Already feeling dejected after just one week!


I just finished my first week of prereqs last night. I'm working full-time and taking prealgebra M & W nights, freshman composition T night, and general psych on Th night. Maybe it's because I've been out of school so long (20 years), but I was so upset when I got home last night I felt like crying. I just feel overwhelmed with trying to figure out how to manage my time (3 kids at home and hubby), my job, my study time, homework time, etc. Then I come online and read how others are taking twice as many hours as me, working, raising a family, and doing great!! What's wrong with me???? Someone please tell me I will be able to establish a routine and still stay sane! I want this so badly and am determined to become an RN. Maybe I'm just having a pity party...:crying2:

I can't handle more than 10 credits at a time and I am home all day. You are working full time AND going to school 4 nights a week, plus kids. That is a HEAVY load. It is hard, especially the first term, to get into the swing of school work. Go easy on yourself. You and your family need to adjust to your school. When you make a schedule, make sure there is enough time in your schedule for family and study, or you will burn yourself and your family out on school.

Also, you may consider taking some of your classes independant (self paced) study or online. My college has quite a few independant study and online classes available. I am taking everything I can self-paced and mostly only take the sciences and a few others in actual classroom classes. I also try to balance out my classes by difficulty level. I consider the sciences to be the hardest and most time consuming. Psychology and nutrition..etc, middle of the road. English, speech, sociology- easy. I try to take one from each category on semesters and only one or two classes on the shorter summer session.

I agree that is a really heavy load. You are gone from the house all day and all evening 4 days a week, plus another day? Plus homework and studying. That could make anyone weary. Is there any way you could take one of those classes another term instead?

Specializes in OB, ortho/neuro, home care, office.
I just finished my first week of prereqs last night. I'm working full-time and taking prealgebra M & W nights, freshman composition T night, and general psych on Th night. Maybe it's because I've been out of school so long (20 years), but I was so upset when I got home last night I felt like crying. I just feel overwhelmed with trying to figure out how to manage my time (3 kids at home and hubby), my job, my study time, homework time, etc. Then I come online and read how others are taking twice as many hours as me, working, raising a family, and doing great!! What's wrong with me???? Someone please tell me I will be able to establish a routine and still stay sane! I want this so badly and am determined to become an RN. Maybe I'm just having a pity party...:crying2:

I have 3 children, and a hubby. I however didn't have a job. If it becomes too much, cut back your credit hours. Sometimes that's all you need.

Lots of luck, if ever you need anything feel free to ask, there's many here that will help


Don't worry, you are completly normal!!! I have small kids, job, family business, house, dogs etc. It has been 2 years and my house is a complete wreck!! But you have to laugh :rotfl: It sure beats crying. Anyway, the ultimate key to success is to believe in yourself and support from hubby and family, neighbors etc. I just try to get done what I can on a daily basis. This journey is full of ups and downs. But don't let it consume you and don't beat yourself up if you did not get everything on your list done. :) Dont ever give up it is all worth the wait. Congratulations on going back to school. Oh, also don't feel bad about it being 20yrs. you have an advantage over young students. you have been to the school of life. You hold within you many life experiences that will help to make a GREAT NURSE!! Dont give up and there are many of us out there in the same boat. GOOD LUCK :balloons:

I just finished my first week of prereqs last night. I'm working full-time and taking prealgebra M & W nights, freshman composition T night, and general psych on Th night. Maybe it's because I've been out of school so long (20 years), but I was so upset when I got home last night I felt like crying. I just feel overwhelmed with trying to figure out how to manage my time (3 kids at home and hubby), my job, my study time, homework time, etc. Then I come online and read how others are taking twice as many hours as me, working, raising a family, and doing great!! What's wrong with me???? Someone please tell me I will be able to establish a routine and still stay sane! I want this so badly and am determined to become an RN. Maybe I'm just having a pity party...:crying2:
Specializes in Operating Room.

