Published May 2, 2017
Davey Do
10,608 Posts
"For those of us who have lost our faith, or who have always had to struggle along without it, it's often just helpful to accept - blindly and with no reservations. It's not necessary for us to believe at first; we need not be convinced...
May I not intellectualize about faith, since by its nature it precludes analysis. May I know that "head tripping" was a symptom of my disease..." ODAT May 1
My Dad and I use to play guitars and sing a three chord song which went "Life is like a mountain railroad, with an Engineer that's brave. We must make our run successful from the cradle to the grave. Watch the curves that fill the tunnel, never falter, never fail. Keep your hands upon the throttle and your eyes upon the rail".
"...I am too preoccupied with my own so-called woes. I allow my mind to overflow with with grievances; the more I think about them, the more monumental they become. Instead of surrendering to God and His goodness, I let myself be controlled by negative thinking into which my thoughts are apt to stray unless I guide them firmly into brighter paths. Do I try to cultivate an attitude of gratitude?" ODAT April 25
Julia Cameron, in her book, The Artist's Way introduced me to the practise of "morning pages". Basically, upon awakening, she encourages us to express ourselves in the written word for 15 minutes without concern of topic, penmanship, spelling and the like. I found this practise to be very cathartic, but soon realized that, to me, it was more therapeutic to instead express myself both in words and images.
So every day, upon awakening and while drinking my coffee, as a regular practise, I write and draw in one of my journals.
This is a good practise for self-examination:
I am currently in the process of dealing with a bout of depression and anxiety. In doing some self-examination, I have found that I've been complacent and backsliding in working my own personal program. I feel as though I'm on the mend, as I've undertaking resuming the practises that have successfully helped me deal with my problems in the past.
dagobah, ASN, BSN, MSN, RN
110 Posts
Not sure what to make of your posts whether it's a sign you're asking for help. But if not, and if it's helping, post away my friend! I believe we all are rooting for each other to succeed.
Thank you, dagobah.
No, I'm not asking for help, per se. Support, as you have graciously given, is the most I could ask for.
I am merely using what has worked for me in the past in order to deal with my problems. Utilizing the tenets of recovery and applying them to my life in my own personal program is what buoys me on.
Thank you for your support, dagobah!
12,646 Posts
Heeeey, Davey.
I have been going through stuff, too. I voiced it a bit on the where are the nurses on allnurses thread?
When I get like this. Stuck. In a rut. Mentally bogged down... I tend to NOT speak. To not lend my voice to my feelings. It's too hard. Then I have to do something about them, yes?
I find that walking my dog helps at these times. Getting offline, and letting the sun hit my face.
The words come easier after that.
I'm glad you're okay. I miss you.
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,420 Posts
I can relate. All the best.
624 Posts
Dave - Just want to say a warm "Hello". . .
Peace. . .
Dave - Just want to say a warm "Hello". . . Peace. . .
You guys look good in yellow.
I mean, Tweety knew that...
BCgradnurse, MSN, RN, NP
1,678 Posts
Thinking of you Davey, and sending warm thoughts and hugs.
Spidey's mom, ADN, BSN, RN
11,305 Posts
Hey Davey - hope you are doing better every day.
I'm like Farawyn - I have to walk. Outside. In the beautiful mountains. I did so yesterday - walked to Burney Falls. It is a huge mental health asset to have that waterfall close to where I live.
McArthur Burney Falls State Park - 384 Photos & 14
I find that walking my dog helps at these times. Getting offline, and letting the sun hit my face. The words come easier after that.
Ralph Waldo Emerson wrote, "There is guidance for each of us, and by lowly listening we shall hear the right word."
Ralph Waldo was known to "walk alone in grove and glen" in order to lowly listen. You, Farawyn, walk your dog, get offline, and let the sun hit your face.
Thank you all for your involvement, kind words, and support.
Right now, I gotta go mow the grass.