Anti-Vaxxers Shut Down Immunization Events

Immunize Nevada recently canceled two fundraiser events because of harassing social media posts made by anti-vaxxers.  Read on to learn why the anti vaccination movement has moved from a local concern to a top global threat. Nurses Activism News

A Nevada non-profit organization that promotes vaccination canceled two scheduled events after anti-vaccinators posted harassing comments to social media. The two December fundraising events were organized by Immunize Nevada to honor healthcare workers who help with vaccinations. immunize Nevada’s Executive Director, Heidi Parker, told CNN “We looked at the whole picture and because we knew these events were to be celebrations in honor of immunization champions in Nevada, we don’t want there to be any risk”.

According to Parker, the events typically have about 200 attendees and the organization lost thousands of dollars due to the cancellations.

The On-line Posts

The anti-vaccine messages were posted as reviews on the hosting venues’ Yelp and Facebook pages. Unfortunately, this caused a drop in the venues’ overall ratings, despite Yelp and Facebook promptly removing the harassing comments.

One post accused a restaurant of “supporting Big Pharma’s agenda by hosting a vaccine incentive program”, and another post alleged immunizations cause an “incredible amount of harm to the most vulnerable”. The posts contradict overwhelming medical consensus and decades of scientific research that support the need for vaccination

Immunize Nevada’s Parker reported to CNN the organization has experienced an increase in extremist behaviors by anti-vaxxers. She cites an incident on December 11th where she was speaking at a Nevada legislative health care committee meeting and anti-vaxxers spoke out.

Anti-Vaxxers Now A Top Global Threat

The World Health Organization (WHO) named vaccine hesitancy as one of the top global threats of 2019. WHO defines vaccine hesitancy as the “reluctance or refusal to vaccinate despite the availability”. This was the first year the anti-vaccination movement was listed among the top ten global threats, joining air pollution, climate change, expected global pandemic flu, diabetes, HIV and cancer. According to WHO, vaccines prevent 2 to 3 million deaths each year. But, an additional 1.5 million lives could be saved if coverage of vaccinations improved globally.

In The U.S.

The CDC released a report, in October 2019, that estimated 100,00 young children in the U.S. had not been vaccinated against any of the 14 diseases recommended for immunization. While 70 percent of children receive all their vaccinations, officials worry diseases like polio and diphtheria could re-emerge with 30 percent of children remain unvaccinated.

The report revealed a relevant minority of children didn’t have health insurance coverage. It’s surprising these children were not vaccinated since there are government programs that will pay for immunizations for the uninsured.

The 3 C’s- Complacency, Inconvenience and Confidence

A vaccine advisory group at WHO has identified 3 main reasons why people may forego vaccination in the U.S.

Vaccine Complacency

Because of vaccinations, the risk of many diseases is low and some people view immunization as unnecessary. Past vaccination programs have been so successful, vaccines are now under-valued and the risk of vaccination outweighs the benefit for some.

Vaccination Convenience

Some people are influenced by the real (or perceived) convenience of vaccination services when making a decision to have recommended shots. “Convenience” factors that play a role in the decision to vaccinate may include:

  • The time and place of vaccination
  • Affordability of vaccination
  • What individual priority is placed being vaccinated

Vaccination Confidence

Vaccination confidence is the trust placed in the effectiveness and safety of vaccines, as well as the competence of health professionals. People also base their decision to vaccinate on how much trust they have in the motivations of policymakers who decide what and when vaccines are needed.

Other Influencing Factors

Some may decide against vaccination for themselves or for their children because of religious beliefs or accepting incorrect information. According to the CDC, there is no scientific link between vaccines and autism, however, some do decide against vaccination based on this misinformation. You can learn more about this misconception and the overall safety of vaccines on the CDC website.

Immunize Nevada Moves Forward

Immunize Nevada decided to hold a virtual event, Big Shots Breakfast, instead of the planned live events. The online event was successful and raised $14,726 to go toward public education and providing free vaccines to vulnerable populations (senior citizens, homeless and uninsured families.

Do you think the anti-vaccination movement is a threat to your community? Let us hear from you.


Immunize Nevada

Event promoting vaccination called off in Nevada after harassing comments were posted on social media

Specializes in OB.
On 1/18/2020 at 2:56 PM, TriciaJ said:

Nope. The term "anti-immigrant" is a misnomer and an accusation in itself. Anyone is likely to be unvaccinated unless vaccination status is verified. That's why schools, employers and host countries require immunization documents. It is a public health issue, despite who you think is more or less likely to be vaccinated.

I agree with that, what I'm saying is the other poster was saying something very different.

Specializes in Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative.

Samoa's vaccination rates dropped hugely after two incidents where vaccines were reconstituted with an expired paralytic. And look how that turned out

70 kids dead and god knows how many more suffer from the long term effects of measles

On 1/10/2020 at 3:47 PM, ArmyRntoMD said:

If it’s a state law I have no issue. A federal law would be overstepping.

Why is one alarming to you and the other is not?

Specializes in Emergency Care/ Step Down.

