Hello all. I am an RN and one of my elderly pts that I've been caring for is soon to discharge home after several months of hospitalization. I've gotten to know her and her family very well. She will be discharged home with her also elderly husband and she has a large pressure wound on her buttocks with a wound VAC. I'm the main one that does her dressing changes at the hospital, because it causes her so much pain. This wound is FINALLY getting better, but we constantly battle keeping suction on the machine due to location. The patient is very worried she won't get good care at home or won't be able to fix the VAC when there is a leak. Her family has offered to pay me to come do her wound care at home. Is this ok? We have CNAs that sit for patients after discharge. Normally I wouldn't even give this request any consideration, but I do worry about her wound; and wouldn't want to see her have a set back after finally moving the right direction.... Has anyone done home care for a patient once discharged?