Any mamas with a 2-3 yr old and started pre-req's here?


Im going to start my pre-reqs this in january but was wondering if theirs any mamas who was in the same boat as im am and how many classes you started out with and how you made/make it work, im hoping the school im going to go to has a discounted day care to help out and i can focuse on school since his dad works in the city and does not get home till 4 every day:uhoh3: . Also worried about my lil guy transitioning to not being around me:crying2: for the both of us. i just work a few days a wk now when dad comes home i leave and work 4-5 hrs so hes never been away from both of us. so not only im a nervouse about going back after 7 years im going to have to have my lil guy on my mind. i know this is for the best in the long haul but hes my:redbeathe :(

I am doing this starting this semester. I'm taking my two required pre-reqs (chem 100 and bio 104) plus psy 101 and soc 101 just to get them out of the way. I am 36, and I have an almost 3 year old. Thankfully my DH is great with helping me out, I don't know how he does it, he works 54 hours a week as a restaurant manager yet still finds time to keep our DD distracted while I'm doing homework. For class time, I drop her off at my moms, my mom doesn't work anymore and loves having her over there. I was sort of worried about DD not being around me 24/7 like she is used to but she doesn't seem to mind at all. I feel guilty sometimes because I'm doing homework instead of taking her somewhere or playing with her but I *think* she understands. This seems to work for us. We also enrolled her in 3's preschool and dance so she'll have more activities to do too.

Good luck with your pre-reqs and your time management! If you are completely focused you can do it!!


Tonight I am staring my 1st class back after not going to school since 1995! I am a 34 yr old mom of an almost 2 year old , work 40 hours a week! As scared as I am on to be taking on this new venture it is what i want and need to do. I think with a supportive partner, alot of hard work and sacrifice we can all do it! It is scarey and exciting at the same time :)

A friend told me that if you are going to do it, do it now! Your little one will not remember the amount of time you were home or away, but s/he will remember the QUALITY of time. A poster on these forums also told me to go for it now while my children were still fairly young because as they get older and sports, dance, extracurriculars, homework come into play it will be much harder.

I have my pre-reqs done and will complete my co-reqs this next year (I delayed entry after getting accepted for a few reasons, one being my 2 and 4 year old) so the program will be as close to part time as I can get. I know it will still be a challenge, but my hope is that I will survive and not be riddled with mom guilt when all is said and done. Good luck to you!!!

Specializes in Med/ Surg/ Telemetry, Public Health.

I worked full time, took two classes a semester, and I have a 3 yr old. Also I am a single parent. It gets tough sometimes but you just have to take it one day at a time. I missed my child alot but mama had to do it, because I want to better my education to better support us. I know the feeling it's hard but it's ok to leave them at a babysitter or daycare. My daughter loved it so, when I would pick her she would cry to stay with her teacher. Trust me things will work out, just stay focused and have good time management.

I have a daughter turning 3 in a couple months and daughter turning 7 in a few months. I just finished my B.A. in May and took about 5 classes a semester...but my major was fairly "easy" (sociology with psych minor). The only nursing prereqs I have left are lab sciences (A&P 1 and 2, microbio), and I am only taking one at a time. I don't think I could handle more than, I am starting a part-time job working nights and weekends on top of it.

My school's daycare used to offer reduced rates to students and faculty, but they recently got rid of everyone pays full price. I haven't needed it up to this point luckily, but I will need it when I start the full-time nursing program. My mom helps me out a lot with babysitting for now. I know it is hard to be away from your kids, but you are right, it will definitely be better for everyone in the long-run. I sometimes think it is harder for us parents than for the kids! Your kiddo might end up liking it since he will get to socialize and probably do some fun activities. Good luck!

I have a two year old daughter, work full time, and my husband works out of town. So i know how hard it can be, but like laski said, DO IT NOW! Luckily my boss lets me take two days out of the week during my lunch break to go to class, and then the other three days I go to class before work, but i pay $130 a week for daycare. OUCH! I dont know what area you are in but I'm from Dallas Tx and they have a government program here called CCMS (child care management services) that helps with low income families. So you can do it!!!! Don't give up!

thank you so much mamas im soo glade im not the only one and great point doing it while they are young is better then when they are older! you all are so sweet,and supportive! thank you!!:) Wait what are co-reqs???

Co-reqs are the non-nursing courses that are taken while in the nursing program (for me, nutrition, micro, AP, dev psych and a few others). With my program I can take them now and NOT have to take them when I am actually in the program. It will allow me to focus solely on the nursing core and clinicals.

And you are so right about the people here--I have found them to be incredibly honest, thoughtful and supportive. Which is why I find myself on here more than I should be! :)

thanks laski your programs sounds cool if it does that! and ya im so glade i found this forum!

What classes are you taking? A lot of the pre-reqs can be taken online. (English, math, psychology, ethics, etc...) You could work on school at night after hubby is home. Or maybe put him in daycare a couple mornings a week for some study time. He will adjust just fine.

I have 3 kids. Two are in school during the day and my little one just started preschool. He goes 3 hours a day each afternoon. I'm taking 4 classes this semester, which is a lot considering I also work fulltime (at night and luckily from home..) but I am managing. Three of my classes are online and I only go on campus for math 2 days a week. I picked a class that fell during my son's preschool hours so it's perfect for us.

You can do this!

I have three little youngest is 3, then I have a 6 yr old and 8 yr old. I haven't been in college since 94/95 and decided I wanted a career change about 2 yrs ago. This is my 2nd yr and it is a adjustment for the whole family. I take 2 classes per semester and they are always at night. and took the last summer off. I am spreading it out so that I can apply for clinical when my youngest is starting Kindergarten. Even with 2 classes the Sciences can be demanding once you get to the classes that have both lab and lecture. You can do it! It will be a struggle at times but you will figure out what works for YOU and then go from there. Good luck!

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