BSN Students= Community Woes


Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Flight.

anyone here in COmmunity ? I absolutely abhor this class. And its not even the part about the dry material and common sense about it. ITs this dang project that is taking us so far, 12 weeks to work on.... and its worth like 30% of our grade.


im so over this class, the numerous BS projects and the like. the worst part is its 6 credits.:uhoh3: probably should be worth about .5credits if u ask me... or even given online.


done with my vent. back to crunching numbers.....:yawn:

I'm in community right now too and I hate it. The clinicals are the worst part for me. They just send us to random locations, a different one every week. So basically you show up in your uniform, all by yourself, and the staff looks at you for 8 hours like they have no idea why you're there or what they should do with you. Fun times. And I'm learning so much... :icon_roll:

The information in class is all common sense stuff. It's pretty much known as the "easy A" class in my program.

Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Flight.
I'm in community right now too and I hate it. The clinicals are the worst part for me. They just send us to random locations, a different one every week. So basically you show up in your uniform, all by yourself, and the staff looks at you for 8 hours like they have no idea why you're there or what they should do with you. Fun times. And I'm learning so much... :icon_roll:

The information in class is all common sense stuff. It's pretty much known as the "easy A" class in my program.

oh my goodness im so glad im not the only one. we dont learn *#*##* and could really be utilizing that time much better..either studying....for any number of tests we having coming up, or uh.. running bp clinics, flu shot clinics etc.

instead we sit there for 8hrs and try not to get in the way... what a waste.:crying2:

I HATE community! We have tons of little projects and short papers on research articles instead of one big project, it's a constant annoyance to always have to worry about something that doesn't interest you one bit when you have to study for Theory exams. They claim it's the future of nursing...they also claimed we'd be on mars by now :banghead:

Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Flight.
I HATE community! We have tons of little projects and short papers on research articles instead of one big project, it's a constant annoyance to always have to worry about something that doesn't interest you one bit when you have to study for Theory exams. They claim it's the future of nursing...they also claimed we'd be on mars by now :banghead:

future of nursing?...really? ugh.

trust me i have one big project that has taken 12 weeks to do, yo;u dont want that either :(

its funny i was talking to a former instructor of mine about school and how much i hate this class and how we sit around..and hes like... why do they send you there? lol......

thats pretty sad....

uggh... 6 more weeks to go and im free

Specializes in ER, Med-Surg.

We also have a project that is forever long and a huge part of our grade, and class time? Don't get me started...the most boring lecture you could ever have.

However I guess I lucked out because the health department I get sent to lets us do sooooooooooo much stuff and it's a great experience.

Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Flight.
We also have a project that is forever long and a huge part of our grade, and class time? Don't get me started...the most boring lecture you could ever have.

However I guess I lucked out because the health department I get sent to lets us do sooooooooooo much stuff and it's a great experience.


i wouldnt complain if i had hands on at, but we dont so i shall complain til im done lol

I'm the same way. Our instructor was terminated from her job shortly before school started and she was snagged to teach community health. She pretty much isn't good at anything let alone teaching. With that complaint aside, I don't like community health either because the book material is so common sense. That being said, I generally make straight A's, and I have yet to pass a test in this course, lol. I don't get it either because the material is so blatantly obvious! On top of that are the clinicals that are just bizarre. I get there and the staff asks "What can you do," and I think "I can drive away quickly." My standard reply is, "I believe I'm here in just an observational capacity" which gets me out of having to do anything but sit and watch which I prefer. The community assessment project....ah, I still have no clue what to do with that or how to do it. She just says, "it's in the syllabus." Um, no it's not. If it were I'd have read it and know. All that's in there is a grading rubric that doesn't say jack ****. I think it should be online as well.

Specializes in LTC.

I'm in ADN student and we have to do community health rotations as well. I'm sure its' not as intense as what BSN students have to do but I'm not looking forward to it. We have so much busy work, projects and papers to write. Already over it!

ughhhh i hate community! but it's not an easy A where I am, it's a pain in the behind. AND we have 2 HUGE projects, which are really pointless. The good thing is we get to give flu shots to the kiddos at our elementary school, so that's something......honestly, i can't wait for this semester to be done-zo.

Specializes in Critical Care, Emergency Medicine, Flight.

donezo is the goal!

Specializes in LTC, Psych, Hospice.

That class was the biggest waste of my time! Our lecture was online which was nice not having to sit in lectures, but we had to download a workbook full of questions and I would literally spend hours putting all the answers in. Most of it was common sense stuff, but she wanted certain wording (I guess to make sure we were reading). That was only a 2 credit class.

For the lab part, which was 4 credits, we met for 4 hours/week in a small, hot classroom. Our first project was to interview a family There were at least 40 items to address ranging from socio-economic status to health, to how discipline was handled, etc. The paper had to be at least 20 pages (mine ended up being 35) The instructor kept insisting this was what we'd be doing as nurses. Bull hockey! In all my years of nursing, I've never asked even 1/4 of those questions. Many of them were social work issues.

For our second project, we were assigned a local community to research and had to speak w/ different members of the community about their feelings on health care. Thankfully, I was assigned the school nurse. We had to write a care plan for the community. We all combined our info and one student typed up the paper. We shared the grade.

I'm so glad I'm done w/ that class!

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