Published Nov 20, 2005
158 Posts
My LTC facility has just recently been comandeered by the devil himeslef actually just a guy who only has business experience and not a shred of nursing. The guy supplies us with "excatly" the right amount of incontinent products for each shift, basically if someone gets the craps it is all over litterally, also we can only change the residents once at the start of the shift so that we aren't using too much products there was onlyone box of gloves on our care cart today size large. also we have to wear these stupid name tags that have really sharp edges and can actually cause cuts.
30 Posts
Wow, he just may be the devil. I say get out, the grass is always greener!!
FranEMTnurse, CNA, LPN, EMT-I
3,619 Posts
Is there someone above him? If so, I would suggest you go to that person and tell that person what he's doing. If that doesn't work, then I would start looking for another job. Nobody can do that and be following the Jhacco regulations. Remember, the residents have rights too, and one of them is the right to be clean. I also think the residents families should be notified, unless he is the administrator. He should be reported to the state BON anyway. They'll investigate
nursej22, MSN, RN
4,617 Posts
I once worked in LTC for someone very similiar. Some of his cost-cutting measures: doing away with a miniscule shift differential for CNA's who were making minimum wage( gee, why is evening and night shift always short) and refusing to put extra rolls of TP in the restrooms because he was sure the staff was stealing it. I only lasted 6 months after this guy took over. Seems he was later caught embezzling funds. I think he fled the state before he was arrested.
59 Posts
We once had a supply person who labeled everything so that unused stuff would be returned. She was a bit obsessive. She even labeled every individule bandaid!
266 Posts
Call the state Not only is this abuse, but what he's doing could also fall into Medicare/Medicaid fraud.
meownsmile, BSN, RN
2,532 Posts
ya i have to agree, this guy is trying to make this place function with less than the basics to be real.
Id get out of there asap, and call the ombudsman and state abuse hotline. He warrents watching very very closely.
875 Posts
If the guy seems to have any sense of interest, perhaps you could invite him to "observe" a shift and then he can see how some of this product rationing can help create a disaster. Preferably I think he should come in on a Saturday night, but I think thats a pipe dream.
Sounds like a bad situation.
Good Luck:uhoh21:
845 Posts
Make an anonymous report to your facilities licensing authority. Explain specifically what is being done and if there is any documentation showing residents are only permitted to be changed once per shift, it will change in a hurry or the facility will lose their license.
JBudd, MSN
3,836 Posts
:yeahthat: :yeahthat: :yeahthat:
43 Posts
call the state not only is this abuse, but what he's doing could also fall into medicare/medicaid fraud.
i agree!!!!! not only for you nurses & cna's but do it for the residents!!! they deserve so much better!!!!
1,842 Posts
residents can only be changed once per shift?
that is not realistic
leaving someone incontinent for an entire shift would be neglect