Nothing personal but the majority of your post is propaganda. If anyone is foolish enough to believe everything they are told by the government and/or the CDC much less the WHO. We have seen first hand what the WHO is about. Vaccines are good but always the answer. I'm going to share with you an experience with the flu vaccine, say what you wish. Twenty years ago when I became a nurse I asked my PCP if I should take the flu vaccine and his response was no "I never have". When I became a travel nurse in the ER I was in numerous hospitals during the flu season for several years and never had the flu. When hospitals made it mandatory we have the flu vaccine I had the flu 3 years in a row after being vaccinated but haven't had it since I quit travel nursing about 5 years ago. Since that time I have worked in urgent care for two years caring for numerous patients with the flu, not once have I had the flu. God Bless

Specializes in Anesthesia.
3 minutes ago, Fed Up And Done said:

Nothing personal but the majority of your post is propaganda. If anyone is foolish enough to believe everything they are told by the government and/or the CDC much less the WHO. We have seen first hand what the WHO is about. Vaccines are good but always the answer. I'm going to share with you an experience with the flu vaccine, say what you wish. Twenty years ago when I became a nurse I asked my PCP if I should take the flu vaccine and his response was no "I never have". When I became a travel nurse in the ER I was in numerous hospitals during the flu season for several years and never had the flu. When hospitals made it mandatory we have the flu vaccine I had the flu 3 years in a row after being vaccinated but haven't had it since I quit travel nursing about 5 years ago. Since that time I have worked in urgent care for two years caring for numerous patients with the flu, not once have I had the flu. God Bless

And you just summarized the whole antivaxxer agenda: Actual medical research by experts in the field of vaccines/vaccinations versus anecdotal nonsense.

On 4/17/2020 at 2:04 PM, Fed Up And Done said:

Nothing personal but the majority of your post is propaganda. If anyone is foolish enough to believe everything they are told by the government and/or the CDC much less the WHO. We have seen first hand what the WHO is about. Vaccines are good but always the answer. I'm going to share with you an experience with the flu vaccine, say what you wish. Twenty years ago when I became a nurse I asked my PCP if I should take the flu vaccine and his response was no "I never have". When I became a travel nurse in the ER I was in numerous hospitals during the flu season for several years and never had the flu. When hospitals made it mandatory we have the flu vaccine I had the flu 3 years in a row after being vaccinated but haven't had it since I quit travel nursing about 5 years ago. Since that time I have worked in urgent care for two years caring for numerous patients with the flu, not once have I had the flu. God Bless

You and I have an interesting experience. I've been having flu shots for over 14 years. I've never gotten sick of them; however, at the end of January 2020, I was sick. I had muscle aches, joint pains, dry cough, headaches, high fever, chills, and sweats. I have no idea if I got the COVID-19 or not, but I've been doing alright since then. It took me about two weeks to recuperate from the flu alone.

Specializes in Physiology, CM, consulting, nsg edu, LNC, COB.

I think it's a pretty far stretch from "vaccination for communicable disease that endangers others" to "next thing you know they'll be regulating your religious expression." The Pope his ownself is behind vaccination for COVID. No religion bans vaccination, even Christian Scientistists.

"Most of our church members normally rely on prayer for healing. It’s a deeply considered spiritual practice and way of life that has meant a lot to us over the years. So we’ve appreciated vaccination exemptions and sought to use them conscientiously and responsibly, when they have been granted.

"On the other hand, our practice isn’t a dogmatic thing. Church members are free to make their own choices on all life-decisions, in obedience to the law, including whether or not to vaccinate their children. These aren’t decisions imposed by their church." ~~

As for the "blood of patriots," the first mandatory vaccination law in the US was in Massachusetts in 1809, for smallpox. There were plenty of people around then who remembered "the blood of patriots" being spilt on our town greens and fields. The SCOTUS ruling in 1907 included people who remembered the Civil War. Nobody thought protecting our communities from deadly disease denigrated those sacrifices.

Specializes in Physiology, CM, consulting, nsg edu, LNC, COB.

I think it's a pretty far stretch from "vaccination for communicable disease that endangers others" to "next thing you know they'll be regulating your religious expression." The Pope his ownself is behind vaccination for COVID. No religion bans vaccination, even Christian Scientistists.

"Most of our church members normally rely on prayer for healing. It’s a deeply considered spiritual practice and way of life that has meant a lot to us over the years. So we’ve appreciated vaccination exemptions and sought to use them conscientiously and responsibly, when they have been granted.

"On the other hand, our practice isn’t a dogmatic thing. Church members are free to make their own choices on all life-decisions, in obedience to the law, including whether or not to vaccinate their children. These aren’t decisions imposed by their church." ~~

As for the "blood of patriots," the first mandatory vaccination law in the US was in Massachusetts in 1809, for smallpox. There were plenty of people around then who remembered "the blood of patriots" being spilt on our town greens and fields. This was followed by a similar law in 1902 (Following a smallpox outbreak in 1902, the city of Cambridge, Mass. mandated vaccinations for all residents. After one man refused to comply on the grounds that the law violated his right to care for himself, the city filed criminal charges against him. The case -- Jacobson v. Massachusetts - made its way in 1905 to the U.S. Supreme Court, which sided with the state. In its decision, the court ruled it within the power of the state to enact mandatory vaccine laws in order to protect the public in the event of a communicable disease. The decision marked the first Supreme Court case weighing in on state power in enacting public health law.), prompting the lawsuit resulting in the SCOTUS ruling. These included people who remembered the Civil War. Nobody thought protecting our communities from deadly disease denigrated those sacrifices.


Specializes in Specializes in L/D, newborn, GYN, LTC, Dialysis.

Make it all about choice. (maybe I am a simpleton but here goes):

You choose not then you also choose not to:

attend public school/send your kids there; you can homeschool or use online schooling.

go to amusement parks where diseases are rampant these days, they are not necessary for daily living

fly on commercial airlines;  being in a tube with 200+ strangers a number of whom are not vaccinated is not a good situation.....

That's a start.

It's time to stop the madness of diseases returning needlessly.  Wait til polio comes back and watch em line up! How privileged some people feel these days. But having your spine permanently destroyed is not a thing most people want to even think about. And it's completely unfair to people who are immune compromised or have not had all their shots like my grandbabies.