Are You A Military Wife And In Nursing School?

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Hey there everyone. I just wanted to know if there is a community for military wives who are in nursing school. Sometimes I feel so alone being a nursing student with my husband deployed to Iraq. Everyone says its nice to have him away to study, but its just as hard beause I have to study hard and worry about his safety. Is there anyone on the same boat with me who know what I am going through?

Specializes in Various.
Dont quit school curliegirl80, OMG dont. You should finish. I know it hard to pcs, but after you get your degree it would be so worth it. Is there away to get an extention or is his time up?

My husband is in the prcessing of reenlisting for Hawaii, which is where we are now. We are still waiting for the paper work to process but he is suppose to be out be out of the military in October and its almost August. I worry that if the paper works don't go thru he will be umemployed and it will be a lot of pressure for me to finish school, pass my NCLEX, and get a job right away.

I'm trying to be optismistic, but its hard and i feel so frustrated not having a sure future. I want to stay in Hawaii because this is where I am from, and I am interning with a hospital that I love and would offer me a position after I gradudate. If my husband does reenlist there is a possiblity that we can only stay in Hawaii for 2 more years and we will have to PCS afterwards. I would hate to join a company and leave right afterwards. I would like to stay and work for about 3-5 years before leaving....

Do you think i am just being paranoid and overthinking this all? Can you blame?

Sweetheart, please don't take this the wrong way, but when you marry a soldier, there are NO guarantees. No guarantee about where you will be stationed, how long you will be stationed there, when you will PCS, when he will deploy...It's just part of it. My husband has been in the service for 21 years and we have been together over 8 years and married for 7 this September. We have already moved at least 3 times and was supposed to move again this Summer but he was granted an extension (only by kissing two colonels butt's according to him and with my dh's promise he will deploy as soon as this extension is up...maybe sooner) He requested this extension because I just graduated LPN in June and begin an RN bridge on Monday. We didn't want to live apart for a year if we could help it...especially since we have four kids. Be flexible. Go with the flow. Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. God bless.

Specializes in Various.
My husband is in the USMC and is currently Afghanistan till Nov. I start school in Aug. I don't have family in the area and its kinda tough. We have a 3yr old DD and a 22 month old DS. It gets frustrating at times because my husband and I work things out in the house together when he's home, so it means more work for me to pick up the slack when he's gone. My DS just started daycare to get ready for me to start school and DD has been going for 3 months. They are doing ok, just missing not being with mommy all the time now.

I think I am more scared that I will alter my schedule and forget to prioritze school when my husband comes home. I am kinda used to dropping everything when he comes home to make him feel at home. This is the first time that I have been out of the house in 2 years, I have been a SAHM and I think he came to depend on me being in the house and its going to be a big adjustment when he gets back. I just want to be able to maintain the routine for school work and study, plus kids and not step on his toes.

I know we are in for a ride. He is already re-enlisting here for another year so that I can finish before we PCS. I feel guilty that I may not be able to be here for him the way that I want to or the way that he wants me to.

Being a military wife has its ups and downs, I am just praying that school will not bring us too far down.:(

You will make it. School is a huge time and in money. You will need to be incredibly organized to do this while he is away, and if you organize it correctly, you will have time to spend with him when he comes home. Granted, not near the time he is used to or that you'd like to spend with him, but if you can squeeze in two hours a day with him and the kids, study, make decent grades, and pass nursing the end, it will ALL be worth it!! Hang in there. You CAN do this! I have faith in you!


I am also a usmc wife, I start school in August and my hubby deploys 1 week after I start school. I have 2 children 5 and 4 and think that it will be hard trying to give them the time they are used to getting with mommy but am willing to make it work for our future. Its nice to know that I am not alone with the struggle of being a military wife and nursing student


Specializes in Psych..

Hello, another military wife here, getting ready to start my second year of nursing school. I've been through three deployments and more "away game" events than I can remember.

Yeah, it sucks when they're gone. Totally agree.

But I take pride in the fact that I'm more independent than your ordinary wife. I can go to school full time, keep my household running, and be the solid rock my husband needs when he's out of the country for 9-18 month stretches. When I hear civilian wives complain about how awful and heartbreaking it is when their husbands have to travel for two weeks out of the year, I cringe. I'd never want to be that dependent on anyone, including my husband.

However, I come from a military family and I'm used to being on my own. Family may be many miles away, but it's nothing a phone call can't fix. I love moving and seeing different parts of the country. In fact, I get antsy if I'm in one place longer than three years. Being a military wife is always an adventure!

If my husband had gotten, or gets orders while I am in school, I would stay where I am until school is over. I've made many sacrifices for his career, and we both agree that it's my turn. What's another year of separation when we have our whole lives together? Me becoming an RN will be greatly beneficial to our family in the long run.

Stay strong!

Navy wife here! My husband isn't deployed but we are doing geographical bachelor for a year or so since I'm in school. I'm in Maryland and he will be at NAS Willow Grove. I'm pretty sure we're getting out after this tour. We're just over it. Ugh.

I'm not a military wife but you and all the other wives, husbands & families who serve our country have my greatest thanks and respect.

No wonder this is the greatest country in the world...we have the greatest soldiers in the world!!

Wishing you all the best of luck and keeping you in my prayers,


I am not a military wife, however I am the girlfriend of an airman. He left just 2 weeks after I started lpn school this past June. He is deployed in Guam until October/November. I miss him a ton already and it is harder without him IMO. I think once he's back school will be easier. It will be one less thing to stress about (his safety) and he can also help me study!! I can't wait for him to come back home...

Specializes in Oncology, Med-Surg.

great to see that im not alone.

my husband just came back from iraq. yay, but he may be leaving again soon. but at least he will be here for my graduation in december.

I'm a military husband in nursing school (both the wife and I met on active duty but are now guard) and i'll tell you it gets easier after they initially leave. Doesn't mean you don't miss them while they're gone, I missed my wife, but breaks are good for your relationship because when they get back it will be huge (as it is for us).

Focus on school though, you can't change anything for them while they are out there, just send a package once in a bit and answer phone calls when you can.

It gets easier, and after a few deployments you're on autopilot and you get by :) Luckily, you probably don't have to work while going to school with that support.

Specializes in Nephrology, Cardiology, ER, ICU.

I did nursing school while hubby was active duty also and frequently deployed (during first Gulf War). No fun at all and yes, I did have to work full time while going to school full time and with two children at home. At least back then, we couldn't get by on E-6 pay in Las Vegas!

Specializes in Med/Surg, ICU, ER, Peds ER-CPEN.

Hats off to all of you! I couldn't even begin to imagine going to school while my hubby was active duty, I always ended up getting roped into running the family support group when his company was on deployment or in the field, geesh tell off the 1st Sgt once and word gets around you'll go toe to toe with whoever need be to get someone the help they need :bugeyes:

Specializes in NICU.

I am an Army wife, prior service myself, and have endured three long deployment seperations. I started school while he was on his most recent 15 month deployment to Iraq. We were a part of the 82nd Airborne Division. It was very hard, especially when our battalion started losing soldiers. Not a day went by that I didn't fear having the chaplain at my door telling me my husband will never be coming home again.

Things were rough, but I refocused myself through school. If it weren't for school and two very close wives who's husbands were also in Iraq with mine, then I would have been a total wreck. Raising two young kids, I was able to make it through with a 3.78 gpa after taking a whopping 24 credit hours in one semester!

I am starting Nursing school now in January (would have this previous Fall but the hubby got relocated in the summer). I imagine it would be even more difficult to manage if he were to deploy now. But I find ways to refocus my attention and try not to think about the harsh reality sometimes......

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