Anxiety and Ativan

Nurses Stress 101


I'm currently still on orientation at my job. I'm about to go off orientation. I suffer from anxiety so bad it interferes with my ability to communicate with my patients better. It interferes with my ability to make friends with coworkers. I have constant anxiety. I'm about to be off orientation and I had been taking klonopon for a while and it doesn't work for me so I got switched today to ativan as needed and lyric daily. Does anyone have any experience taking ativan while working? I don't want it to affect my memory or my abilities because I struggle in the memory area a bit anyways.

From what I have read, Ativan is best taken on an as needed basis (for panic attacks) , Taken daily, it loses its effectiveness and leads to addiction.

Specializes in Mental health, substance abuse, geriatrics, PCU.

Unfortunately Benzos are like putting a band aide over a gaping wound. They are best used as a tool to temporarily allow the human psyche "room to breathe" while processing difficult emotions, trauma, etc. I hope you can utilize your company's EAP, therapy can be incredibly useful in coping with work place anxiety.

Best of luck to you, hang in there.

Specializes in Gerontology, Med surg, Home Health.

I am not a fan of medications for many things, especially when working.

We are not allowed to give medical advice, but could I suggest you learn to meditate? Even 5 minutes of deep breathing can calm one's nerves. There are many apps you can download to your smart phone to get you started. If it works great...if it doesn't you've only lost a little time...and there are no bad side effects.

Specializes in Float Pool - A Little Bit of Everything.

I am first sorry for the struggle you have with anxiety. I know very well how you feel, in many ways. With my disorder and anxiety, I have had to learn coping mechanisms and have had to pick the right positions for me. There were some that did not work out and I had to be able to reflect on my symptoms and pick an environment that was best for me. I would personally never take an anxiety medication before going to work or driving for that matter. I know this is a contentious subject, but that is how I operate. I am happy that I have been able to not take medications and to find relief with therapy and things like ASMR, yoga, etc. But I do know that some people need different medications to live a somewhat normal life. We are all different. I hope you can find the right balance.

Thanks. It's so bad that I can't make friends with my coworkers. I have a constant fear of rejection so I tend to not be involved in their discussions. I want to support my patients the way I want to without that anxiety and fear. I took klonopon for a while and never felt impaired in any way.

Specializes in Float Pool - A Little Bit of Everything.
Thanks. It's so bad that I can't make friends with my coworkers. I have a constant fear of rejection so I tend to not be involved in their discussions. I want to support my patients the way I want to without that anxiety and fear. I took klonopon for a while and never felt impaired in any way.

I am so sorry for how you are feeling. I can very much relate. One thing I work with my therapist on is my inability to relate to and have friendships with coworkers. A lot of it stems from things that occurred when I was in the military and a bit from my childhood and lack of social skill development. I know it is really hard and I know how it feels to always feel that other people think you are different, weird, crazy, etc. I wish I had any good advice other than to say that I am learning that 90% of how I feel others perceive me is actually very different from how they do. What type of nursing do you do? Maybe a different setting would be beneficial?

No...I'm at my dream job and want here forever.

Specializes in Pediatric Critical Care.
...things like ASMR.../QUOTE]

ASMR! [emoji7][emoji173]️

Specializes in Float Pool - A Little Bit of Everything.
No...I'm at my dream job and want here forever.

Well at least you have that on your side, I am sure you can find a way to make it work!

Specializes in Float Pool - A Little Bit of Everything.

Janey496- GentleWhispers and Olivia Kispers on YouTube are my favorites!

How will that help with my social anxiety?

I need more confidence and be more assertive with my patients. My preceptor even told me so.

Specializes in Float Pool - A Little Bit of Everything.
How will that help with my social anxiety?

I need more confidence and be more assertive with my patients. My preceptor even told me so.

Oh I was replying to a message above. ASMR can be effective for relaxation for generalized anxiety.

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