anyones who already taken the teas exam


hey, i took my teas about 2 weeks ago and came out with a combined score of 85%. 100 on the reading, 84 math, 44 science, 87 english. i was surprised i didnt score 90 and up on the math and english. english was trickier than i thought mainly the sentence structure got me. the science was tough since i used the ati study guide and they just dont cover enough physics, geology, chemistry, and some of the diagrams on the exam they provided were very ambiguous.

i am retaking the exam in 2 weeks and would like to be ready for it this time.


hey elacer,

to be honest, i dont remember many fraction questions if any. proportions and percentages should be your biggest concern it seems that is what i remember most out of all the math.

thanks for the help i am so nervous because the science sounds horrible!

Don't be nervous, just make sure you review. Easier said then done. Just go over the stuff we talked about on here and there are a few other threads on here that have good information. I thought the science was hard but other people on here thought the math was hard and the science was easy. So to each there own.

I always have issues with word problems and I am worried they will be on there because in the ATI ratio and proportions part I am not to great at the word problem section in here! Any suggestions or is it even on the test?

That science sounds hard and I only have one chance to pass it. My school sets up the test date and then they pick the applicants that score the highest:(

I've ordered the ATI guide but from what you guys are saying that may not help me with the science.

elacer you are stressing way too much over the word problems. if you can do the math portion then you will do well in the math. as i mentioned before percentages and proportions seem to be the most emphasized.

as for the science you should get another study guide for that if you have one shot and one shot only cause the ati science section did not help me much. unless you already know about general science, geology, physics, and what not then another guide is highly advised.

I found a link to the McGraw-Hill's Nursing School Entrance Exams book.

Here is info about the book:

Here is the .pdf download link (thanks to a fellow allnurses poster): hxtp://

As far as the content of the book is concerned, I found the science section to be quite extensive and easily comparable to the Kaplan version.


For the math section of the TEAS do they give you formulas and conversions factors? I am pretty sure no calculators but just checking :p

From what I remember from the math, there are word problems, fractions, decimals, and ratios. I think I had 1 conversion problem.(It was inches to something) And had 1 geometry problem. For the math, I think just study the ATI guide. That is what I did and I was fine. Also, we couldn't use calculators.

Thanks a lot I also had a question for science people have said that there were lots of earth science like rocks plates etc I was wondering is it all definitions? Like wedging and such. Did you get any chemistry problems like maybe ideal gas law? Did they give formulas?

Someone recc'd for the earth stuff. I know I will be on that site like white on rice!!! :-)

Plus, there's more like Chem4kids, cosmos4kids, and physics4kids. Can't hurt!


I was wondering how I should study for the science part if all the earth science stuff isn't really in the ATI guide? Also can anyone tell me if there were a lot of adding and subtracting fractions and if there were decimals like turning them into fractions etc. thanks

I dont know what to tell you about the science, I was ready for the Chemistry and AP stuff but the earth science questions and even the Physics ones I was clueless on. As for the math I remember at least 2 adding fractions problems and at least 1 dividing fractions. And also for sure at least 2 converting fractions to decimal. And quite a few asking about percentages.

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