As a Indian Nurse


Hi every one,

As I have cleared my NCLEX RN for the Texas board of nursing in the year of 2016 and I am planning to immigrate to Canada now and I have a question that, shall I convert my Texas license to Canada?

and can any one help me to get through.........

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

You can't. Canada is a different country.

You determine if elgible to immigrate. Determine which province you will relocate to (most have minimal opportunities for nurses due to funding and economics). Review the requirements of the college of nurses for the province. Apply to NNAS for your credentials you've assessed against the Canadian minimum competence and educational requirements for registered nurses. (Be aware this can take up to two years and is not cheap). Then depending if your nursing educational and licensing credentials are considered equivalent, somewhat equivalent, or not equivalent to Canadian standards you then apply to the provincial college of nursing as an international candidate for a nursing license. They will advise if you need to undergo competency assessments

Having a TX license with no plans of living or working there is a huge expense. A TX license is invalid in Canada and has minimal impact on your credential assessment. Your entry to practice nursing education and licensing in your country of education plus recent paid work experience as a registered nurse are primary to determine eligibility.

Thank you for your prompt reply, as I have planned to migrate to Quebec, even for Quebec is it necessary to take up CRNE again as I have NCLEX RN? and I have another question that only TX license is not valid in Canada or any other license from US is not valid? and I heard that Canadian nursing council is accepting NCLEX RN... is it so?

No license issued in the USA is valid in Canada.

Specializes in IMC, school nursing.

Immigration to Canada, as shown with all the childish behavior post election, is much harder that US immigration. Unless you are confirmed acceptance, I would worry about that first. You will not be able to take your license with you, you will need certification to Canadian standards.

Thank you for your prompt reply, as I have planned to migrate to Quebec, even for Quebec is it necessary to take up CRNE again as I have NCLEX RN? and I have another question that only TX license is not valid in Canada or any other license from US is not valid? and I heard that Canadian nursing council is accepting NCLEX RN... is it so?

The part you are not understanding is that although you met the requirements for the Texas Board of Nursing so that you could obtain a license to work in Texas, that has nothing at all to do with whether any province in Canada will be willing to grant you a license to work there. The NCLEX-RN is only a piece of it, the part that shows you can practice competently at a nurse. It's up to each state in the US and each province in Canada to determine if you meet their requirements of education, experience, etc.

Expect to go through the complete application process for a license to practice in Canada. The only thing you have ready to go is a Pass status on the NCLEX-RN. That's it. All the rest must be done from Square One.

Specializes in Gerontology.

If you want to work in Quebec, you need to be fluent in French. And that includes all medical terms.

oh is it so..?

IELTS is not enough?

ohh sry I don't have anyone to guide.... so

Okay, do we have to undergo any of the certifications before immigrating anywhere in Canada?

Thank you so much

Specializes in critical care, ER,ICU, CVSURG, CCU.

You have been told to apply to nursing counsel NNAS, of the providence in Canada you desire to work, follow their directions

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