Anyone Else Nervous?

Nursing Students General Students


Hi Everyone!

First, let me just say what a miracle it is that I have found this site

Second, is anyone else starting their first year of school in September? I FINALLY decided on which school I was going to attend (It was between two that I really wanted to attend; so nerver-wracking, I lost sleep over it lol), but I was excited about it for only a second, and then the worry and nerves set in. I'm so scared I'm going to do something wrong during clinical, flunk out, make no friends, or be the target of an evil clinical instructor. Anyone else feel even remotely like this.

I guess it's because this is something I want so much, it's honestly a dream come true that I'm starting nursing school in the fall. I know I need to focus on the good things more than the bad, but I'm having some trouble!

Any of you who are beginning ns for the first time nervous/scared/worried about this new journey they're embarking on??

what kind of coloring book are you guys talking about?:clown:

what kind of coloring book are you guys talking about?:clown:

The anatomy coloring book. It's great! My boyfriend called me a nerd when I bought it but honestly it's helpful. Plus, I still love coloring even though I'm 20 years old... I'm sure I'm not the only one :D

...oh wait I probably am

Specializes in ortho/neuro, geriatrics, med-surg.

I am now in my senior year and will be graduating this December. I remember that feeling when I started Intro. I wasn't really scared about the clinical because I had so much experience with patients already, I was actually excited about that part. ( I was a CNA for 17 years when I started the program) I was nervous about all the tests. I ended up having to quit my job when I got into Adults I though. Thank God that I have a husband that can support our family while I am in school. Finances are tight but there have been a lot of sacrifices that have been made for me to be in school.

I have been struggling a lot here lately. Adults II is really hard for me. In the program that I am in, this is the part that focuses on cardiac and respiratory. This is my second time taking this class. I failed it the first time by 2 points!!! But that's ok... I know that I will do better on the NCLEX and a better nurse because of it.

It is taking me a while to figure out what area of nursing that I want to go into when I finally get done. I liked the psych rotation, I LOVED the OB rotation, and I know that when I get into Adults III we get a chance to work in the units. I like cardiac, so the CICU might be a choice for me. I have to work on the floor for a year before I can go into the unit though. But that's ok though. I haven't made up my mind yet.

Your jitters will soon disappear... By the time you get where I am, you will be confident and feel like you are more prepared. My advice to you is to take FULL advantage of those clinicals. You don't know how many times I have been taking a test and had a question that related to something that I did in clinical.

You'll get there... just act confident even if you don't know, and good luck!

Specializes in Psych, EMS.

Nervous? Understatement of the year..I start my accelerated BSN program tomorrow!! :eek::uhoh21:

Specializes in acute care.

I'm not really nervous, at least not yet. I just wish I could start right now instead of in September. UGH!

Your definetely not alone, I feel incredibly nervous myself. I also start nursing school (BSN Program) this Fall. The same questions keep lingering in my mind ... Is this going to be too hard for me? Will my marriage survive it? What if I can't handle the stress!! What if I flunk out!!! I basically just hope and pray that it is not as bad as I'm making nursing school out to be.

Good luck!

Specializes in none.

You're gonna be just fine!!! I still don't know if I'm in the program yet, but I'm hoping to find out in July. This whole waiting situation has been sooo nerve wracking!! I want to The worst part is over for you. Now you just have to attend school and begin a new chapter in life. Just remember that no matter what happens, everything will be okay!!! Good luck!!

Any of you who are beginning ns for the first time nervous/scared/worried about this new journey they're embarking on??

I start this fall, I am exhilarated and scared to death:eek:!! I would probably be trembling with anticipation if I didn't have such a list of things to get done before ns starts! I have started my immunizations but still have some, plus the ppd, the varicella titer, the cpr for healthcare providers (oh and by the way, evidently the Red Cross isn't good enough for my school because it has to be through the American Heart Association, lol), the background check, the drug screen, etc, etc..... My head is spinning!

How is everyone else fairing in their quest to get everything taken care of before the looming deadline?

I'm scared to death. :eek: I've heard so many horror stories. I've been reading books like Joel Osteen - Become a better you - Anything to help me with my insecurities. I also tend to get my feelings hurt easily - I need to work on that big time! This is going to be the hardest thing I've ever done in my life. We all need to remember to take care of ourselves! Good luck to everyone.:redpinkhe

Specializes in none.

You will be just fine!!!! No need to be scared or worried. I have heard alot of good stories and things about NS. Everything will fall into place. Your gonna do great!!! Congratulations on your acceptance into the program!!! :D

I start this fall, I am exhilarated and scared to death:eek:!! I would probably be trembling with anticipation if I didn't have such a list of things to get done before ns starts! I have started my immunizations but still have some, plus the ppd, the varicella titer, the cpr for healthcare providers (oh and by the way, evidently the Red Cross isn't good enough for my school because it has to be through the American Heart Association, lol), the background check, the drug screen, etc, etc..... My head is spinning!

How is everyone else fairing in their quest to get everything taken care of before the looming deadline?

I thanked you when I meant to quote - so thanks. I guess my head is spinning, too! I have working diligently on my to do list. There is so much! And I have horrible health insurance, so it is all pretty much out of pocket on the immunizations and physical. But, I needed a check up anyway. I also thought it would be a good time to make appts for all the other things I don't want to deal with during the stressful school year - well women exam, dentist, etc. I even made an advance appt with my haircolorist, so I would have the time frame I needed close to school starting, but not so close as to be "one more thing." :D I am sure it will all go to gray the first week anyway!

I did find out that my program will accept my previous pharmacology. There was some concern about whether it would transfer. Whew! That email was like getting a giant bouquet of flowers this afternoon! One less thing to worry about. Its all coming together. Now, just to finish the closets and paint.

I'm nervous as crap. LOL I'm excited too, but mostly nervous. My roomie applied and didn't get in, so that made both of us sad when I got my acceptance letter.

I wish she was going with me. :(

Good luck to you! I think this website will be very helpful when classes begin!

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