looking at those jobs for my future.

Hopefully will have my BSN in 2004!

Specializes in MS Home Health.

Yogi I did not realize you could work in the pharmacy industry with a BSN. What do you do? That sounds interesting. I am in sales now.


Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I'm currently enrolled in University of Phoenix online ADN to BSN to MSN program. Its very interesting and has really forced me to think about the way we do nursing. I am looking at management positions and for those you need a BSN at least. However, if you are just looking into getting back into the work force, I would take a job based on their benefits (tuition assistance, onsite completion program, tuition reimbursement). That way you don't have to go it alone and will still be contributing to your family situation.

Specializes in Perinatal/neonatal.

Everyone has a DIFFERENT opinion about this! WHAT DO YOU WANT? That is the only important question here. If you want it then it will ALWAYS be worth it!


Specializes in Med-Surg.

If you are looking to get out of bedside nursing go for it. In some areas, though bedside RNs are in short-suppy and the salaries are up. The competition for non-bedside nurses can be fierce, thus the pay is someone lower.

My spouse has his BSN and is in administration. He makes about $160 a week more than I do.

Good luck.

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