Sometimes the feeling of wanting it so badly makes us more stressful. :)

Take a deep breath, and concentrate on the ultimate goal, then prepare little milestones to complete.

It will probably get better for you when you figure out what works and what does, how much study time you need, etc.

Good luck, and hang in there! :)

hey there! I have been taking one class in person, and one class online. I find that works best for me and my family. You just need to find out what works best for you and your family. Just take it nice and slow. There is no rush, you don't want to sacrifice your family (or your sanity) Once you find out how you study best, it will get easier. (during my first semester back, I shed lots of tears!)

good luck!!! Christina

Go ahead and feel overwhelmed- you are more than entitled to it! Dear god your taking classes 4 nights a week, have kids and a job!!!!

I can't offer you any advice, however because I have yet to start classes. That happens Sept 7th, but until then I'm trying to organize what I can in my life.

There are many things your going to have to ask yourself just how important it is. Obviously when it comes to your family, you wont want to cut back. If it means you dont clean your bathroom on Saturday morning and instead play with your kids- SO BE IT!

This is an adjustment time for your entire family, not just you. Your husband and your kids are giving up time with you, for you to better yourself, and your family, and just keep reminding yourself of how proud they will be of you when you complete this journey!

Chin up!!


I just finished my first week of prereqs last night. I'm working full-time and taking prealgebra M & W nights, freshman composition T night, and general psych on Th night. Maybe it's because I've been out of school so long (20 years), but I was so upset when I got home last night I felt like crying. I just feel overwhelmed with trying to figure out how to manage my time (3 kids at home and hubby), my job, my study time, homework time, etc. Then I come online and read how others are taking twice as many hours as me, working, raising a family, and doing great!! What's wrong with me???? Someone please tell me I will be able to establish a routine and still stay sane! I want this so badly and am determined to become an RN. Maybe I'm just having a pity party...:crying2:

Do not beat yourself up over that. :lol_hitti That is a lot to handle. I have 2 kids, work 5 days a week, will be going to scool 3 nights a week, and it is overwhelming. I am glad to know there is someone like me, because that is how I feel. When kids go back to school after Labor day, it is all hectic from that point on. Their homework, getting stuff ready for school, doing my homework, it is alot. I wouldn't dream of taking more classes right now. I am taking an online class to total 9 credit hours and am proud that I am doing that. Kids alone are a great deal of work. You will do fine!!!

(during my first semester back, I shed lots of tears!)

LOL! Me too!! :scrying: :bluecry1: I've already thrown my Nursing school admitance test study book across the room, along with my psych book. That was my pity party to hubby over feeling overwhelmed. Sometimes I feel like there is so much to do and know and study, that I just can't do it all. It's nice to know others feel overwhelmed, have difficulty balancing school and family, and have messy homes. I kept thinking I was the only one, and everyone else had it all together.

I was so upset when I got home last night I felt like crying. I just feel overwhelmed with trying to figure out how to manage my time (3 kids at home and hubby), my job, my study time, homework time, etc. (...) I want this so badly and am determined to become an RN. Maybe I'm just having a pity party...:crying2:

You should allow some time to your mind, body, spirit get used to this new routine. Of course it's very hard, specially because you already had a full life before college and you just added to that, but try to chill as much as possible when you have a chance to and don't take things too hard...

I'm also afraid of what my future would be regarding studies. I'm going to America to begin my second college (I've got a BA in Journalism, but want to be a nurse). I'll be working at least 8 hours a day, raising my 3 yo daughter (I'm a single-mom) and I have to take at least 12 credits to maintain my student status so, you do the math... ! And the worst of all is that nursing school require such a high GPA, I guess I never had a 3.77 GPA in my life (not even in Nursery school ;-) and now I need to!!!

Specializes in PeriOp, ICU, PICU, NICU.

I say decrease your credit hours and/or work hrs. Put the family on a schedule and if the children are old enough assign chores around the house to help you as well, and so mommy could spend a little more time with them. Best wishes to you. :)

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