I am a nursing student in NY about to take NCLEX in a few days. In New York they passed a bill about the Mandatory Flu Shot. I am all for patient safety and preventing a world wide Invasion (u know that movie with Nicole Kidman) get your shot kind of sickness but this is ridiculous and the fact that it happened in NEW YORK CITY first scares the crap out of me and seemingly out of the blue. I see this issue is posted in the Pandemic section but this is a general nursing concern because I mean once again:
it happened in NEW YORK CITY first, it can definitely happen to you in your state
what else are they gonna mandate?
that's why I think it should be in the general nursing forum section...
off my soapbox now and retreating back :chair:
does anybody else see where I am going with this... I mean where does this end because this shouldn't have begun
this can get ugly relatively quickly.
And it could be your state next with a flu shot or something else