Atheist Professers

Nursing Students General Students


:confused: Hi everyone! I'm kind of new here, and I have a question: Right now I'm in A&P and my professor is an all out atheist. I realized when I decided to go the nursing route I would encounter many scientific minds, but whew! How do you fellow believers keep this from getting to you? Just a little friendly conversation starter, not trying to start a creation vs evolution debate. Hope to hear from yall!
Specializes in General, Trauma, Military (Spec Forces).

"Hi everyone! I'm kind of new here, and I have a question: Right now I'm in A&P and my professor is an all out atheist. I realized when I decided to go the nursing route I would encounter many scientific minds, but whew! How do you fellow believers keep this from getting to you? Just a little friendly conversation starter, not trying to start a creation vs evolution debate. Hope to hear from yall!"

Specializes in General, Trauma, Military (Spec Forces).
Originally posted by Nurse Ker-Ker

:confused: Hi everyone! I'm kind of new here, and I have a question: Right now I'm in A&P and my professor is an all out atheist. I realized when I decided to go the nursing route I would encounter many scientific minds, but whew! How do you fellow believers keep this from getting to you? Just a little friendly conversation starter, not trying to start a creation vs evolution debate. Hope to hear from yall!

"An out an out atheist" more.. no less... Judging by the upsurge of indignation from all parties in reponse to a conversation starter without much meat on it I would have to venture that intolerance begets intolerance and there are no winners on this one...:confused:

Wow, Peeps. That post was incredibly condescending and derogatory in tone. I had come to expect better of you. :o

Um, I'd like to impose my opinion on you, if I may. I'm so sick and tired of politically correct, easily offended bleeding heart LIBERALS I could just tear my hair out! That's my opinion, and the only time you liberals hold up freedom of speech is when you agree with the person or you're benefiting from it! I will NOT censor my views just to keep from hurting your feelings, I don't expect you to censor yourself, so don't expect me to, OK? I am a Christian, and I'm pretty sick and tired of having to adjust my life to fit your needs just because you don't believe the same thing I do does NOT make you a "minority" You people always get your way. That's why abortion is legal, gay marriage is legal, and why Osama bin Laden isn't DEAD yet! So don't complain that the world isn't the way you want it. Would you people feel better if you could live in your own little world, free of people that don't agree with you?

Gay marriage isn't legal sweety, read the paper or watch the news. And heather and I are confused???

Sounds like you're the one who isn't happy. Perhaps *you* would feel better if you could live in your own little of people that don't argue with you.


I'd write more but I'm off to have sex with men.


p.s. still waiting for my tequila!! lpn got her coke!

PUPPYLUV you lie. I just got back from the courthouse and they inform that gay marriage is still not legal. and I was all set to register at Saks!! Thanks for getting my hopes up.

I'll go back to leading a life of shame and secrecy where I belong.


By Stargazer

Wow, Peeps. That post was incredibly condescending and derogatory in tone. I had come to expect better of you.

What do you mean by condescending and derogatory ?

Which post?

What parts?

This will help make your communication clearer, and make your posts look more "thoughtful".


"Left-click" your mouse, and without releasing the button, "drag" your cursor across the part of the post you're addressing. When you have highlighted all the desired text....lift your finger off the mouse button. Now right click and select "copy" from the drop-down menu.

Above your reply window you'll observe some buttons "B" "I" forth, click on "I" and type "By Peeps"..then "OK" will appear in your post as

By Peeps ................then click on the button "quote" and right click and select "paste"

Ta......Daaa! are now ready to directly address a point made and recieve a response in kind.

Hope that helps.

Specializes in Obstetrics, M/S, Psych.


Was it truly your intent to make an equal opportunity post that would insult Christians and Atheists alike? If so, congratulations on a job well done!! That was a real flaming piece of work!

BY StudentOH

Gay marriage isn't legal sweety, read the paper or watch the news. And heather and I are confused???

Gay marriage is not specificaly illegal is it?

Doesn't that make it, by definition, legal?

By Sbic56

Was it truly your intent to make an equal opportunity post that would insult Christians and Atheists alike? If so, congratulations on a job well done!! That was a real flaming piece of work!

What specifficaly was insulting about it?

(please see the above directions)

How do you know what is insulting to both christians and atheists?


Those are very interesting(not a smart-ass comment) viewpoints and I would like to know what you mean.....................really.

Dear Puppy love,

I appreciate your candor. However what you are forgetting is that we live in a world where laws reflect society. To legalize abortion doesn't say that it's right or wrong, it does however give people of difference beliefs the freedom of choice. To live in America is to live with freedom. I feel that the A&P Prof. that started this argument is wrong. He is employed to teach. Thats it thats all, and he has strayed from the curiculum. But if it were a christian Prof. I would feel the same to. Every individual has his or her own set of values that they should be allowed to express, but not on the job, and certainly not in a classroom. Become a missionary if you think it's your life's job to convert. As a nurse I'm sure that I'll run into many patients with different faiths. I will comletely respect each individuals faith. I will most likely disagree with 98% of them, but that is NOT my job.

Specializes in Obstetrics, M/S, Psych.
That's why abortion is legal, gay marriage is legal, and why Osama bin Laden isn't DEAD yet!


OK, I'll bite. So you are saying that the liberals of this country have kept Osama alive? And how, do tell, have we become responsible for that? Besides, do you know something the rest of us don't? I just flipped on CNN just to make sure he hadn't hit the airwaves again.

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