Baton Rouge Community College Spring 18

Nursing Students School Programs


This is a forum for students planning to apply to BRCC in Spring 18' for acceptance into the Fall 18' or Spring 19' semester. I'm just looking to get to know fellow prospects and/or future classmates. Anyone that wants to discuss comments/concerns about BRCC's Nursing Program.

If that's the case, why even bother telling everyone that you got accepted with a 3.5 GPA and a 86 HESI. You should just start off by saying someone with a 4.0 GPA didn't get in in my group. But again, that wouldn't matter because you can't use a pervious year's applicant group as an example.

However, knowing that information helps establish a BASELINE of where to place yourself potentially as an applicant.

If over 350 people applied and only 60 people got accepted, it's worth stating that this is a pretty competitive program and for some programs, even a 3.5 is not competitive enough. BUT AGAIN, knowing all the information helps because then people can make more informed decisions about the program and for themselves.

I'm done talking about this.

Someone bring me some sunglasses! í ½í¸Ž No, in all reality you have to get used to this program not being what you expected in anyway, so it's better to just start expecting that now. We can throw around numbers and scores and classes, but at the end of the day, we don't know where the highest is and where the lowest is. Just work as hard as you can to get the best score on your HESI, and pray to whomever you pray to. And lilbit, you have more knowledge and organization than I do in my life love. It's just a number game.

Being that a girl in my class got in with a 3.4 id day a 3.5 is competitive enough. But like I said. The range is never the same & you can't use gpa as an example. I mentioned my gpa because someone ASKED me what my gpa & score was. THATS why it was mentioned. All I stated was that I could help people with questions and concerns. I just don't understand why you're being so bitter about it. Especially after I've given multiple examples of people getting in and not getting in with certain gpas, proving that it's not really about gpa at all. And you're still being bitter about me having a 3.5 and being waitlisted. I'm not bitter about the people with a lower gpa than me that got in. I'm happy for everyone because I know everyone deserves it.

You seem to not understand where my frustration comes from all this.

There is nothing wrong with being waitlisted. In fact, I'm happy that you got into the program you wanted. And I'm excited that you're on your path to being a neonatal nurse.

The only thing I said, was that if you're going to post your GPA and HESI, you need to state where in the application cycle you actually were. Like you said, GPA and HESI scores are just a fraction of a part of the application that they look at when determining acceptance. AGAIN, like I iterated earlier, while we cannot accurate use your stats as an previous applicant to determine whether or not someone else would get accepted, we can still use that information as a BASELINE to establish how strong an applicant may be. You're not being genuine when you say, I had a 3.5 and 86 HESI when you got waitlisted and then got an offer. Because waitlisting itself has so many variables behind it.

I am not trying to put you down for this, it's just that I and I'm sure many others, love and want as much transparency as possible regarding previous applicant stats, acceptance status and conditions because the program itself does not seem to release that kind of information. And even you admitted this when you stated that you didn't find out until after school started how many people applied.

So, sorry if you think I'm being bitter about you being waitlisted and going around telling people you got accepted. That's not what I'm frustrated about.

It's that you're misinformation people and setting improper expectations. And yes, I do appreciate all your effort in answering questions because you answered several of my own questions.

Good luck to all of you that are applying. I was accepted on the first round and I had a 3.3 GPA with a 94% on Hesi. Yes, a lot of things factor into their decision....however, as I mentioned before...Hesi weighs heavily on deciding factors. If one can pass Hesi with a high score, then the chance of them passing the NCLEX is higher. The greater the NCLEX pass rate....the better it is for the nursing dept in more ways than one. They also weigh in previous exposure/experience in the medical field.

Thank you lol. Finally someone explaining the same thing in a different perspective.

Geesh reading these comments makes me nervous. I'll be applying with only a 3.0:|. However I'm already an LPN and I took all of my pre-req at BRCC. Now just studying for Hesi while taking A&P 2

Bgirl06, I was a Lpn of 8 years when I applied :). I took the generic track instead of the Lpn to Rn because I needed some refreshing. Just be sure to study for Hesi, especially ratio and proportions. If you score above a 90, you shouldn't have a problem getting in the first round. Medical field applicants have an advantage.....observe the application...Lsbne doesn't ask for the licenses/certifications of other healthcare professionals besides Lpns....that's for the nursing dept purpose;). Most of the students in my class on the first day were either lpns, cnas, ma's, or emt. Maybe 5-10 didn't have any exposure to healthcare field....but again, that was my class...

It's okay to be nervous!!! Just study hard & do as good as you possibly can on the test! Get some good rest and eat a good, but light breakfast! Pace yourself & don't over think things! I took my worst subjects first then my best. TIME MANAGMENT is always key. Do what works for you. If you're studying the book, you'll do just fine!

Thanks so much for your reply...I'll keep that in mind

I am also applying Spring 18'. I'm currently taking English 101, History I and Developmental Psych. I have all classes at BRCC except A&P. If I get an A in History and English I will be applying with a 3.76 GPA. My HESI is scheduled for March 15th at 1:00-4:30??? I'm extremely nervous for the HESI, I have 38 days left till the test and I just started studying. My weak areas are Math and Grammar. I'll be making note cards for the vocabulary and biology sections. Good Luck everyone and hope to meet y'all in nursing school! :)

You should be good...It shouldn't be so bad If you're just weak in two subjects. Good Luck:) I take mine on the 26th.

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