Anyone successfully challenge the boards?

Nurses LPN/LVN


I have a degree in respiratory therapy, yet am having a hard time finding a job. I am working as a cna, going on my 7th year and I was hoping rt would be my next step up....unfortunately it's not working that way and I am considering challenging the boards via method 3.

Has anyone successfully done this? What tips do you have?

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Okay, I'm going to put my moderator hat on...

The original poster is asking if anyone has successfully challenged the board to become an LVN in California. Let's tone down the back and forth rhetoric about why nursing school is superior to challenging the board. We're beating a dead horse, and it is not as if the commentariat is going to magically change peoples' views.

Thanks in advance, Peeps.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
It's silly to me how set you are on trying to degrade me. And as far as relevancy goes my post was requesting for people with method 3 experience to share said experience. It was not asking for others to complain about it. But you must have missed that....

I am excellent in interviews by the way, but I live very remotely. The local hospital has an RT team of 6 people and hasn't needed to hire anyone new in 7 years. I actually see and interact with them frequently. The next nearest hospital is 100+ miles away out of state and the distance grows from there. LVN is plentiful. Which is why I'm willing to make the switch. But you never asked any questions....just offered sarcasm and arrogance.

Thank you for the "welcome to life" comment....I realize not everyone will agree with me, I hope you realize that not everyone will care if you disagree.

I'm not degrading you, just making clear points. You said you couldn't land a job as an RT & I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you won't be able to land a job as an LVN since CA is gluted with new grad nurses. So they have their pick of any new grads they want & they definitely will want a new grad who will have clinical experience, which you will not have. So all those new grad LVNs will have a leg up on you.

If you live so remotely, why don't you move?

Obviously you don't realize that not everyone will agree with you since you have made it your mission to argue with me instead of just ignoring me.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.

I know you said you can't move out of state, but why not move to a bigger city that would increase your chances of getting a job as an RT?

I know you said you can't move out of state, but why not move to a bigger city that would increase your chances of getting a job as an RT?

If it were an option, it'd be done. It's not.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
If it were an option, it'd be done. It's not.

Why not?

Specializes in Pediatrics, Emergency, Trauma.
A job title does not make me too dense to realize someone is making a mistake or needs Guidance. I have had to stop an RN from attempting to insert a catheter into a woman's privy parts. I have had to stop an MD student from trying to puncture a patient in the wrong area. They did not scold me and remind me I'm a cna....they simply thanked me. "Cna" doesn't make me stupid, as you suggest. People are suggesting that because I was a Cna first that I am not smart enough to do this. You all skipped over the fact that you know little about my background. I did state that I have taken the majority of the classes required for nursing. But apparently that is irrelevant....because I was a cna. I have had years of experience in a learning hospital....but that is irrelevant.....because I was a cna. And because you chose a different way to become a nurse I am wrong, you are right, after all you "busted your ass!" and are offended that such a route you're attacking me instead of moving past the post since you know you have nothing constructive to say.

Good lord people.

If you are unfamiliar with method 3, feel free to move on.

If you are offended by method 3, feel free to move on.

If you are here to argue simply to do so....feel free to move on.

But for those who actually read the original post for what it was and have experience...feel free to share your experience.

In case you missed it:

●I worked as a CNA in a trauma center hospital for 4 years. Travel agency for 2 years.

●I have a degree in respiratory therapy as well as lots of extra credits in various things and the majority of a nursing degree minus theory classes.

●I live remotely. The nearest programs are 200+ miles away, I do not wish to be on a three year waiting list and then have to travel daily that far to finish the traditional program. I have done my research and contacted all of them which resulted in the facr that they only offer their classes every so i would have to wait to get in....wait theough the first year or.....and wait between classes i dont need until they offer the ones that i do. I have small children, I have no intention of moving and I don't want to wait that many years for a few classes.

● I'm not interested in being an RN, I want to challenge the boards for LVN. I work with an LVN who did this who is one of the best nurses I've seen and as much as it may grind your gears (those of you offended by method 3) she only had CNA background *gasp* isn't it crazy how someone who could come out of the best school can be a bad nurse while someone who was once *just a cna* and challenged the boards can be completely awesome at their job? Hmm.

Since you have decided to "recap", you still haven't answered my additional question: if you can not find a job as a LVN in CA, what are you going to do??

As far as female anatomy...I couldn't resist this one, it is NOT possible to insert a foley in a woman's privy parts...just. :no: I get your point, you have familiarity of healthcare, you also have some foundations which can take you far; just know the market that you are in; look in the California threads and see how difficult it is in getting a job; understand that the method 3 is only for CA, and isn't eligible outside of that state; situations change and you may have to move someday; my take is to at least consider the position with the most flexibility and freedom; don't just stop at one station in life be used of your current situation; that can change as well.

Best wishes.

I'm not degrading you, just making clear points. You said you couldn't land a job as an RT & I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news but you won't be able to land a job as an LVN since CA is gluted with new grad nurses. So they have their pick of any new grads they want & they definitely will want a new grad who will have clinical experience, which you will not have. So all those new grad LVNs will have a leg up on you.

If you live so remotely, why don't you move?

Obviously you don't realize that not everyone will agree with you since you have made it your mission to argue with me instead of just ignoring me.

I didn't say I couldn't land a job, I said I was having trouble finding them in my area. Also, my current employer approached me and asked me to challenge the boards. I've been offered a sign on bonus if I were to do so and pass. Which is how this post came to be....I wanted to hear from nurses who've done this to judge if it were right for me.

I stated I am in school for something else.

And as far as the anatomy comment....I know....and after hearing screaming and crying from a room I discovered a new grad trying to push a catheter into an old woman's privy parts which was bleeding profusely at that point. So I had to stop her.

Specializes in M/S, LTC, Corrections, PDN & drug rehab.
I didn't say I couldn't land a job, I said I was having trouble finding them in my area. Also, my current employer approached me and asked me to challenge the boards. I've been offered a sign on bonus if I were to do so and pass. Which is how this post came to be....I wanted to hear from nurses who've done this to judge if it were right for me.

Why do you pick & choose which comments to reply to?

I know you didn't, but if you peruse the CA forum you will see how difficult it is for LVNs & RNs alike to land a job (after going to school). So I find it difficult that your boss is offering you a sign on bonus when so many nurses are in desperate need of a job.

Also I'm not going to go back and find the post but to the person who asked what if I wanted to be an RN someday, just to clarify....not all lvn programs transfer credit. You get a license, but due to accreditation or the type of course your classes are not always transferred. I know a girl in an lvn-rn bridge program who had none of her courses transfer. That just means she takes them again.

BUT, as I stated earlier, I have the majority of my courses done anyhow. So with my license I absolutely could do a bridge program since I do have the prerequisite courses done for the local bridge program.

I pick and choose because most of the content is irrelevant to me. Also, your opinion or belief is not in any way relevant to my situation. I don't even know why you are continually responding...I'm not sure what you think you're contributing?

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