Baylor BSN 2014 Spring Applicants

U.S.A. Texas


I was just wondering if there is anyone else applying for the 2014 spring program. It's my first time applying to a nursing school so I'm excited! My HESI is overall average 86% (not that great) and overall gpa 3.7, also I'd be considered a transfer student. Hope to hear from ya'll!

Thank you bstillo :) And yeah! Transfers must have got emails because I checked my email like crazy when I realized that you guys all got notified already. So when I got the letter I thought that it must have been a rejection letter since it wasn't an email! :nailbiting: Thank God it wasn't! Lol. And yeah, I've seen the area too. It would be great if I could find a cheaper apartment that is just as close, but it definitely does look more run down the farther it gets from the hospital. So hopefully, Baylor gives me enough money for the Marquis.

And actually bstillo, (and hopefully I'm not wrong) I think it's to your benefit that you are coming in as a transfer..because your overall Baylor GPA isn't tainted yet. When I came into Baylor as a freshman, the school practically paid my way..and we are talking like around 40,000 dollars a semester. They gave me a lot of grants and some loans and I was covered. But as the years went on, they weren't giving me as much because my GPA wasn't as high as it needed to be. So now I'm like busting my butt to get my grades up so that they give me more money.

But in spite of all of that, YES. I think Baylor is definitely worth the money! The campus is extraordinary beautiful and they were so many ridiculous benefits that Baylor students got just for going there. And as for Louise Herrington, I went on a tour of the school last year and it was amazing!!! I remember the guide took me to really cool areas where students hang out and study..and I also remember being taken to this classroom set up like a hospital room and where they had robotic patients in beds. It was all just really cool. Not to mention the awesome high tech hospital right next door that we get to do our clinicals at. My mom went on the tour with me and she is a nurse and she kept talking about how much she wish she has the opportunity to get her BSN at Baylor. She became an RN through the DCCCD so she has an associate's degree, but she said that the Baylor name has such a great reputation in the medical field in the DFW area. So jobs are more likely to open up to us faster just because we are nurses affiliated with that name. And man I hope she is right because it would make all the money that we spent to attend the school worth it if we land a solid job after we graduate.

Well Im glad to hear that! Especially with the amount of money going in to the school, I couldn't help but wonder. Do you Baylorlove07, or anyone else, know Louise Herrington's attrition or retention rate? Out of curiosity or the number of students that get accepted into the spring or fall program?

Hello Everyone!!!! My name is Ana Lucia, I also got accepted into Baylor!! yeeeii! I am soooooo excited but SOOOOOO worried about the tuition $$$ (just like a lot of you). I hope that I get some baylor bling too :). I have created a group on facebook for all of us that start the program Spring 2014 and anyone else who wants to join. The group is called Baylor BSN - Spring 2014. Please bare with me because I am not sure how to manage a group on facebook. Can't wait to meet ya'll!!

Let me know if a FB group has already been created - I checked but could not find one.

ok… don't BARE with me (we've just kinda met) but do bear with me :)

I think that there might already be a group with that name----it is for the nursing students that are graduating spring 2014

Hi Ana Lucia, welcome and congrats on your acceptance! I wanted to create a fb page but wasn't really sure what year we are supposed to graduate or the students that will for sure get into the programs after the provisional acceptance is evaluated (you never know). I just started my two online summer classes and it is alot of busy work. :bookworm: But I'll get through it.

Has anyone heard from the lady that is supposed to contact us to do the FBI background check through the TX BON?

Ooooops! Any suggestions on what name to change it to? I guess we would be graduating December 2015? :down:

Thanks xx3christie and bstillo! and congratulations to you too!! I have to work on my pending courses as well - I have to take the bible based class.

I have not heard from the background check lady either but I am sure we will soon :)...

Has anyone taken spanish online through dcccc? I cant find a decent teacher and am a little worried!

Analulu, gotcha! I wouldn't know what to name it...? I the school has such a long name lol

Christie, I am taking a spanish online class at the moment but had no idea who to take either. It seems that all the teachers are almost about the same from what I've read. Since its a 4 hr credit class they all require alot of busy work. And by the time I started looking at teachers it seemed that all the good ones were taken =/

I ended up taking an online class from Northlake College and for the fall I have a lecture class at Richland. Which one do you need to take ? 1411 or 1412?

BStillo, I actually still have to take spanish 1 and 2. I'm planning on taking them during flex terms this fall so spanish 1 goes from aug-oct and spanish 2 goes from oct-dec! I figured it was an easy way to break up the class but yes I've heard it was a ton of busy work. Can I ask who your taking it with right now?

I sent you a private message Christie! Not sure if we can mention Professor names :sarcastic:

For everyone else, I had a meeting with the financial aid advisor and he said he thinks there has been about 75 students accepted for the spring! I did ask about the attrition/retention rate for the school and he said that Baylor calculates that as a whole. So there wouldn't be info for the nursing school alone. But he did say that the max he has seen drop out of nursing school would be about 5 students but has also seen semesters where all students make it. So that made me feel a little better. The first semester will be the hardest but so worth it afterall is said and done! Ah, still excited about it!! :x3:

I sent you a private message Christie! Not sure if we can mention Professor names :sarcastic:

For everyone else, I had a meeting with the financial aid advisor and he said he thinks there has been about 75 students accepted for the spring! I did ask about the attrition/retention rate for the school and he said that Baylor calculates that as a whole. So there wouldn't be info for the nursing school alone. But he did say that the max he has seen drop out of nursing school would be about 5 students but has also seen semesters where all students make it. So that made me feel a little better. The first semester will be the hardest but so worth it afterall is said and done! Ah, still excited about it!! :x3:

Good to know! At the info. session, they did touch on that and said it's usually something personal that prevents them from continuing with the program. They seem to be determined to do everything they can to help you make it through the program. They mentioned lots of resources, even connecting you with people that have graduated. Did he help you figure out any financial aid stuff yet? I wasn't sure if it was too early to meet with him but I did my FASFA as soon as I found out I was accepted.

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