Are all the nursing programs impacted??


I want to become an RN-BSN, and am going to apply to the City College of SF program, which is horribly impacted. I'd like to go on to do a BSN at SF State, but once again, they accept 80 out of 600 applicants each year.

Are there any nursing programs in NorCal that aren't quite so hard to get into??

Any and all feedback appreciated. Thanks.

the only program i have heard of that isn't impacted is cal state bakersfield. that doesn't mean it's the only one, but i am pretty sure that there aren't going to be many.

Specializes in Emergency, Trauma, Critical Care.

Actually according to CSUB's website, their nursing program is impacted as well. I think private schools are the only possible quicker route. And i'm sure some of them are impacted as well.

Specializes in Critical Care.

I went to SFSU Nursing school, and it is indeed an impacted program. I was lucky enough when I applied for the program in '92, and I did not have to wait at all. At the time, they have recently changed their requirement to accept applicants based on your GPA and work-related experiences (healthcare), so I got in rigt away. I don;t know how they do it now. But having a high GPA on completed prerequisites and having some work-related experience in the health care industry will definitelly be a plus. Being bilingual is an added plus too. Good luck.

Specializes in Trauma.

I now live in NYC because I had to LEAVE SF because I promised myself the first school to accept me, i would take. It happened to be a private school in NYC. Anyhow..

SFSTate is VERY tough to get into. There are sooo many things they want you to have, GPA, etc. All of the northern ca schools that I know of are impacted. Even SRJC and Marin Colllege. I *THINK* Dominican isn't impacted. Buuut, since they recently within the last 3 years became part of the UC system, their tuition has jumped from 16k per year to I believe, 24k. They expect you to have organic chemistry if you're ok with that. Anyhow..

Your best bet is to go through private and pay the higher tuition. Unless you speak 2 different languages, are a minority, have some volunteering experience and have a high (like 3.5 and above in order to be competitive) GPA, i would go private. The majority of their applicants have a GPA 3.5 and above.

I know, such bad news..I was living in SF for 12 years before moving out here 6 months ago.

Good luck to you:)

Specializes in OB/GYN.
I want to become an RN-BSN, and am going to apply to the City College of SF program, which is horribly impacted. I'd like to go on to do a BSN at SF State, but once again, they accept 80 out of 600 applicants each year.

Are there any nursing programs in NorCal that aren't quite so hard to get into??

Any and all feedback appreciated. Thanks.

I went through the same experience. My counselor at CCSF told me that I had a 1:50 chance of getting into the RN program. She encouraged me to look at other schools in the City and State. I got the same word from SF State. Other options you may consider are College of San Mateo and Canada College, which has a BSN program through SF State. Not sure if they are any easier to get into, but it might be worth a shot. CSM only accepts applications once a year in January. I am not sure about Canada.

I himmed and hawed about this for a while and eventually enrolled in a LVN program. I hope to work for a year before applying to an RN program to get the experience, which might help in the application process.

Wish you lots of luck in your search.


College of Marin preferentially admits Marin County residents (living there for at least a year prior to application). There are 36 slots a year, and about 150 applicants yearly. My boyfriend is a second year there (and I'm applying this year); it is practically free, unlike Dominican, etc. Next year they are switching from a "lottery" system of admission, where anyone meeting the minimum requirements (C or better in Micro, Anatomy, Physiology, General and Developmental Psych) to an admission deal where applicants with the best grades are prioritized. Check out their website if you're in Marin; might even be worth moving over here! The cool thing about it too is that if you apply one year and don't get in, your application the next year will have a better chance than first time applicants. Good luck!

SFSU, like most schools, having Nursing as an impacted major. I'm from San Jose and recently moved to Sacramento. SJSU as well as CSUS (Sacramento State) are impacted as well. I used to be a student at De Anza College and even their program is impacted! I now attend Sacramento City College and both their ADN and accelerated programs are hard to get into! I think all the schools around here have about the same prerequisites, except maybe a slight difference in minimum required GPA in the prerequisites/ science courses. The waiting part is just tough! It's more competetive now than ever because EVERYONE and their moms is trying to get into nursing! Even the ones who are just part of the bandwagon, not passionate about taking care of patients, and just in it for the money! Working at UCSF for 2 years, most of the RN's I've worked with had better success at USF because they're a private university, but it's expensive! One of them finished at 21 yrs. old and here I am 24 and STILL in college with not even a certificate under my belt! My 3 younger cousins are majoring in nursing and they're already catching up to me! One of them told me about the CC in Visalia is accepting, with min. GPA of 2.5, because no one lives in Visalia or they've never heard of it! It's far though! Good luck!

dont come to visalia! we're impacted too. Ive had to wait 2 semesters to take frickin micro and its the only bloody prereq that i've needed. will the 3rd time be a charm? I think its impacted everywhere. And not enough funding is going to the schools. C'mon Hospitals and help us out. Start giving us more funding for classes and teachers (which visalia is also short of) so that we can start providing the services that you need.

Here, in Southern California-San Bernardino County and Riverside County all the schools have a two year waitlist! I know I am on one of them and will be on most of them in August. I have my A.S. degree already so I am hoping it will bring me closer to the top of the applicants-I heard it does for some colleges. It's too bad, so many students waiting to get into a program-one local college had 387 applicants for this past Fall Semester.

Golden West College in Orange County is accepting 96 students/semester, twice a year. I got in to the Sp 06 program with my first attempt. I applied to dozen of schools, this is the only one that i got in. If you have high GPA, it would be to your advantage, but their minimum requirement is 2.5. And if you don't get in yet, just keep on trying. Make sure that you are committed to the school and the career. Nursing school is really tough and time consuming. Sometimes i really don't know what i'm doing and why i put myself through it.

There is a link with all the Cali rn schools.

Search under cali rn board.

Good luck.


I just graduated from nursing school in northern california. The simple answer to your question is that, yes, all nursing schools here are impacted.

The more complex do I get in?

I have found that schools ( ADN programs ) have two methods of letting qualified applicants in. 1) waiting list ex. santa barbara city college. 2) lottery system ex. Los Mendanos college. So here's the thing, there are about 10 schools in the bay area that do the lottery system. You just need to apply to all of them. How do you find them? The BRN website has a list of schools, and you call......

As for the BRN part. Weelllllll, a lot of schools will let you transfer/RN-BRN, point is that you can do it later. I admit that they treat you better. Last point of advice, beware the school that has high attrition. Some schools kick out a huge amount of thier students, and once you get kicked out, your toast.

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