Baton Rouge Community College Spring 18

Nursing Students School Programs


This is a forum for students planning to apply to BRCC in Spring 18' for acceptance into the Fall 18' or Spring 19' semester. I'm just looking to get to know fellow prospects and/or future classmates. Anyone that wants to discuss comments/concerns about BRCC's Nursing Program.

I got mine June 19th.

Oh you should black out your name for privacy

And thanks again!

Hey girl, what was your Hesi score and GPA of you dont mind me asking?

My applying gpa for the 5 courses 3.5 with a HESI score 86%

Hey littlebit_ you seem to have a lot of knowledge on this program. So I have already turned in my application and scheduled to take the HESI in march. I'm applying with a 3.55 GPA and I have a bachelors degree I earned last year in a health related field. I'm also currently licenced and working in a healthcare related field, an ER. I started studying for the HESI recently and have taken practice test, and if all goes well I hope to score in the high 80's to low 90's. The only problem is I didn't take any of my prereqs at BRCC. Do you think I still stand a good chance at getting in with my stats?

Thanks! :)

That's because I'm in the program lol.

& personally I think everyone on here seems to be in good standing BUT that's hard to say because the stats go off of applicants. The higher the highest applying GPA the more competitive. I was accepted in MY ROUND with a 3.5 & 86 on the HESI. It just depends on the group applying

Yea but it's also worth mentioning that you got waitlisted originally and got in after people rescinded their offers right?

That means that 3.5 GPA may still not be competitive enough for this application pool considering they generally only accept around 60 students a year?

I was second on the waitlist lol. But that doesn't really matter when you're talking GPA. There's people in the program with me that had lower than me. So many people ended up rejecting, or got kicked out before the semester started. You either reject or get kicked out. People got kicked out in less than a week after letters were sent & yeah I mentioned in a previous comment that it depends on the applying class's GPA range. It also depends on who went to school at brcc and who didn't. There was an applicant that had a 4.0 & a 96% on HESI that didn't get in apparently. There's a lot of things that play into it.

& there's no generally. They only accept 60. & as people get kicked out or reject they go down the list.

Right, but you're not disclosing all the information when you say I got accepted with a 3.5 GPA.

And I'm not picking on you for it. I think if you're going to help us by providing information, it makes sense to be as transparent as possible so that everyone can have the most realistic expectations about their standing as a competitive applicant. If you got in because you were second on waitlist, that's still great because it means that despite only accepting 60 students a year, there people who decline their spots and allow entrance for people who were waitlisted, people who are within 5 of the first waitlisted can realistically still expect to get within the program.

And I think you should elaborate more on people getting kicked within the first week if possible.

Is this because they failed to submit appropriate documents, or GPA requirement during final semester wasn't met, or what? And if people are kicked during the first week, were those spots given to other people or not because the semester had already started by then?

Okay but there is no realistic expectation because it's never the same. So a 3.5 might be out the ballpark great for 2018 applying class, or it might be not so good. You can't go off of a previous classes GPA ranges. And I mentioned the wait list previously also. Just not that I was waitlisted because that's not a promise. So why get anyone's hopes up.

And no. People got kicked out because they didn't turn things in within 24 hours.

GPA is finalized by the time letters are sent out.

Doesn't really matter if I was waitlisted. Everyone is where i was last year. Trying to get in. You can't use a previous years applicant group as an example. And they will tell you that. Because it's never th same. So me being waitlisted with a 3.5 & 86% might not be the case for y'all. So why use it as an example. Especially when they look at more than GPA & HESI score. I was just lucky enough to get accepted. Because the "list" isn't a promise. And it doesn't really exist. There's no wait about it. They have until the end of June to send out letters to those hoping someone rejects or gets kicked out.

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