Best way to job hunt?


I'm just so confused on how to go about this. I've put in a few calls to nurse recruiters at different hospitals, and mostly gotten answering machines, or been told to fill out apps on the website. I cannot even FIGURE OUT St. Joes app website! But have done JCL and Banner with success.

So what should I be doing to get the best success? Apps on websites? Phone calls?

I remember LUANN you had an extern position at Good Sam. I filled out their online form for their nurse extern positions. Is this what you did?

Also, it seems like there are so many job fairs that I saw when I wasn't looking but now the newspapers haven't said anything about job fairs in a few months. ANyone know of any going on?

Specializes in cardiac/education.

Call Banner Human Resources. They do an ongoing "job fair" every second or third Thurs of every month, but do not advertise it. I'll see if I can find anything else out. I know I am going to a Nurse Extern meeting at Banner on March 27. It is specifically for student nurses..

Specializes in Cardiac.

I've called Nurse Managers directly and asked about how they feel about new grads working at their hospital and I also ask when I should apply. I've received 3 job offers this way. I graduate in May, and haven't really decided where to go yet.

Thrash- so how do I find out about their job fair or extern info? Call HR?

CardiacRN-- how does one get in touch with a nurse manager? Would I have to call them on each specific floor they work on?

Thanks a lot guys. I'm really nervous about the job hunt because I always here phx needs nurses, but I'm sure there are so many apps out there, I could get easily overlooked.

Specializes in Cardiac.

I'd call the main number of the hospital that you are interested in and ask for the manager of the tele department, or med-surg department.

I called one hospital and found out that if I waited to apply then the new grad rate would be going up. It was 21.50, and now it's 24. Plus, they will pay for a critical care course, and start me right away in the ICU-not a bad deal...

Specializes in cardiac/education.

I work there Phx girl.

What sort of a position are you looking for? LPN?

Banner holds student nurse luncheons throughout the semester. I'm assuming these are for recruiting....the next dates are 4/11 and 4/13 from 1200-1300 at Banner Baywood.....

Specializes in ICU, Research, Corrections.
I'm just so confused on how to go about this. I've put in a few calls to nurse recruiters at different hospitals, and mostly gotten answering machines, or been told to fill out apps on the website. I cannot even FIGURE OUT St. Joes app website! But have done JCL and Banner with success.

So what should I be doing to get the best success? Apps on websites? Phone calls?

I remember LUANN you had an extern position at Good Sam. I filled out their online form for their nurse extern positions. Is this what you did?

Also, it seems like there are so many job fairs that I saw when I wasn't looking but now the newspapers haven't said anything about job fairs in a few months. ANyone know of any going on?

Hey, this is Lu Ann in my new secret name, LOL. What I did to get the job at Good Sam was fill out the app online for a new grad RN. The very next day the recruiter called me. I was just starting block 4 and had my LPN so she set me up to be an LPN extern. I started within a week.

I was going to stay in that job as a new grad RN - in transplant. The week of Christmas I was questioning that move since I really like ICU better. I looked at job openings online at all the major hospitals. I applied at about 5 different places that had ICU openings whether they wanted a new grad or not. That was on a Sunday I applied online - by Monday morning my phone was ringing.

I ended up accepting a job at the VA in MICU and love it. The VA trains all their nurses for a whopping SIX MONTHS! In addition, you get 26 days of vacation pay a year. There are many percs there!

Now, if you are looking for an LPN job things will be a lot tougher. There aren't many hospitals hiring LPNs. The VA does though. Sadly, for an LPN, you will be limited mostly to long term care places.

Hope this helps you,

Lu Ann

Hi Guys,

My mother is a headhunter (owns her own employment business) and gives me alot of advice all the time about this stuff. In fact, I panic if I can't talk to her about the process because every job I have gotten she has helped me through this confusing process.

