Boots & curls to an interview: Yay or Nay??

Nurses Job Hunt



I have an interview coming up and I was thinking to maybe wear a skirt with knee-hight boots (Both black in color). Do you guys think it's appropriate or not? Also, what about curly hair? appropriate styling for an interview or not?

Specializes in Ambulatory Surgery, Ophthalmology, Tele.

I am a bit old school and prefer professional/business attire, hair pulled back in a pretty style, modest, clear/light nail polish, light makeup. I have naturally curly hair. I have worn my hair in a french braid in the past. I can't remember how I wore my hair at my last interview, maybe down in the back and a barrette, but a french braid was my usually "interview" hair.

Congrats on the interview. Good luck. Fingers crossed for you. :)

No boots. Curly is fine as long as you're not pushing it out of your face. Think interview, not night at the dance hall.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Ortho, Subacute, Homecare, LTC.

I always wear my hair up to interviews. How short is the skirt? Knee-high boots really don't seem to be appropriate. I usually wear black dress pants, but that's just my 2 cents.

Specializes in Skilled Nursing/Rehab.

I agree - curly hair is fine, as long as it is out of your eyes. You are not working the clinical floor so it shouldn't have to be up. But if you want to wear a skirt, make sure it covers your knees when sitting, and skip the boots - opt for nude or black hose and conservative shoes. If that doesn't sound good to you, go with dress pants. Trendy and cute does not always look professional.

I have wavy hair and I think it is funny that people would consider that unprofessional! It's what God gave me! It's only if it looks unkempt or you have to keep playing with it that hair is an issue (in my opinion.)

Good luck at your interview! Let us know what you decide!

Specializes in med, surg,trauma, triage, research.

Hi proudmom511, I would say definately tie your hair back -in a chic yet contained fashion, if you can't control your hair what hope for patients ? Clothes again, chic, practical and smart - think about the profession you're in and the post you're applying for, good luck

Specializes in Psych ICU, addictions.

Knee-high boots are a definite NO. I'm sure they are very nice boots and that you look great in them, but they do not contribute to a professional least not for a nursing interview.

Curly hair should not be a problem as long as your hair is neat...and you keep from playing/fiddling from it during the interview.

Good luck with the interview.

Specializes in LTC, med/surg, hospice.

Boots no. Curly hair is fine but I would clip it away from my face.

I always wear my hair up to interviews. How short is the skirt? Knee-high boots really don't seem to be appropriate. I usually wear black dress pants, but that's just my 2 cents.

Knee length

Thank you everyone for the great responses! I will definitely go with the professional/business attire. I have a naturally curly hair and it takes a long time to flat iron it..I will pull it back! Thank you all, loved to hear back from my nursing family :)

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.
Thank you everyone for the great responses! I will definitely go with the professional/business attire. I have a naturally curly hair and it takes a long time to flat iron it..I will pull it back! Thank you all, loved to hear back from my nursing family :)
Your hair should be neat and contained....out of your face. I think the boots are Ok. I have worn them with below the knee kind of skirt...but I live in the NE where it's winter.
Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.

Like someone else said, I find it odd that anyone would consider my naturally curly hair to be unprofessional. Personally, I think straight-ironed hair looks bad, it just makes the hair look dry and unhealthy. Just wear your hair back from your face, and make sure it looks neat.

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