Air Force FY 2015

Specialties Government


Is anyone else on here applying for FY 2015 for Air Force? I'm in the process of applying for the selection board in October 2014 and it would be great to hear from someone else also applying for the end of this year! :)

Specializes in Psych/Substance abuse.

My recruieter told me that you now interview first (usually once in person and once over the phone) before completing MEPs. The paperwork deadline is Sept if you want to go before the October board and they require ALOT of paperwork and specifications on all that paperwork. You really have to be ontop of everything because the recruiters will only tell you what you need and you have to constantly check in with them because they are busy with all thier other applicants.

I should be having my interviews within the next two weeks so hopefully all goes well! Good luck with yours. and also don't rush the process because you can only apply twice so make sure everything is 110 % perfect!

Emailed recruiter to touch base and make sure all my stuff is in order, he says the dates the board will meet have been released. The board will meet on Sept 30 and expect to know an answer by Oct 20!!! Can't believe it is this close, last year when I was alternate I thought 1 year was forever now it's around the corner. Hope we all get good news!!! :nailbiting: anyone else applying for the January selection board? I'm a fully qualified OR nurse looking to apply for the Jan selection.

Questions: I was told by a recruiter that you don't go to MEPS now until after you are selected. Is this really the case? Did you all go to MEPS before your application was submitted to the selection board? Also, does anyone know how many slots for OR there is this FY?

Specializes in NICU.

My recruiter told me that's a new change and because of budget cuts we don't go to MEPS until we get selected. Makes sense since hundreds of people apply and only a few are picked! I've submitted my MEPS paperwork, but haven't actually physically gone yet! My recruiter just finished my package and sent it out! I'm sooooo nervous!

And I had to interview with an adviser because I'm applying for a speciality. So I had to interview with the NICU adviser via the phone. It lasted an hour and a half, but thankfully I've known her since around May and had previously emailed her and talked to her on the phone.

Is it really true we should know by mid-October? Anyone know after we find out and IF we get selected, how long it takes to get a COT date/base orders?

Specializes in Adult Critical Care.

Speaking from the experience of applying FQ at this same time last-year, you should find out by the end of the month. I found out Oct 18th and I got my first email from my gaining chief nurse about a week later. You'll probably commission a few weeks after. Orders will come within 4-6 weeks of commissioning. You could be selected in October and go to COT in January (pretty miserable time of year to be outdoors...even in Montgomery it could be 20 degrees at times). It's probably 50/50 whether you go in March or January; it all depends when they guy you're replacing is leaving.

Thank you for the insider info jfratian. I can't wait til October I am so nervous that I might be alternate for the second time. Last year I applied as ER nurse but since I don't currently work in ER I changed to clinical nurse this year and I am praying that won't hurt me. (I did that after talking to the ER advisor, as we both felt I had better odds at clinical nurse. I worry about only 10 slots that I'm competing for :nailbiting: It makes since that they changed the MEPS thing, glad mine is over with. For those of u that still have MEPS to do it is not bad at all. Also from last year want you guys to know that not everyone finds out at the same time, not sure if it recruiter delay or if some recruiters find out sooner to relay the message and it is usually a call from recruiter. Please everyone keep posting so that we can all see where the process is going for us.

Specializes in Med-Surg, Long-term care.

Hi, I am applying for Fully Qualified clinical nurse as well. Enova, are there really only 10 clinical slots this year?

Servant-leader, what selection board are you applying to?

Specializes in Med-Surg, Long-term care.

sbain51, I am applying for the October, 2014 Board. I applied last year for the August NTP (Nurse Transition Program) Board. I was working as an RN in a Long Term care facility then. Since then I've been working Med/Surg in the hospital and qualify for the Fully Qualified Board.

I see! I'm putting my first application together for the January Selection board as a fully qualified nurse specialist (OR Nurse). Any tips for the application process, MEPS, ect?

Specializes in Med-Surg, Long-term care.

My recruiter did a fairly good job walking me through the whole process.Putting together my application this year was pretty quick since I just applied last year. What took me months last year only took me one month this time (including the interview).

As for tips. I revamped my resume and 9-question essay, making them as solid as I think I could. For NTP last year I needed 5 references;this year I only really needed 3 (I submitted 4 to my recruiter). I made a point to aim for getting more solid references. They are looking for bosses; people you have worked under. I asked my current boss, a current charge nurse I work under, and my recruiter also recommended asking a Professor I had from nursing school.

I already went through MEPS Feb 2013, right before the Air Force changed to waiting until after selection to go to MEPS. That worked out well for me in that my MEPS physical is good for two years, so Ididn't have to repeat that for this October Board. If I don't get selected this time around and apply again next year, I would have to repeat MEPS if I was selected.

I had my interview with the Chief Nurse in August. I'd never been so nervous for an interview before in my life, but I think it went well.Most of the interview was like a conversation back and forth, with a few formal questions thrown in. The Chief Nurse was professional, but down-to-earth. There were two of us interviewing that day, and the Chief Nurse took us both on a walk around tour of the ER, Med/Surg, and ICU units; that was awesome!

Thanks for the tips! I'm trying to get all the paperwork together still...and working on my resume! It's pretty sucky right now! I really just want to be done with this part, but I know that the waiting until January is going to kill me! And then waiting to hear! Ugh! Hopefully I get it done quickly and then the time passes quickly!

Best of luck with the selection board! Be sure to keep us all up to date here!

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