First of all, HR's are usually understaffed and have alot of applicants so while applying on a computer is fine, you want to be the applicant they remember so that means you have to perservere. Ok you put your info in on an automated system, Follow that up with a phone call and tell them you will be stopping by at such and such time to drop off a hard copy of your resume, transcript, recommendation, etc (whatever else they want) and make sure you are dressed for the occasion even if you just see the receptionist. Alot of times the receptionist may comment to your recruiter - "She was really nice, I liked her alot". In my case I found out what they wanted, went down there and met briefly with one of them (recruiter) and mentioned I had a hard time fitting 14 years of exp. in their fields on the computer app. This recruiter who I found out was working with mine, helped me with the system on their own computer and I found out they really did not want all that info anyway. This gave me the opportunity to talk with her a little bit("Are you new here", "You work with so and so" "Oh its just the two of you- Oh you must be so busy, etc. etc.) And then there's the handshake prior to meeting them and when you say so long. People never forget the handshake nor do they forget how you present yourself- dress and personality. Be open to any opportunity as a new grad and any shift.

Let them present you with a couple of opptys and go to each interview even if you are not gung ho. Get the interview experience at least and get polished on that. I know that in the past I would get interviews and my mother would be pushing me to go and I wasn't in the least interested. In the end it is nice getting three or four job offers to choose from so you can sit down and look at them objectively and see where you fit best. Helps your ego too to know you are wanted....And NEVER accept a job offer without looking at the whole package in writing. If they want you, they will wait a week while you look it over. Don't be so easy and jump at the first offer you get, make them think about what they are getting. Someone who takes the time to ponder over who they are, what the position entails, how they may fit into that position, etc is highly coveted than someone who accepts at the first offer without knowing exactly what they are getting into......JMO - Heather

Oh, and put in a call every day to see how they are doing in the process. If not email, then call. Don't wait around for them to call you- that's just frustrating and they may just overlook your app. Be gracious and show your intent. Even if you are seen as pushy, you will be the one they remember and the one who they know wants the job. Once you get the offer, then you can relax a little and take your time but not too much. they will usually give you a time frame to make your decision. Good Luck with the Process.................

Specializes in NICU.

If you click on that it shows the dates for the student luncheons throughout the spring.

When I started working in Sept. the starting pay was 20.53. I know other hospitals are higher and some are lower. But I really looked at the WHOLE package .... benefits, paid vacation time, holidays, etc. Some of the hospitals that are paying lower actually have better incentives and benefits, which is better in the long run.

The thing that helped me to decide where to start was just by talking with other people and hearing their experiences with the different hospitals. Also, the orientation length and new grad program was a huge deciding factor, that was really important to me.

Good luck to you, I wish you all the best in your search!!

Hey, this is Lu Ann in my new secret name, LOL. What I did to get the job at Good Sam was fill out the app online for a new grad RN. The very next day the recruiter called me. I was just starting block 4 and had my LPN so she set me up to be an LPN extern. I started within a week.

I spoke with the lady from good sam this morning, and I guess what I have to do is call back when I have my LPN and am within 1 year from graduation. So that should happen within the next 2-3 months but I'm kinda dissapointed because it just means more WAITING!

I'd really love to get a job there, or at maricopa medical ctr, because both places seem like such good places to learn at. I got called back from maricopa this week, and they told me my resume was forwarded on to someone (don't remember who)...again, more waiting. :uhoh3:

Now, if you are looking for an LPN job things will be a lot tougher. There aren't many hospitals hiring LPNs. The VA does though. Sadly, for an LPN, you will be limited mostly to long term care places.

Hope this helps you,

Lu Ann

I heard the VA basically uses LPNs as techs, is this true?

I work there Phx girl.

What sort of a position are you looking for? LPN?

You work there? What do you do?

I called about the student luncheon (it's in my previous post) and now I'm wondering if I should still go. She said she would put me on the rsvp list, but for now since I'm not an LPN it looks like they really can't offer me anything. I'm hoping to get my lpn asap after graduation next month. It can't come soon enough. It just seems like tons of waiting and I really can't get an answer from any hospitals. more like a "call back when you have "xyz" done."

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