Battle with Myself


Specializes in School Nursing.

Is it just me, or do you all sometimes feel like the ******-est person in the school ?

I mean, teachers want me to be their puppet. Parents are never pleased with my medical decisions, and students try to "jack" me all the time with fake illness and injury.

I have been doing this a long time now, and to be bull-$h*t-O-meter is quite acute and usually right on point with most of these kids.

Anyone else always feel like you are second guessed by non-medical people a lot ?

Tired, fed-up and overwhelmed !

Thanks for your support !

Yes. This is why I don't care for most teachers. Just because one is educated in Social Studies does not mean one is educated in vaccines.

My school has a lot of anti vaxx teachers. Dingbats and Meatheads.

Specializes in Pediatrics Retired.

Yes I do but my alternative is to go back to nights, holidays, and weekends, 12 hour shifts, working year round, and putting up with the same admin I continue on with school, try to ignore the chaff and recognize the significant.

I feel the same way a lot of days!! Only another school nurse understands how tough this job can be. I think staff, parents, students envision us just sitting here eating bon-bons waiting for a paper cut to happen. When I get really frustrated, I picture all of that vacation time and it helps to reel me in.

You just can't fix stupid no matter how hard you try!!!

I'm sorry you're having a rough time right now. I get where you're coming from. The kids who are faking are probably my biggest issues because I'm super bad at calling out BS even if I know it's the case.

I hope today is a little better for you!

Specializes in School nursing.

((hugs)) Praiser.

I read this with my own :banghead: guardian email this morning. Couldn't reach a parent, called next contact to pick a student up after continued reported stomach pain (refusing to use bathroom, return visit to office), looking very uncomfortable. Only so much you can do sometimes, right? Had to teach the next 2 periods, so left student in main office waiting for pick-up. Said next contact emailed me wanting to know policy, stating student was "fine" and stating this contact was furious. (Where is the poop emoji when you need it?)

You cannot win at this job some days. Luckily, it was balanced with another student leaving me a lovely thank you note in my mailbox earlier in the day :).

You cannot win at this job some days.

Unfortunately this is true more days than it's not. Sorry!

Yes I do but my alternative is to go back to nights, holidays, and weekends, 12 hour shifts, working year round, and putting up with the same admin I continue on with school, try to ignore the chaff and recognize the significant.

THIS!! Plus most of my teachers are great and all of my administrators!

Sometimes I feel so unappreciated and then this weekend I met this woman who happened to be a high school teacher and she told me school nurses rock and they are her favorite people.

Gave me a boost of confidence.

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