Best way to job hunt?


I'm just so confused on how to go about this. I've put in a few calls to nurse recruiters at different hospitals, and mostly gotten answering machines, or been told to fill out apps on the website. I cannot even FIGURE OUT St. Joes app website! But have done JCL and Banner with success.

So what should I be doing to get the best success? Apps on websites? Phone calls?

I remember LUANN you had an extern position at Good Sam. I filled out their online form for their nurse extern positions. Is this what you did?

Also, it seems like there are so many job fairs that I saw when I wasn't looking but now the newspapers haven't said anything about job fairs in a few months. ANyone know of any going on?

Specializes in NICU.
I'd really love to get a job there, or at maricopa medical ctr, because both places seem like such good places to learn at. I got called back from maricopa this week, and they told me my resume was forwarded on to someone (don't remember who)...again, more waiting. :uhoh3:

What area are you wanting to work in? I worked at MMC and thought it was a great place to work, the people there are awesome to work with! Yes, definitely a good place to learn a lot and see a lot.

What area are you wanting to work in? I worked at MMC and thought it was a great place to work, the people there are awesome to work with! Yes, definitely a good place to learn a lot and see a lot.

I'm not even picky! I'd work anywhere, med/surg, telemetry, ortho, ANYWHERE! I just want to get in the door, kwim?

I got a call from the St. Joes lady today and they scheduled me for an interview for their extern program. THey seem to be the only place that will take an extern if they've completed block 1, and since I'm close to done with block 2, I would be eligible there.

Anyone heard of anything about St. Joes, or their extern program?

The lady told me to bring two letters of recommendation from instructors. Seems easy enough but I feel so stupid even asking. Because I'm the type of person who hates to ask someone to go out of their way for me. I get good grades and have no absences, so all my instructors know I'm a serious student, I just hope they would be willing to give me a letter! Because otherwise, I don't think I'll be able to show up for that interview.

Oh gosh, so much to worry about. :uhoh3:

Specializes in NICU.
I'm not even picky! I'd work anywhere, med/surg, telemetry, ortho, ANYWHERE! I just want to get in the door, kwim?

I got a call from the St. Joes lady today and they scheduled me for an interview for their extern program. THey seem to be the only place that will take an extern if they've completed block 1, and since I'm close to done with block 2, I would be eligible there.

Anyone heard of anything about St. Joes, or their extern program?

The lady told me to bring two letters of recommendation from instructors. Seems easy enough but I feel so stupid even asking. Because I'm the type of person who hates to ask someone to go out of their way for me. I get good grades and have no absences, so all my instructors know I'm a serious student, I just hope they would be willing to give me a letter! Because otherwise, I don't think I'll be able to show up for that interview.

Oh gosh, so much to worry about. :uhoh3:

I've heard nothing but GREAT things about St. Joes' orientation program. It's probably one of the best in the valley. Everyone that I've talked to that's worked there (staff, travelers, registry, etc) say they really like it there.

Don't feel stupid about asking your instructors for a letter of recommendation. They're used to writing letters for students. Our instructors were very nice about it .... told us just to let them know when we needed a letter and they'd be more than happy to write us one. They will be more than willing to give you a letter!

Good luck at your interview! Let us know how it goes.

Specializes in ICU, Research, Corrections.

I heard the VA basically uses LPNs as techs, is this true?

Nope, the LPNs mostly administer all the meds except IV pushes. The CNAs can do a lot at the VA, so no, you are not treated as a tech. If anything, you will have a greater scope of practice at the VA as opposed to anywhere else!

The best thing I can say to do is go on the internet find the job you like and then call the recruiter, I will be moving back to tucson in june and I already have had interviews or offers from St. Joes, TMC, UMC and the VA.

When I was in real estate, I was getting certified for new homes (Hyland Bay Training) and one of the things I remember is that the industry is not only a "good ol boy" network in most cases, but that it's EXTREMELY competitive.

The one thing the teacher mentioned seemed to work well? Send a certified mail with your resume! As they have to sign for it, if you can get a name, you're guaranteed a good look at your papers.

For what this is worth, seems like it could help :)

For anyone here that's been hired while still in ADN school, would you mind giving an *idea* as to what the pay was? I'm in another industry currently and as I get closer, it'd be wonderful to know if starting work pre-grad would still allow me to feed the kids :)

Hope that helped!

What area are you wanting to work in? I worked at MMC and thought it was a great place to work, the people there are awesome to work with! Yes, definitely a good place to learn a lot and see a lot.

I did my interview at MMC last week and it went really well. It was on 42, the med/surg trauma floor. I thought the area seemed really interesting and the nurse manager was very nice. I'm still waiting to hear back. She told me yesterday she did have a number of applicants and also it really seems like they need night shift nurses, but I'm just so hesitant to take a night shift, I am a morning person whose usually in bed by 8 or 9. :o I think if I would have been up to taking a night shift they would have hired me on the spot. And I can't work in detention because I'm not IV certified (new grad LPN after next week). So i'm kind of depressed about it because this the job I'd really want but so many applicants and their need is for nights. :o

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