Any other pre-nursing students over 45?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I've been working on mostly non-math courses so far and I will be finishing up most of my pre-req's including Mth120 and A&P 1 at the end of Fall. I'm concerned about the NLN pre-entrance test for RNs. Has anyone on this forum over 40 taken it?:eek: Thank you in advance for any responses!

I am 40 years old and just beginning prerequisites, actually I haven't even signed up yet, so technically I'm contemplating. I am going to meet with an advisor at the local CC this week. I would like to have my adn in 5 years. I started prereqs 12 years ago, but found out I was pregnant towards the end of the first semester. I have 3 kids now, 11, 8 & 5, whom I am homsechooling. I love my kids, but I need something that is mine. I want to complete things, I even want to be graded. LOL

My plan of attack is to take the science courses one semester at a time, and I'd like to finish everything but the NUR courses in three years. I hope that is a reasonable goal.

Reading all of your posts is very inspiring. :)

We are all doing it because the economy will have us working til we are well into our 80's.

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