Published Mar 8, 2011
crb613, BSN, RN
1,632 Posts
I had planned to take the CEN a number of times, but just could not get started. Now I have a chance to do so, and get it paid for. My director wants every nurse in our dept to be CEN certified. I looked on the ENA website, and saw that after July 2011 the test would be changed, and study guides would be revised. I do not have any study material, have not even started to prepare. My question...Do you think I will have enough time to prepare? I want to be sure I pass the first time! Also what study material have you all used, and thought was helpful?
A couple of the nurses along with our director are attending a two day prep course....then they are planning to teach the rest of us..... I am not so sure about that plan.
I don't think there will be enough books for all of us I plan on getting my own. The two study guides I have looked at are the one from ENA (published 2009) and CEN review book & flashcards Mometrix Media, (published 2010, 2011). I am open to any, and all suggestions! Thanks
in2bate71, BSN, RN
47 Posts
You have more than enough time to prep for the exam, I studied for about a month and felt prepared.
As far as study materials go, anything from the ENA should be a good bet since that is the body that writes the exam. I used the ENA review book for Q&A, but used a review course from Jeff Solheim as my focus material and wrote my own flashcards to study at work.
Now, quit procrastinating and good luck on the exam!
HaHa!! Thanks! I am going to look a little more, and order my study guides this week!
ImThatGuy, BSN, RN
2,139 Posts
I think you should take the test without studying. If you pass it then you really do know your stuff.
I have a better come in to my ER with a life threatening emergency, and tell me later if I know my stuff!
No worries. I'm super critical when receiving services of, satellite guy, lawnmower repairman, waitress, etc.
5 Posts
You should have plenty of time to prepare for the test. I had a stretch of 5 days off before the test and all I did was go through the questions in the ENA CEN review book. Several of those questions even ended up on the test. Good luck.
andhow5, BSN, RN
109 Posts
Get the CEN review book offered through the ENA website, study your TNCC book, then go for it! It's my understanding that the percentages of the areas of content will be changing - but I could be wrong. When I looked on the ENA website a couple weeks ago, there was a link SOMEWHERE that offered a PDF file that listed the new test outline. I remember that it didn't seem much different than the current outline, so I wasn't too impressed. You can do it!
561 Posts
Hi Crb...
Good questions...
First, YES, you are right, the exam will be changing in July 2011.
The content is more streamlined but more in depth. They have done away with nursing diagnoses and nursing procedures (for the most part), however, now the focus will be more on A&P and patho and more "medical" type presentation.
The weight of each category will vary just a bit, but be fairly similar.
I WOULD NOT count on any currently published materials to give a comprehensive view of the new blueprint. It would be at your own risk.
Most current CEN review courses are starting to teach the 2011 blueprint (interesting, they are teaching something they haven't seen yet!)
I personally plan on taking the exam as soon as it's available (I take it every year) so I can see what's on it. I'll be re-writing my review courses to mirror the new exam content.
For now, I'm still teaching the current blueprint, but telling people that they need to test before July! I can't guarantee their suceess after July 1.
If you really want to see if you're close; take one of the ENA's practice exams (online) and see how you score. Matter of fact, if you want, you can send me your score report, and I can help you analyze it as well as come up with a personalized study plan to maximize your time you're going to spend. For Example, theres no need to spend even one second on psych/social content even if you get onl;y 50% right - psych/social only counts for 7 questions on the current exam, HOWEVER, if you get 50% on NEURO - you need to spend a LOT of time on that as there are nearly 3 times as many NEURO questions than psych-social questions. It's all about using your time EFFECTIVELY!
If I can do ANYTHING to help you or advise you, please let me know.
-MaRK Boswell
Thank you so very much! I might take a practice test as you suggested....and may be getting in touch with you! Thanks again to you and everyone that replied.:)
38 Posts
Do the CEN Review 2 day courses come with a book?
Hmm, I don't know if I'd really advertise that - some presenters/authors may feel it is kinda like copyright infringement....not sure about that one.
I'd say this - nothing compares to learning from someone who has taken the test multiple times and who has the network of hundreds of former students who have given exam pertinent feedback.
Just my thoughts.