Anyone applying to Yale GEPN for fall of 08'

Nursing Students Post Graduate


I thought I would start another thread about Yale GEPN. Would like to hear from anyone and everyone thats applying to the program for the fall of 2008? Its obvious that all of those that applied for the fall of this year have gotten their acceptance letters and congrats to them all, hopefully I will meet them all next year. In the meantime, I would like to hear from those going for the fall of 08. What were your major/degree in undergrad? Where are u now in the application process?

Hope to hear from all...


Byrd262 what specialty are you applying for at Yale

I applied to the Midwifery specialty

Has anyone heard anything from Yale about the completeness of their applications yet? I know it has only been 2 weeks since the app deadline, but I don't have any other applications to distract me from wondering about this one!

I emailed Angela the other day and asked if my app was complete and she said everything was complete. I could'nt hold out on not knowing either so I dropped an email. I think if you want to know go ahead and email her. I believe that if it wasn't complete they would hae notified us right away. No news is always good news

I haven't heard anything either, so I called the office of admissions. They were more than happy to let me know that all of my materials had been received and that they would start contacting applicants "shortly". Hope that helps!

Thanks for your responses folks! I am always hesitant to contact admissions offices, because I worry about bothering them. It's good to know that they are responsive. I'll probably wait until I hear from them :)

Does anyone know when we are supposed to be getting letters?

I was wondering the same thing. They require interviews, so I imagine those that are granted an interview should be hearing something relatively soon. BTW, that is just my assumption and is based on ZERO information from any type of official source. The website states that final decisions are mailed out by late Feb. Does anyone know anything about the interviews? Good luck everyone!

Searching around on some old threads, it looks like applicants last year were notified for interviews after Christmas, around the 28th or so.

after christmas?! augh!i can't wait that long! :) this waiting really does get to you after a while.i applied for geriatrics... funny how we're all a mix of specialities!

After Christmas? Oh my goodness, with interviews being in mid-January that doesn't give much time to make lodging and flight arrangements!

Does anyone remember what the potential interview dates are? I thought I saw them somewhere, but now I can't locate them.

Nevermind, I found them on this thread (Jan 17, 18, 22)

Hi everyone!

I'm a little confused, does Yale ony send out letters to certain individuals they want to Interview? and then the final decision comes in Feb?

Yale sends out letters for interviwees the end of the second week of December and the potential interviewees will receive the letters before Christmas. Interviews are January 17, 18, and 22. You can always email admissions to find out more information. Smit1989, utexas, fibergirl, birthrevolution, and joey. What specialty are have you all applied for? Everyone who applied will be interviewed by a faculty member in their specialty.

I hope I am invited for an interview waiting on pins and needles:innerconf

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