All Men Shift

Nurses Men


I noticed a huge difference in the past month in regards to the unit culture when we had an all male shift this past month. When working with all males, the shift just seems way way better.

The environment was so pleasant because no one was flipping out because the floors weren't mopped on our shift, no one was throwing a fit because there were not enough small sized gloves in the isolation cart, we focused on RN life saving interventions. I mean two patients coded, both were brought back. During the code everyone was calm, positive, people were laughing, and just all around positive.

I actually left work thinking wow this is a great team to work with.

However, when its a mostly female shift the focus is completely different. I remember a code when women were screaming for atropine, and not wanting to do chest compression because their back hurt. I remember getting talked down to because the room was a mess after the code. I remember the day time supervisor throwing a fit because the pt closet was unorganized.

I really like working with an all male shift. My god it is so much better.

Specializes in ED, Cardiac-step down, tele, med surg.

Your original post is so offensive. Partly because of the sexism but also because if you really believe all those stereotypes then maybe you thinking process isn't working either. Stereotypes do not emerge from critical thinking. Or you just happen to dislike your female coworkers and instead of trying to change your work environment ("manning up") you are being offensive to females on this forum. You could have made your point in a much more polite and respectful way. I really like working with my male coworkers because they are good team players just like my female coworkers. They don't say sexist things and are smart enough not to stereotype people and talk about it in public.

All I have left to say to the OP is that I hope you receive the same respect that you have shown. Grow up.

Specializes in RN.

Been there, happens on my unit once in awhile, and I totally agree with the OP.

Specializes in RN.

There are a "select" list of stereotypes that will be allowed here...none of which can be submitted or respected coming from a male.

Specializes in RN.
I am amazed at how difficult it is to post some good news regarding my work experience in the Men In Nursing Forum. Once again I just wanted to share my good experience with some Bros.

Cant share good news with Bros without getting hen pecked. Oh well that is the nature of nursing I guess.

Exactly! Good luck having a guy discussion...ain't gonna happen here. Not that the females can't read these...but they are too nosy to stay away...I wouldn't even read a women's forum...sheesh...

Exactly! Good luck having a guy discussion...ain't gonna happen here. Not that the females can't read these...but they are too nosy to stay away...I wouldn't even read a women's forum...sheesh...

Calling unreflecting stereotyping a "guy discussion" is in my opinion an insult to men.

I know for a fact that most men are capable of a much higher level of intellect, maturity and balanced analysis than has been demonstrated here. Honestly, this thread is more disappointing than it is upsetting.

That's why you always need one female in the headcount. Best ER shift: 1 male RN student, 2 male RN, 1 female MD.

Specializes in Critical Care, ED, Cath lab, CTPAC,Trauma.
Exactly! Good luck having a guy discussion...ain't gonna happen here. Not that the females can't read these...but they are too nosy to stay away...I wouldn't even read a women's forum...sheesh...

YOU do realize that all members are welcome in ALL forums and the owner/founder of allnurses is a male.

Specializes in pediatric neurology and neurosurgery.

I'm a woman. I love men, I think they're wonderful. I'm old-fashioned, not a women's libber, and I greatly dislike man-bashing. But I found the original post to be insulting and mean-spirited toward the women at OP's workplace, if not toward women in general. I don't think I would want to work with someone who thought so poorly of me or my sex.

Sent from my iPhone using allnurses

Stirring the pot, eh? Hope you find the attention you crave.

If the best you could come up with is remarks toward housekeeping and glove size... you didn't put much thought into this.

"During the code everyone was calm, positive, people were laughing, and just all around positive. "

Spare me:sarcastic:

Specializes in Adult Internal Medicine.
Stirring the pot, eh? Hope you find the attention you crave.

If the best you could come up with is remarks toward housekeeping and glove size... you didn't put much thought into this.

"During the code everyone was calm, positive, people were laughing, and just all around positive. "

Spare me:sarcastic:

There is nothing more upbeat and jovial than a code with your bros.

Well maybe except for, you know, preventing the code. ;)

There is nothing more upbeat and jovial than a code with your bros.

Well maybe except for, you know, preventing the code. ;)

Afterwards, instead of cleaning up and restocking gloves, they probably kicked back with a few beers and watched a baseball game in the break room. Like MEN.

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