Anxiety and Ativan

Nurses Stress 101


I'm currently still on orientation at my job. I'm about to go off orientation. I suffer from anxiety so bad it interferes with my ability to communicate with my patients better. It interferes with my ability to make friends with coworkers. I have constant anxiety. I'm about to be off orientation and I had been taking klonopon for a while and it doesn't work for me so I got switched today to ativan as needed and lyric daily. Does anyone have any experience taking ativan while working? I don't want it to affect my memory or my abilities because I struggle in the memory area a bit anyways.

Specializes in Pediatric Critical Care.
Janey496- GentleWhispers and Olivia Kispers on YouTube are my favorites!

Two of my favorites as well; love both of them. Check out WhispersRed, Heather Feather and ASMRrequests, if you haven't seen them before.

Specializes in Float Pool - A Little Bit of Everything.
Two of my favorites as well; love both of them. Check out WhispersRed, Heather Feather and ASMRrequests, if you haven't seen them before.

I will definitely check them out! ASMRrequests was the first ASMR person I ever watched. So relaxing!

Specializes in Psych, Addictions, SOL (Student of Life).
I'm currently still on orientation at my job. I'm about to go off orientation. I suffer from anxiety so bad it interferes with my ability to communicate with my patients better. It interferes with my ability to make friends with coworkers. I have constant anxiety. I'm about to be off orientation and I had been taking klonopon for a while and it doesn't work for me so I got switched today to ativan as needed and lyric daily. Does anyone have any experience taking ativan while working? I don't want it to affect my memory or my abilities because I struggle in the memory area a bit anyways.

We can't give medical advice here but I would advise against taking any benzodiazepine while working or even while you are off duty. All it takes is one accident or someone thinking you are impaired to have management asks for UDS. You can be turned into the BON for working under the influence even if you gave a valid prescription for the med in question. Then you will find yourself in Diversion or peer assistance or whatever your state calls it. Trust me you don't want that (Been there done that)

Are you under the care of a psychiatrist? There are lots of meds for general anxiety that are not benzos and work pretty well just not as fast. Also you should work with a therapist on non chemical ways cope with anxiety.



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