Bergen Community College Nursing Evening 2015

U.S.A. New Jersey


Hey everyone, I know its early but I was just wondering who was going to apply for the 2015 Evening Nursing program. I have attempted to apply for the 2014 day program but was denied due to the fact that my "Chemistry" prerequisite class was unacceptable. Anyways, I was hoping we could all help each other out when the time comes.


I registered with professor (MODERATOR EDIT OF NAME) as well. Hmmm, maybe it is doable with all the nursing classes as well.

Don't overload yourself. NUR 181,182,183 are not a walk in a park. Micro entails a lot of work as well. I would take those three classes first and then include micro some where along the way. Nursing is a new language.

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.

Please do not post names of those in your program per TOS:

Please do not give out personal identifying information about yourself or others. Do not name names where anyone could identify any person in any facility including your nursing programs or place of employment.

doesnt the day program have micro along with all of those classes anyways?

Not along with those three classes.

Ahh i see. Maybe I should just take it during the summer

I'm in that professor's Micro class this semester and it really isn't bad. You don't need to buy the book and he provides you with handouts. He then writes most of the handout notes on the white board for you to copy and during lab he always does a demo of everything. As long as you actually go to class you will do fine and during review he usually goes over what to study and how many questions from each chapter will be on the test.

Ahh i see, hmm maybe i should take it. Im at a dilemma.

Btw, anyone know when were supposed to find out if we got accepted or not?

I'm hoping this week or the next.. Checking Webadvisor all day every day, lol.

Go to web advisor and click on "web advisor for perspective students", "admission status" and next to academic program for nurse, it will say "admitted", I just checked mine and it still says "Ready to test". Does anyone else's say the same thing? Just wondering.

Yea, still says "Ready to test"..

yup same for me. From what the other evening classes i checked, it took about two weeks from the last day of testing.

So from that assumption, I think we should know the 28th unless thanksgiving is gonna get in the way...

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