Published Feb 24, 2011
1 Post
Do any of your nicu's use them and post them at the bedside for code drug calculations? For example, you put in the pt's weight and all the calculations are done. If so, what program do they use make them? Thanks.
16 Posts
We have them at every bedside usually hanging on the monitor, ours are made with an Excel spreadsheet somebody put together.
RainDreamer, BSN, RN
3,571 Posts
Yes, each baby has a code sheet taped to their bed. The HUCS print these out for us in RCO.
umcRN, BSN, RN
867 Posts
YES! We use them and they are part of our daily "safety check" the sheet is updated each week when the med calc weight is updated. Not sure of the program, its something we get through our hospitals intranet
NicuGal, MSN, RN
2,743 Posts
Our monitors have a program on them that calculates them, and we can print them when we go off the unit. We update it every monday unless there is a big change in weight.
TiffyRN, BSN, PhD
2,315 Posts
The sheets are filled in by hand on admission with two nurses signing them off. From then on, they are updated each Monday by one of our pharmacists, signed by them and co-signed by an RN. The ones done by the pharmacists are done on some program, but I don't know which one. One is supposed to check for the presence of this sheet at the beginning of each shift.
306 Posts
I'm not sure what the name of the program is but it comes up on interenet explorer and we add in the wt, name, DOB and update it every week. The print out is on bright orange paper and in the back of the chart, always easy to find.
meconium happens
4 Posts
we use NeoHal, and the printout is kept in the front of the pt's chart. We check them each night when we weigh and make new ones if there is a big change (+ or - 30%). We also have a notebook on the code cart with standard doses by weight, tabbed sheets for each weight, I think it goes by 100gm increases. This comes in handy for new admits, missing code sheets, or code sheets that have not been updated or were updated inappropriately (i.e. when dry weight is being used)
BabyLady, BSN, RN
2,300 Posts
We have a program that automatically calculates these...I have no idea of what program it is.
We update this daily and they are updated whenever the infant's weight changes by 100g or more, up or down.
NeoNurseTX, RN
1,803 Posts
Most don't but there is a program called Neonatal Dosage done by our PharmD that we can print them out from. However every crash cart has a laminated one with various weights.
Bortaz, MSN, RN
2,628 Posts
Same here. One on the bed and one in the chart.