Any Tips for Surviving the Long Wait of those Pending Applications in the Hospitals


I may have made some wrong and hasty decisions :crying2::crying2::crying2: but my focus now is to look for solutions.

I didn't practice Nursing ASAP when I graduated (which was back in 2007). I worked as a customer service representative while waiting for the results and eventually stayed there for 2 years.

I only got to practice, last 2009 and it was a volunteer nursing job in the province.

While volunteering, I knew that (sooner or later) I need to look for a paying job because I don't want to and can't depend on my parents financially forever. So I quit my volunteer job to focus on job hunting in Manila (one that pays).

And besides I'm not so fond of going back and forth Makati and our province because I'm taking up my post graduate studies in Manila and the volunteer job was in the province. If possible, I prefer to stay in Makati permanently at this time. For consistency's sake.

But then, all of my recent applications for hospitals, even in small clinics here in Makati, are in pending. :eek: It has been 4 depressing months.

If I don't have any other options, maybe I'll volunteer again(this time in Manila already). Any tips for earning while volunteering?

Are those online research jobs realistic while doing volunteer work? Has anyone tried them here?

I want nothing else more now but to practice Nursing but if our profession is very elusive, I might go back to taking calls again. Which is not really my priority as of now. Because I intend to work as a nurse already.

Sorry for the long rant.

I would love to hear from others' experiences especially those who volunteered and managed to earn while volunteering. And any tips for surviving the long wait? Like being productive without having to spend too much...

Thank you for reading. Hope to read your replies guys.

Olah! I suggest that you submit hundreds of your resume all around the country... hehehe and do not volunteer more than 3 months in one hospital. After 3 months, try other hospitals again so you'll have other options and not to wait for a single hospital.

One option which is I'm really contemplating is to do call center job or other high paying non nursing jobs and save for at least 50 thousand. I plan to do walk ins in Singapre, Dubai etc... if only I have this money! hahaha

Another option is to stay in your call center job while applying for nursing job. It takes months to years if you don't have bakers. Sigh.. You just need to wait for a long long long time. AT least you are earning while waiting. However, do not forget to make follow ups and updates regarding your application status. wink2

Thanks Achie.

I'm jobless right now.

I tried applying again at call centers because I need to earn however.....

Call centers won't hire me now because I give off a vibe that I'm just there to earn while waiting for hospitals to re-hire, which is actually true. Interviewers have this uncanny power of reading right through you. ouch.

Yeah, it is quite realistic to garner 50k while working as an agent.

The best of luck with your grand plan if ever you'll do it. ;)

I'll try and check out other non-nursing jobs for the mean time. And I'll try your suggestion of submitting hundreds of resume on different hospitals.

You're so true about the looooonnngg wait. It really takes months and it's not an exaggeration especially when you don't have backers.

Specializes in Pre-hospital Care, Remote medicine.

Get a good paying job. And make sure you like it even if not 100%. hehe!

Specializes in ER.

attend some trainings and will not only enhance/refresh your knowledge and skills but it will also be a plus points in your resume. remember that there are thousands of you need to find an edge - to be different and to stand out. Good luck!

thanks to those who took the time to reply. ^_^

i could not stress this enough: BLS and IVT trainings. Grab a slot as soon as you can because most hospitals require this.

hi Icecandy. I worked for convergys for a couple of months. its funny when you said that the interviewers from the call centers have this uncanny ability of knowing you'll just be there for the money right until you get hired by a hospital. i resigned from convergys to start my nursing career, and when i cant get a job, i tried to go back to the all center industry. IBM and VENTUS denied me because "they wouldnt want to hinder my nursing career" so they say. the hell with them. i just wanted to share you my experience and let you know that you are not alone...goodluck and God bless.

Love_RN: I know! Do you know of a hospital for IVT that accepts fresh board passers without a physical PRC license card?

wow! Icecandy we do have the same story, you might be my soul mate

Its been 6 months already but still no luck. I've passed a lot of applications in hospitals and agencies.

My last application was in Sta Ana Hospital which is very dissapointing. Imagine, 1400 applicants battling for 150 slots (with backer included).

I'm reviewing for IELTS now since this is one of the requirements needed especially when applying abroad.

I don't recommend you guys to attend seminars and IVT trainings, It's only a waste of my precious money. My sister who works in SLMC you can get those stuff once you get hired.

I guess you really have to assertive. Follow up your application from time to time. ;)

@ Kingpin, thanks for sharing your experience. :up:

It's a bit urgggghhhh because we spend like a whole day waiting to be interviewed just to be rejected. and not because we're unqualified.... but because of Nursing. Oh well. :rolleyes:

It's like engaging in a sick relationship, you remain loyal to a boyfriend/girlfriend who constantly cheats on you(thousands of Nursing applicants), just because you spend a long time together(4 hard labored years in Nursing school) and you believe it'll still work and s/he is your destiny. You compromise (volunteer jobs, attend trainings, study masters), you try to think positively but in the end, s/he still hurts you(making you expect and wait for a very long time). Like a martyr, you still believe.

There are still other guys (non-nursing jobs) out there, and yet you stick with a person who hurts you a lot.

After a long time of constantly being hurt and put down, you feel numb, cynical and bitter already.

It's not applicable for all but that's how I feel about the Nursing system right now.

@ Dreb16

Lol at the soulmate part. I thought '07 should be a lucky number but it just reminds that every year more students are graduating. haha. And yeah, we're getting older each year.

If you're reviewing Ieltz, I'm studying Japanese right now.

There's nothing to loose if I studied it, anyway.

@ everyone who responded, again thanks! :)

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