Applying to BCC Jan 2009

U.S.A. Florida


Hi Everyone,

Anyone else out there applying to Broward Community College for the Jan 2009 start date?!!! :clown:I'm so nervous and the application period hasn't even opened yet!

For those of you who were admitted on the point system, what kind of gpa did you have? Were any of you able to use your HOSA waiver? I know that they have eliminated the waiting list. I am going to meet with an advisor next Friday to look at my transfer credits. I hope I get in!

Specializes in Tele.
Hi everyone,

I've heard that BCC has TABE testing, but is there also a HESI that the students must pass every semester or as an "exit exam"? Does BCC also administer the TEAS tests and what is(are) the TEAS?

I read a couple of previous threads here at Allnurses that many students had to take the HESI to pass each semester and if their scores were not high enough after the second attempt then they failed out of the nursing program. Is this true??? I cringe at that thought...:eek:

And back to the TABE--is this a one time test or is this something students must take every semester too???


my co-worker has 3 more classes to complete before she finishes the program, she told me that they do make them take the HESI after each semester, but they do not count against you-- she says that the HESI might count during the last class wich is trends but she is not sure.

the TABE is not a test that you have to take every semester. It is a high school level test, that you get a score, like 10,11,12 which means that you read at a 10th-12th grade level. and when you fail a class, only the reading part counts (I think, I never failed a class, so I am not sure if that is true).

my co-worker has 3 more classes to complete before she finishes the program, she told me that they do make them take the HESI after each semester, but they do not count against you-- she says that the HESI might count during the last class wich is trends but she is not sure.

the TABE is not a test that you have to take every semester. It is a high school level test, that you get a score, like 10,11,12 which means that you read at a 10th-12th grade level. and when you fail a class, only the reading part counts (I think, I never failed a class, so I am not sure if that is true).

Hey BumbleBeeRN,

I'm completing my 3rd semester (4 classes from graduating) in BC's program and I haven't taken the HESI yet. It may be required in trends or perhaps on other campuses, but definately not each semester at North Campus.

The TABE is a Test of Adult Basic Education. It is the same test administered for the GED. If you fail a class, you must have a 12th grade reading level to be readmitted to the program.

Thanks Bumblebee! That's good to know.

How many semesters is the BCC nursing (ADN) program? I'm thinking five, but thought maybe you could confirm for me.

Back to the books--I have a chem test at the end of the week and would love, love, love to get an A.

Hi LeavingTeaching,

I will have to check into the central campus and see if they require it monthly there. I'm kind of hoping they don't, as it is just one less hurdle to jump--though not really a big one I suppose...

You must be so excited that you are this close to graduation! How awesome!!! Are you still teaching as well?

Hey MDEL08,

I'm not teaching now. I had to quit when I entered this program.

As far as the programs length, it is 5 semesters. If you start in January, your schedule will be as follows:

1st semester (winter):

Process I

Process II

Nursing Math


2nd semester (summer 1st half):


3rd semester (Fall)

Specialty (PEDS, Psych, or OB)

Specialty (PEDS, Psych, or OB)

4th semester (winter):

Specialty (PEDS, Psych, or OB)


5th semester (summer):



Specializes in Tele.
Hey BumbleBeeRN,

I'm completing my 3rd semester (4 classes from graduating) in BC's program and I haven't taken the HESI yet. It may be required in trends or perhaps on other campuses, but definately not each semester at North Campus.

The TABE is a Test of Adult Basic Education. It is the same test administered for the GED. If you fail a class, you must have a 12th grade reading level to be readmitted to the program.

when i was there, they made us take the ERI exam, that did not count, it was like an nclex type test, but then they stopped and said they were going to start giving Hesi exams--and they never started, so we ended up with nothing starting from peds. we did take hesi after the live hesi review in north campus and that did not count.

every campus is so different, I heard that at central and north students got treated differently---south campus was always in the middle, and central I heard was the worst.

I also applied to the program for January 2009 at BC. Right now I'm only checking my email about once a day but I'm sure it will increase in frequency when a week or two goes by.

How were you able to receive your points for HOSA? Where did you end up placing that on your application?

I also applied to the program for January 2009 at BC. Right now I'm only checking my email about once a day but I'm sure it will increase in frequency when a week or two goes by.

How were you able to receive your points for HOSA? Where did you end up placing that on your application?

I had to show that I had taken the HOSA classes in high school (HS diploma) and then an email was sent from a lady named Shermon Flowers verifying that I could have the HCP class waived and the HOSA credit to one of the admissions people. I also printed our a copy of that email and mailed it with my application.

I wonder how long we'll have to wait. I'm so anxious.:uhoh3:['

They say it's about a month from the time that the application period closed. I heard there's a lot of applicants though and only half of the spots available. I'm nervous, too. I really planned on going to BC so if it falls through, I don't have a contingency plan with another school. It will be a real bummer.

I'm a student that's going back to school for a career change as I already have a Bachelor's from UM and a Master's from FIU (not in nursing, of course). I just want to get started in the program already.

What campus are you thinking of going to? I've been debating between North and South. South is closer to my house but I heard North is much more organized.

welcome to ALLNURSES olive_nurse, hope you enjoy reading the vast amount of information....warning this site can be addicting.

I applied for the Jan 09 also, see you in class.

welcome to ALLNURSES olive_nurse, hope you enjoy the vast amount of imformation....warning this site can be addicting.

I applied for the Jan 09 also, see you in class.

Thank you! I'm already addicted...I just bothered to join now and comment. Since you are located in Palm Beach, I imagine you are hoping to attend the North campus?

yes i am going to be attending the North campus..what about you what campus are going to?

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