Any other pre-nursing students over 45?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I've been working on mostly non-math courses so far and I will be finishing up most of my pre-req's including Mth120 and A&P 1 at the end of Fall. I'm concerned about the NLN pre-entrance test for RNs. Has anyone on this forum over 40 taken it?:eek: Thank you in advance for any responses!

There has def. been downsizing and outsourcing that have affected many corporate people. I have my own small cleaning business and even it was affected as people lost their jobs (reply to Anne36)

(RobertCMT) I know what you mean! My husband and I plan to work until we die, LOL. I'm sure doing practice tests would give me an idea of specifics that I need to work on! Congratulations on finishing your pre-reqs and I wish you success in getting into school! Are you going for ADN or BSN?

omg, this is a good topic too because there was a guy in my A&P 2 class tonight that looked over 50. Dont take this the wrong way but I feel sorry for people who have to go thru this at that point in life. It would hopefully be a time when you feel settled in your life and done stuggling. I guess this is why it bothers me, it makes me think they must have lost thier job by downsizing or outsourcing.

No need to feel sorry, Anne; most of the people you see who "look over 50" are there because they choose to be.

Yep, it is not just a money thing. Sometimes people feel that they have a "calling" and really want their life to have meaning and they want to try to make a difference in their area of the world. (Sometimes this doesn't happen untill later) Just my 2 cents.

Specializes in Infusion.

Please no pity for this 47 yo. I became interested in nursing nearly 15 years ago. I had kids later in life and wanted to raise them prior to them entering school. Now that they are full time students, I feel privileged to be a student going into nursing. This is a challenging area and it is even more interesting now that I have time to fully focus. My work will give my husband a chance to throttle back at work as well. He has been a terrific provider but endures many pressures in a shrinking technology job market.

I will be 43 when I apply for the nursing program.

I have always wanted to be in the medical field, but chose to get married and raise my kids.

Now it's about me, and nursing it is!! I honestly think I'm a better student because of my life experiences. :twocents: ;)

I will be 43 when I apply for the nursing program.

I have always wanted to be in the medical field, but chose to get married and raise my kids.

Now it's about me, and nursing it is!! I honestly think I'm a better student because of my life experiences. :twocents: ;)

I couldn't agree more. Far from being disadvantaged, I think we "older" students have the advantage in many respects.

WoW! What Great responses!:up:

It makes me feel better about things:yeah:

Specializes in Home Care.

I'm 48, I graduated from LPN last summer, just finished up nursing pre-reqs and got my AA and will be starting the LPN-RN transitional program in August. I'll be just about 50 when I get my RN. Then its on to the BSN :)

My husband and I are in our early 40's and have almost no retirement and a large mortgage. I have been a housewife for 20 years, raising and homeschooling our boys. I started working 15-20 hours a week at Target during the evenings and weekends, and although I enjoy the job and the hours are very flexible, it certainly doesn't pay much. Three of my kids are now 17 and over, so the reality of them all not being around forever for me to take care of is beginning. I thought to myself, "What do I want to be when I grow up? I have a clean slate and can pick anything I want!" and nursing was it. So here I am taking prereqs and Lord willing, in four years I will be a nurse. It is perfect for me, nurses are needed 24 hours a day, so I can still continue to homeschool my youngest children (who will be 12 and 9 by then) and work part time, then transition to full time when they are in college.

It is nice to see so many other mothers who devoted their time to raising their children first! I always try to encourage the younger mothers to do without some luxuries when their babies are little and make the sacrifice to stay home with them. I know that to them, 45 seems "over the hill", but honestly, I don't feel old at all! :)

It is nice to see so many other mothers who devoted their time to raising their children first! I always try to encourage the younger mothers to do without some luxuries when their babies are little and make the sacrifice to stay home with them. I know that to them, 45 seems "over the hill", but honestly, I don't feel old at all! :)

:D I very much agree!

Ive been a housewife for 20 years too Mama. Im glad I stayed home with my kids but with my husband and ex husband both losing their jobs it would have been a life saver to have the second paycheck. That is part of the reason why Im going straight for an LPN, I need to work as soon as possible. If I can ever afford it I will go on to RN later.

I here ya, Anne36! I have done babysitting for neighbors to bring in extra money and I also make $55/week donating plasma. Every little bit helps! My last daycare job ended this past fall when the little girl began kindergarten.

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