Anyone use Meditech computer charting?


We are starting out with Meditech charting soon. Experiences?


Specializes in Pain Management, RN experience was in ER.

We started using Meditech at my current job... the "windows" looking version (blue and pretty). It's much less user friendly than the texty, MS-DOS version. Before I could do my assessment in about 30-60 seconds. Y or N to the questions, tab takes you to the next page, etc. Then you have your area for notes. Now they want everything to be point and click and narrative less than 75 words and only when necessary. This new meditech doesn't let me tab over or use arrow keys. I have to take the time to click on each box which seems like a small problem, but it takes much more time to do my assessments. Plus it's SLOW. It takes FOREVER to pull up when you click on the icon. After I do an assessment, I have to give it about almost a minute before I can click on another intervention to chart on. It says something like "assessment has not completed processing." ARGH.

It would be a good program if it weren't slow and if it let me do everything from the keyboard.

Specializes in CEN, CPEN, RN-BC.
I HATE Meditech....and I do mean hate it! We had Ibex before we downgraded to Meditech.:mad: Ibex was very user friendly, and I really liked it. Money had to be the reason Meditech was chosen. It may be ok for the floors, but not for the ER. I just get mad thinking about it! Oh did I mention I hate Meditech????

I use Ibex now at my ER, and the floors use Meditech. I used to hate Ibex, but I'm warming up to it. It's the 2nd computer system I've had to learn, with the first being Cerner's FirstNet. I like how Ibex flows, but I seem to just make 100000 different notes using the blank "nurses note" link because I don't know where half the stuff is.

Specializes in Med Surg/Tele/ER.
I use Ibex now at my ER, and the floors use Meditech. I used to hate Ibex, but I'm warming up to it. It's the 2nd computer system I've had to learn, with the first being Cerner's FirstNet. I like how Ibex flows, but I seem to just make 100000 different notes using the blank "nurses note" link because I don't know where half the stuff is.

I think once you find everything you will love it. I really liked being able to pull up assessments using split screens. Medications, labs, reports, prev. visits on the left sidebar. I also really liked the triage portion, with meds, and previous medical hx so easy to recall. Oh how I miss Ibex!:crying2:

Specializes in OB, Med/Surg, Ortho, ICU.

Meditech is only as good as your systems operator. Ours has some ridiculous mistakes such as under the muskuloskeletal surveillance you can chart breast and penile weakness, or better yet, a cranial amputation.

I currently work 2 jobs, one using Meditech computer charting and the other using Cerner. I have found that I constantly am comparing Meditech to old school MS DOS. It is not user friendly. There are no convenient areas to chart, everything for nursing you must make a nursing note and think of what you want to chart. I find it very difficult to be a thorough charter to cover your self. Whereas other systems such as Cerner and such there are specific prompts for things such as iv insertion, orthopedic device application, catheter insertion, and yes it is all "checking boxes" but it is all encompassing and thorough, whereas meditech, if you can't figure out what you want to say in making it a nursing note, you open yourself up for a load of problems if something happens and you go to court. What will you do then when you forgot to chart it was a 16 fr. catheter or that it was removed intact? There are definitely better systems out there. Meditech has been around for a very long time and is so obsolete in today's day in age, however places still use it for the simple reason of cost. Good luck with it, I find it still difficult to use after 6 months of constant use.

Specializes in Med surg/Ortho.

I know this is an old thread but I had to write a short note on Medi tech. As a travel RN we have to learn to use all different kind of operating systems. Ive used just about all of them...or so I had thought. I am on assignment and have been introduced to Medi tech. This hospital is having trouble keeping staff, well I can see why. This is the WORST system I have ever used!!!!! It is not user friendly, it is not even friendly to look at. Its the old DOS systems. It is so slow. and takes forever to navigate thru with all the different keys you have to use for this and that. Sometimes you use the mouse but not other times, use the arrows here but not there. Use F9 to look up things...dont try to even explain anything on your own, hope its in their small variety of choices. The doctors orders are where???? Oh the status do I get there? WTH!!!

Why would anyone use this system?????? It is horrible. I dont usually say hate...but I HATE medi tech. I will know better next time before picking an assignment.

Specializes in ED.

This sounds like an old version of meditech. I have worked with this system at two hosp, one with an old version(sucks, F functions and all) and one with the latest version (very easy to chart). So it really depends on the version.

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