Any WV nurses here?

U.S.A. West Virginia


Are there any West Virginia nurses out there? I can't believe that with the way things are going for us that there are no rants or raves here. I know my pay is crap. Have you read any of the threads where someone is making just under $48 per hour. Is our hospital system the worst in the worl to work for or what? Do you realize that some of the dudes in patient transport (St. Francis) are making more than some nurses?:rolleyes:

Specializes in critical care, + a mixed bag of tricks.
Hi Amy,

Who ever said the guys in transport at SFH make more than nurses is not telling the truth. I worked there for over 3 years and I know. HCA is lousy and CAMC and Thomas are not much better. I am looking in NC and Ohio. If I am going to work like a mule then I want to be paid better. I am tired of all of the talk about lay offs, I am tired of being flexed up or down at the supervisor's whim . I want some appreciation for getting to work in bad weather like we have here. The insurance coverage we have here is too costly. I think the nurses in this state are just too scared to do or go anywhere else. Most of them are supporting a family by themselves. Hubby's do not have good jobs. Just some reasons why things are the way they are here. Beside, we WV women are known to take bad treatment with our mouths shut and to continue returning for more.

Your words are so true. Unfortunately, people in this state don't seem to have as many options to fall back on (as far as work goes), so those of us with families to support have to hold our tongues, put our heads down, and keep going to work. Being on the CAMC black-list is enough to make you lose your home and everything you ever worked for, if you don't have another way to earn a decent income.

And this so-called nursing shortage? Here in Charleston, its just a manufactured fairy tale. Hospitals don't want to hire, they just want to make the nurses they have work twice as hard.

Hi Blue,

CAMC used to control everything in the area and for miles around, up 77, 50, and beyond. Now several facilities are giving them some competition. I still do not have much good to say about the state of nursing in So. WV. It is not the nurses but the facilities that give the hard working nurses so much grief.

Specializes in critical care, + a mixed bag of tricks.
Specializes in Trauma ICU, Surgical ICU, Medical ICU.

I graduated in WV, but left once I graduated and work in NC right now. My mother is a nurse at CAMC and I will be joining her there within a few months. Why? Basically I cant AFFORD to live in NC! I started at 19.58/hr at Duke as a new grad. I would've started at CAMC at 18.00/hr. HOWEVER, the only apartment I could find that was close enough to work without rapists and murderers was 895/mo!!! I think that after 4 years of college I should at least be able to afford a half-decent apartment. As for a house? FORGET IT!! The houses that sell for 17k at home sell for 200k here! There are places that make more money, such as UNC, Baptist, etc. However, my mother makes 30+/hr at CAMC doing short stay surgery after 5 years experience.

I suggest if you do come to NC to get as far away from Durham/Raleigh as possible!!! Basically we are coming home for that hospitality and family life that we miss so much. People are SO much nicer back home, so don't take it for granted! The grass isn't always greener. Give me my good ole' hills anyday!

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