Being depressed


So I'm about to get done with my application and I'm starting to get really depressed.

2 years seems like such a long time!!!

BTW I already have a BA And it took me forever to get.

I just feel like life keeps hitting the restart button on me :(

"life" is not hitting a restart button on you. You have an either do it or you do not. Makes no difference to anyone but you. Were you expecting nursing school to be shorter for you than for everyone else? It is what it is. You either do it or you don't. You seem to "want" a lot of things, but wanting and doing are two separate items. Step 1. Stop whining about how bad your life is and how "life" is so bad to you. I have cared for 18 year old blown up soldiers with no legs who NEVER complain. No one is going to hand you anything. You want to be a nurse? Talk more. The instant gratification of society is mind boggling to me. I don't care what you do just stop whining.

I have had a very hard life. If I had family/friends that could help me I would be asking them and not a public forum.

I will continue asking, I will continue to aspire to be more than I am today, hence my screen name "Upward_Bound".

And to address your comment about instant gratification this is not it. I have an AA, BA several certs etc. I have been in school over 7 years full time (including summer) and now finished another year (pre nursing), 6 months of waiting to be accepted, then 2 years of study.

How you consider that instant gratification or whining is beyond me.

Specializes in Prior military RN/current ICU RN..

You stated (not me) that you were depressed because school it 2 years long. What do you want then? 1 year 364 days? Would that make you not depressed? You are the one saying this ridiculus stuff not me. If you have been in school 7 years and you don't have your BSN then I don't know what to tell you. It took my classmates and I four years. Who knows....I would probably be bummed if I was in school for 7 years and still didn't have my BSN. We all have hard lives. I was kicked out at age 16. Joined the military to get the GI bill and went back to school. Hard life, easy life...doesn't matter...we all have the same requirements to be a nurse. do it or don't do it. Makes no difference to anyone but you.

You stated (not me) that you were depressed because school it 2 years long. What do you want then? 1 year 364 days? Would that make you not depressed? You are the one saying this ridiculus stuff not me. If you have been in school 7 years and you don't have your BSN then I don't know what to tell you. It took my classmates and I four years. Who knows....I would probably be bummed if I was in school for 7 years and still didn't have my BSN. We all have hard lives. I was kicked out at age 16. Joined the military to get the GI bill and went back to school. Hard life, easy life...doesn't matter...we all have the same requirements to be a nurse. do it or don't do it. Makes no difference to anyone but you.

My degree is in a non scientific field. Plus my credits are old so I had to retake everything including a placement test for math.

I don't care if you don't care about me. If that's the most important information you have to relay then stop posting on my questions and find causes you deem to be worthy of your inconsiderate time.

I was/am in the same boat. I had to wait a year after getting my BA after I moved for in state tuition because I could not afford out of state. Then I had two semesters to do my prereq science classes (of which I'm about to start semester 2).

It gets better when you get started. At least then you are actively progressing towards your goal.

It's never too late to go back to school. There are people in their mid-late 40s who go back to school for nursing. Give yourself a break :)

Hey Up .. I agree with Windsurfer that if I was in school 7 or more years and still didn't have the degree I wanted and needed, and it would take me 2 more years for a BSN, I would feel down too.

It reminded me of this meme I saw



You probably know that the more you dwell on regretting decisions you made or whatever or it taking so long, that you're taking the focus away from what you need to do Today to get through nursing school and move on so I have faith in you, can't wait to read posts from you in the future about your success in school and becoming a nurse.

Once you actually begin nursing school, the time really will fly. I will be finishing my 15 month program in March; looking back on the past year, I can hardly believe how fast this is going. Also, It's going to feel like time is moving at the speed of smell during the moment, but it's not. This will be worth it!

Specializes in Critical Care, Education.

24 months from now, you'll still be 2 years older..... whether you have achieved your academic goals will depend entirely on what you do with that time.

You should be happy!!!! Cheer up. You are in an excellent position. Your starting the year off great applying to your program, and you already have a BA!!! Look at me I have 3 prerequisites left AP2, Miro, and Math(college algebra). Plus studying for and taking the Teas V. Plus I told all my family and friends I would start my program next semester in August. If I fail a course or don't pass the Teas V I'm screwed:woot:. To top it off the last day of classes/ finals end on my birthday:no: So either my birthday will be awesome and I will get to apply to my nursing program or I will flop and my birthday will suck. I will have to retake a class or classes or Teas V again and embarrass myself in front of my entire family, friends, and church!:nailbiting: You don't have it that bad you are applying CONGRATULATIONS!!!!

You should read this book How to Succeed in Nursing School by Caroline Porter Thomas. She is an RN. She also has a YouTube channel called EmpoweRN. She is very encouraging. The book is $12 on amazon. Good Luck To You!:)

I started with a non-science major, hospitality management, in fact... I also don't have family close by because the military moved our family across the country. I also have a 4 year old son. It has taken me two years take the pre-reqs because I could only take 1-2 classes per semester since I couldn't afford a lot of childcare while I was in school. It is what it is. I'll get to my destination one way or another and you will too

I understand where you are coming from and I am in a similar boat. I'm in my last semester for my first degree in another field (elementary education). While I wish sometimes that I went directly into pursuing nursing... I do not regret the time and commitment that I have put into this degree. I can honestly say that this first degree taught me how to be a better student and if anything has prepared me to succeed in nursing school (hopefully, lol!). If nursing is really something you want, you will find a way and put the excuses behind you. I don't mean to sound harsh, but it's what I had to do too. My best advice to you is to be patient and keep moving forward. Best of luck to you.

Most everyone nowadays has some hurdle either applying to nursing school or staying in nursing school. I work in a hospital affiliated with a large medical school. If you are feeling tepid and discouraged about nursing school, there is no way you will make it through medical school. I don't say that to be harsh, but there just isn't. Medical school is not "hard" nursing, it is a completely different beast. At this point, keep plugging along if nursing is what you want. Who cares how long it will take? As others have pointed out, that time passes no matter what. I was downsized out of jobs for two years in a row when I went back to school for nursing. I commuted to school, worked 3 -11 in a hospital to get a foot in, worked at an urgent care center when I couldn't get enough hospital hours...etc etc, now working nights and 7 months into being a nurse. Nothing about it will be easy and don't feel discouraged about already having a BA. Use that to pump yourself up. You can look it as a positive and say "I know school, I know how to study, I can do this."

Now, if you are not truly up for studying the next two years and nursing school and you want to just use your BA and work there is also nothing wrong with that! Life is all about sacrifices and trade-offs. I LOVED my first career, however I was not able to get steady work in it and made the difficult choice to pursue nursing as I already had some CNA experience. Nursing is a passion for me but it is not my first love so to say. For me the trade off was turning what was once my job into just a side hobby and working in healthcare as at least I can work full-time now and not live in fear of being laid off. So I had to press restart too. Hey at least it is a choice for you. Others get forced into it. None of us can know the answer for you. You have to decide where your trade-offs and sacrifices will be. I love my job as a nurse, so for me, it was well worth it.

Two years is pretty short when you're in the program. Keep your eye on the prize. The time will pass anyways so as long as you continually work towards your goals, that's what matters the most.

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