Published Aug 11, 2015
MSN Student
27 Posts
I'm starting Western Governors in December. Looking for others who are also going to be doing BSN to MSN in Education. I'm a serious student and would like to talk to other like minded people. Excited to get started!
TheCommuter, BSN, RN
102 Articles; 27,612 Posts
Hi, there. Your thread has been moved to our Western Governors University forum to increase the likelihood of responses. We wish you the very best of luck.
1 Article; 852 Posts
Hi I am starting MSN education early 2016, I would love to start sooner but I need to save some money before I jump in!
Fabulous! Money has kept me back for a while too. Here's hoping it'll will be a great program, and we'll get our moneys worth.
43 Posts
I'll be starting Dec 1st too!! However, I will be doing Leadership and Management, but I'm sure many of our classes will be similar. Good luck to you.
1,025 Posts
I start next week, Leadership & Management. I am doing the RN-MSN.
Wonderful, I wish I could start now as well! Are the classes completed in the order they are listed or do you choose the order you take them in?
klone, MSN, RN
14,857 Posts
You and your student mentor will decide in which order you take the classes. There are some classes that have to be done in a certain order. Also, you're given 3-4 classes at once that are "released" to you for the semester, and you can work on whichever of those classes that are available to you in whatever order you want, typically.
I was not given any choice in my class order. There are some that should be easier for me that I wanted to take first, but I was told they must be taken in order.
You were told wrong. There are some classes that must be taken before others, but generally speaking, it doesn't matter. Some mentors seem to be a lot less flexible than others.
featherzRN, MSN
1,012 Posts
Lately the mentors have been real sticklers on class order. It seems to be a very recent directive from on-high, but some mentors will still let you change the order. :)
I'm glad the three mentors I had were very easygoing and gave me the freedom to take the courses I wanted, when. Of course, I also didn't have really strong feelings about it either.