Biggest mistake you've made in clinical


What is the biggest mistake you (not a classmate or a rumor) have made in clinical?

I think it was the second or third week of this past clinical rotation (med-surg 1). I had a very confused patient who was extremely concerned with her medications. When they were coming, what they were. Asking repeated questions. I was super glad to know my meds really well! Anyway, I gave her a heparin shot and all her pills, then put on a Nitroglycerin patch, initialing each one as I went along. Then I opened up the Milk of Magnesia concentrate gave it to her and left the room. Didn't initial it, gave the MAR back to the staff RN. When my CI and I were doing our final check, we saw that I hadn't initialed and asked the RN if she gave it-- she did. So we had to fill out an incident report and all. I felt so stupid and horrible. But you can bet your butt I have been an initialing machine since then! Luckily for me it was only MOM and not something that could havce caused significant damage! I pray that will be the biggest mistake I make in NS!!!!

Anyone else care to share?

Specializes in CTICU.

Try searching "med errors" - there have been several threads that I have seen.

Specializes in Urgent Care NP, Emergency Nursing, Camp Nursing.

This thread is a really bad idea.

haha yeah, maybe its best if those who answered graduated or go to a different school or something!

Specializes in Urgent Care NP, Emergency Nursing, Camp Nursing.

Or just don't answer at all - this is a malpractice insurer's nightmare.

Specializes in CTICU.

Don't be ridiculous. First of all, there is nothing identifying. Second, not all mistakes result in harm, which is a required element of malpractice. Threads like these, including "close calls" help others to avoid the same mistake or at least think twice about certain things they may not have considered.

Don't be ridiculous. First of all, there is nothing identifying. Second, not all mistakes result in harm, which is a required element of malpractice. Threads like these, including "close calls" help others to avoid the same mistake or at least think twice about certain things they may not have considered.

Thanks! I just thought it would be fun..... no one appears to agree.

Specializes in Emergency Dept. Trauma. Pediatrics.

I think threads like this are good, as long as no one is identifying themselves or giving identifiable information on the Pt. it should be fine and it does help others to learn from the mistakes and also see they are not alone in making them.

There is a Med. Error thread in General Discussions, but I am not sure I have seen one for students in clinicals. I could be wrong though, it happens LOL

Specializes in LTC.

I don't think this thread is bad. Anyway...

My biggest mistake I made in clinical was when I accidently took home the progress notes. As soon as I noticed ( 7pm and we left at 3pm) I rushed back to the clinical site and gave it back to the nurses. I apologized a thousand times.

Another mistake I made was when I posted my careplan on the student nurse board so that my peers can proof read it... I made a mistake and put the patients last name on it instead of clinicals. Well never the less I got a critical U for violating hippa. I cried my eyes out over that one.

These both happened in my very first nursing course so I've learned my lesson !

Thanks! I just thought it would be fun..... no one appears to agree.

Actually...I think this is a great thread. I am approaching nursing school and i think reading and learning what others have made mistakes on will help me be more attentive in those areas.

Very first week of clinical- took an oral temp with a rectal thermometer- they looked EXACTLY the same but one was RED! It was reading really low so I asked a fellow classmate to take it and she took it with the same one, not realizing it either. The room nurse pointed it out to us! Fessed up to my instructor right away- she didn't freak out, but I felt like an idiot. Thank God for probe covers, but still! GROSS!!

Also, I threw away the TOP of an ampule in the regular trash instead of the sharps container- the nurse I was shadowing made me feel like a real dummy! Live and Learn! Thank God those weren't major! Hope this will help any new students....

In my very first clinical rotation (fundamentals), I was soooo stoked about having a good day without having to be reminded of anything and being totally prepared, I brought my instructor the MAR so that she could sign it before we left off of the unit (she forgot), after she signed it, one of my classmates came out of the lounge where we keep our things with all my stuff. SO I went to help her out and take my things and we started talking and walking off the unit... needless to say I took the MAR with me! I didn't even know until the next day when the RN I worked with the previous day asked me if I'd seen it and I confidently replied NOPE! But just to make sure I kinda looked through my clipboard and saw the dreaded MAR! I could've fainted... but it all worked out! Bet I won't do that again!

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