Published Aug 20, 2010
10 Posts
what size bandage scissors do you use.... i bought 3.5" scissors but I'm scared that they are too small....
44 Posts
Get bigger ones if you think they are too small. They should fit your hand and be comfortable to use. I doubt your school has any guidelines on which bandage scissors to buy.
Good luck!
169 Posts
i agree. i know our school doesn't care what bandage scissors, stethoscope, or watch we use as long as we have them.
oh and also, always remember to bring those bandage scissors to clinical lol at first we never used them but its always the ONE day you forget to bring them that you need them. :-p
35 Posts
Our school told us to get 5.5". Maybe just get a bigger size and return the one that you don't end up using or just keep both since they are cheap. Mine cost only $5
240 Posts
i dont think these would be necessary, if you need them the unit should have them. showing up to clinical with scissors just makes you look more like a student.
Hospice Nurse LPN, BSN, RN
1,472 Posts
You never know when you are going to need them. I'm been an LPN a long time and carry scissors in my pocket EVERY day.
azhiker96, BSN, RN
1,130 Posts
I carry a pair of SS bandage scissors all the time. I prefer to cut coban instead of tearing it and they fit well in my scrub pocket along with a pair of hemostats for loosening stubborn connectors.
20 Posts
My bandage scissors came in a package with my BP cuff, stethoscope, penlight, measuring tape, and pen. We ordered this pack when we were being fitted for our uniforms. I think mine are 5.5". We were also told to bring them to our clinicals. I haven't used mine yet. I plan on bringing them to my Adult 2 clinical this semester just in case though.
Nurse Connie
244 Posts
We didn't need them in our first semester. But this semester, our professor wanted us to have them along with a pen light. Wouldn't you know, today in clinical, she asked me if I had them! I just ordered a apir of 4 1/2" from Amazon!
That Guy, BSN, RN, EMT-B
3,421 Posts
Sorry but i disagree. I think every nurse needs to carry a pair of scissors. You literally never know when they will come in handy. Kinda like Hemostats, they can be used for tons of things.
162 Posts
I agree. carry them. You never know when you will need them. Just go to a EMS website and buy 1 or 2.