Any WV nurses here?

U.S.A. West Virginia


Are there any West Virginia nurses out there? I can't believe that with the way things are going for us that there are no rants or raves here. I know my pay is crap. Have you read any of the threads where someone is making just under $48 per hour. Is our hospital system the worst in the worl to work for or what? Do you realize that some of the dudes in patient transport (St. Francis) are making more than some nurses?:rolleyes:

Originally posted by barefootlady

HCA is the pits. I am not interested in working for that company again. Could say lots more but won't.

This is the God's honest truth- I will work flipping burgers at McDonalds before I will work for HCA again.

By the way, did you know that our current senate majority leader, Dr. Bill Frist's father and grandfather founded HCA?!

HCA and it's founding father's and current administrations are nothing but LIER"S. I have worked in 2 different HCA facilities and it is always the same, low staffing, high patient ratio's, high patient acuity, and low pay. Benefits cost a bundle and good luck on trying to collect them even when all the paper work is right. I think the biggest scam in WV right now is how HCA bought the Catholic hospitals in Charleston and Parkersburg, traded on the good name of these institutions, and now are slowly but surely making these establishments into the He$$ho$es that most HCA facilities are all over this country.

Have seen the adds for RN's at Grand Strand, the give away, is HCA. It is the pits, have talked to many nurses who fell for the line, make good money, live at the beach, we are a progressive place to work. Well, one said she stayed a year and was on nerve med prior to leaving, now she is working weekends at a facility in Chas and does not need meds. NOT HCA ofcourse.

I need to go back to work but I am not going to look in WV. Have Family in NC and other states. I may work like a mule, but I want to be paid like a race horse. Salaries are the pits here and will continue to stay low. Nurses are disrespected and abused in a big way in lots of our area facilities. Docs are ripping the state off for all sorts of payments and Nothing is being done to regulate them. Insurance is high, well, why did the state board, not take some of these butchers to task long ago? A jury here is sympathetic to the complaints of the injured, guess they have had a lot of bad experiences of their own!

Sorry to be so negative, but nursing and WV is just not a good mix these days. As I stated before, if I am going to be working like a mule, then pay me well. That is a concept that area facilities do not understand.

were i work, at boone mem i make 16 an hour and i have been there almost 4 years and do charge for that pd. we don't have resp, ivt,or a code team. we do it all, and when the er gets in trouble we leave the floor and go help them. we are a one floor hospital. i could go to charleston which is about 45 min or to logan gen which is about 30min, but it is all the same. the staffing is bad every were. i want to leave here but there isn't anything out there that is better. i don't think so anyway.

Just wanted to take a minute to say I have been working outside of the state and I am really making good money and have good benefits. I have a short term job, but I was called today by a lady who needs nurses with vent experience. She offered me $30.00/hr and benefits. I am checking for more info. I do not feel that rent is too high, Less than $700.00/month for a NEW 3 bedroom 2 bath house. Groceries are going up everywhere, and so is gasoline. Right now I feel like I made a really good decision, but it may not be that way in a few weeks or months. I am missing my home and some of the long time usual things that people from WV take for granted. Let me just say that we are NICE and Smart. Hope everyone who is finding it just a little too difficult to continue to stay in WV and make a living at least try something new. If it does not work out you can always come back, if it does, then its all to the good. Just wanted to take the time to say HI to all. Give it some thought, Ohio, VA, NC, and several others are places to think about. :coollook:

Specializes in Neurology, Neurosurgerical & Trauma ICU.

Hi everyone! I just wanted to add my two cents to the conversation.

I live in WV, but work in PA. For us up here (comparing my experiences with those that work at local hospitals) it's worth the drive out of the state! It's a sad, but true reality.

:chuckle I'm an ex-West Virginian. I will not be returning. I met a husband and wife nurse team who were originally from West Virginia. They had lived in Texas and moved to West Virginia so they could be near their family members again. After 6 months of poor pay and being verbally abused by different facilities they moved back to Texas. The female nurse told me she was even forced to wear a nursing cap at the LTC in Wheeling. :uhoh3:

Where are you now and what type of nursing do you do?

Specializes in Neurology, Neurosurgerical & Trauma ICU.
:chuckle I'm an ex-West Virginian. I will not be returning. I met a husband and wife nurse team who were originally from West Virginia. They had lived in Texas and moved to West Virginia so they could be near their family members again. After 6 months of poor pay and being verbally abused by different facilities they moved back to Texas. The female nurse told me she was even forced to wear a nursing cap at the LTC in Wheeling. :uhoh3:

Hey...don't laugh, but I had to wear a nursing cap all through nursing school....and I've only been out a year or so! :rolleyes:

Where are you now and what type of nursing do you do?

:) Hi Barefoot Lady. I am in eastern Washington taking care of my 82 year old mother. I am not doing nursing right now. I am a paid volunteer reading tutor at an elementary school. I am returning to nursing in August and am planning to return to LTC nursing. How about you?

Hi NeuroICU RN

Sorry to hear that you had to wear a nursing cap all through nursing school.

I had to and it always gave me headaches. :crying2:

Just wanted you to know about pay scales in nearby areas. I am a peds nurse at a peds hospital in Cincinnati. Starting pay here for a new grad is 18.00. Shift diffs for evenings/night is 4 dollars/hour. I've been here for two years and am currently making (I work nights) just under 24.00 an hour. Most nurses who are getting 30 or more are either 1) travelers, 2) agency, 3) been there LONG time.

Sorry I have not been back to chat for awhile. I could tell you a long sad story but let me just say these past few months since March have been an education. As bad as we think nursing is in WV, I can tell you that we still care about the job we do and the patients we take care of. I hope that never changes. I hope everyone has a great summer. Take care of yourselves and be proud of the job you are doing.

Hi, I'm fairly new to this web site but i've been a nurse for 33 years.

The pay definitly needs to be increased. Right now pain isn't an issue for me. Ie hospital where I work live 5 miles from the small community hospital where I work. I work on our Same Day Surgery unit which I love doing. I get holidays off, no being on call, & I only have toiwork every 3rd Saturday. I would love to add you to my contact list if that;s OK

Krista :balloons:

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