Published Jul 23, 2009
16 Posts
hey, i took my teas about 2 weeks ago and came out with a combined score of 85%. 100 on the reading, 84 math, 44 science, 87 english. i was surprised i didnt score 90 and up on the math and english. english was trickier than i thought mainly the sentence structure got me. the science was tough since i used the ati study guide and they just dont cover enough physics, geology, chemistry, and some of the diagrams on the exam they provided were very ambiguous.
i am retaking the exam in 2 weeks and would like to be ready for it this time.
33 Posts
I took it yesterday and I remember that question and diagram you described. I also have NO IDEA what it could have been. I scored 83.3 in the science section but some of those questions about rocks the earth really stumped me. I would love to know the answer to that question though because I am going to take it again.
thanks tabitha247, yes the rocks got me too. oh i almost forgot another question which i had no clue.
209 Posts
Since you guys have taken it can you tell me how bad the math is in terms of word problems and fractions? Also for English do they ask you about commas and definitions?
hey elacer08, no the math is not bad at all. if you have the ati study guide the math there is very similar. on the exam i do remember a lot of conversions and percents. for english yes there are commas and definition questions, but pretty simple.
When you say conversions do you mean like inches and cms? Percentages lie 15 percent of 125? Thanks
I also remember there were questions where you had to know how to convert Celcius to Farenheit, which I missed because I dont remember the equation. ALso there were a few about converting inches to centimeters. (also missed lol)
hey elacer08, yes conversions of that sort kilograms to inches i cant remember the exact one for that, but it was pretty basic so memorize like the conversion factors for weight, height, and length. as for percents yes there were several percent questions i would suggest making sure you get down all the how to get percent from numbers. like percent of this number or what is percent decrease/increase from the original number. stuff like that the study guide should cover it.
as for celsius to farenheit. if you remember these 2 numbers you will never get it wrong. if you want to go from farenheit to celsius you take xx number in farenheit subtract 32, take next number and divide by 1.8 and you get celsius. vice versa from celsius to farenheit you take xx number in celsius, multiply by 1.8, take next number and add 32, and you get farenheit. however, when you go from celsius to farenheit you must multiply first. so if you remember those two numbers at least you can play around with them and come up with some kind of number.
23 Posts
To icekangz
This is a nursing entrance exam. You would think they would have more A&P questions and less of that goofy stuff. I did very good on all areas of the test except the science part,got a 56%. Have to retake because of that.
hey Lauren,
thanks for your input. i agree seems like there is only a handful of ap questions and the rest are stuff we dont encounter very often and the ati study guide should really consider adding those in. unless they are leaving it out on purpose who knows.
I was wondering how I should study for the science part if all the earth science stuff isn't really in the ATI guide? Also can anyone tell me if there were a lot of adding and subtracting fractions and if there were decimals like turning them into fractions etc. thanks
I thought the math section was pretty easy. I just reviewed the ATI book and I was fine. It was a good refresher. Now the science part is another story. I am waiting to take my second test for about a month. I got a few books from the library to see if they will help( seeing I didn't think the ATI book did a good job on the science section) One of them is a Nursing Entrance Exam Book and the other is a GED book. I figured the GED would be a good review but I don't know yet how well it will work. I know a few people suggested that Kaplan nursing entrance exam book.