Ask for a grade increase in anatomy?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi... this is my first post. I constantly read the boards, but wanted some advice!

I'd like to get into an accelerated nursing program once I finish up at my current school.

I withdrew from anatomy II during the spring semester. I was constantly sick and just couldn't do it. I figured out the root of my sickness after various doctor visits. I took it over the summer at a community college (for financial reasons, I attend a private aka expensive school).

I got a B and was .5 awa from a B+. Is it worth e-mailing the professor and asking for a way to get that .5 points, or to look at my test to make sure I didn't incorrectly bubble something in (if you circle something correctly on the test, and bubble in incorrectly she will give you back points).

I don't want to seem like a grade grubber or beggar and have never been in this situation. I just think its an important class and it would look better if I had that +.


It wouldn't hurt to ask, but if you received your grade more than a week ago I wouldn't even bother. What's done is done.

I've had it happen before tht i've marked the correct answers on my question sheet and bubbled the wrong one in by mistake. As bad as it sounds, the teacher isn't going to care. What's bubbled in is considered the test answers, not the question sheet. You should always go over your test once after you have completed it, if not twice. Your teacher may be forgiving this time, but others may not.

In highschool Bio, I was given a zero on a long answer section of a test, because the test said "answer 2 out of the 3 questions only" and I answered all three, because I was worried one of my answer may be incorrect. She gave me a zero for not following directions.

This could come back and bite you on the behind. Asking the teacher to review your tests to make sure no mistakes were made might anger the teacher. And what happens if said teacher finds wrong answers that were not marked wrong..guess what, you're grade just went down even lower.

Just my two cents. I saw it happen during LPN school.

If you think it's likely you made a mistake then you can ask them to look at the exam. It all depends on the professor. Most college professors take the stance "that's what you earned, so that's what you'll get". But, there are exceptions and if you think this professor might give you some other options then it's worth a try.

This could come back and bite you on the behind. Asking the teacher to review your tests to make sure no mistakes were made might anger the teacher. And what happens if said teacher finds wrong answers that were not marked wrong..guess what, you're grade just went down even lower.

Just my two cents. I saw it happen during LPN school.

This is VERY true. We had a weirdo in my A&P class who asked for the teacher to double check her test, because she didn't believe her 60% grade was correct. Well, it went down a couple marks.

Also.. it may be okay asking the teacher since you took it in a different school, but don't make a habit of it once you're in nursing school. Teachers do talk and gossip, just like everybody else. You don't want to have them remember you in a negative way.

Most of my teachers won't let us have our exams back. In fact, I've never seen any of my A&P exams. I just get my grade. But I know when I haven't done as well as I could have.

They are too afraid students will make copies of the tests and circulate them around.

I could definitely see that making a habit of this would tick a teacher off. But if it's one time, then you might as well go for it.

Specializes in Labor and Delivery.

It never hurts to try and you may regret it if you don't, whats the worse they will say-no. I will say this though, my statistics prof. would not change my grade from an A- to an A and I had a 93.8% and a 94% was an A. I only missed one or our twice a week full semester classes and even did so well on my quizes that I didn't need to take the last one that was used to replace a poor score, and I was very active in class because the class actually came very easy to me. So it doesn't always work but I'm still glad I at least asked even though I felt it was ridiculus she couldn't round it up.

Well, this is certainly the first time I've done it. I wouldn't have said anything if it was a full point or something, but I have a glimmer of hope that I may be able to get a .5. Its only a .3 difference in gpa, but they may be the edge I need for some programs.

I also don't blame the professor at all, I just have high hopes.

And its her own policy that if you bubbled in incorrectly you can get the points back.

I do go over my tests a couple of times, but I have horrible test anxiety and do stupid things. Its a work in progress...

But we'll see what happens, if its no then it won't be the end of the world.

But we always did get to review our exams (though not keep them).

I will also never ever see her again, so again, the worst thing can be a "no, go away." In which case I will! :p

Not to threadjack but -- I finished A&P II over the Spring 2010 and received an A, but my grade was really an 88.8 which is a B (which would have been rounded up to a 89). I had the same professor for A&P I (Fall 2009 and received a B) and when I checked my final grade for A&PII she had noted that my final grade was an 88.9 but since I had never missed a class she rounded me up to an A, I thought that was so awesome.

Doesn't hurt to ask, I would think though if there were going to give extra points for any reason they would have done it when the final grades were determined, at least that is what my professor did.

Good Luck!!

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