Air Force FY 2015

Specialties Government


Is anyone else on here applying for FY 2015 for Air Force? I'm in the process of applying for the selection board in October 2014 and it would be great to hear from someone else also applying for the end of this year! :)

Specializes in NICU.
Can I ask you guys in this thread what was the reason(s) for you to choose air force over the other branches? Second degree BSN student here and won't be done till the end of 2015, looking into the military as a career option.

Im in the same boat. I'll be finished with my BSN Dec2015! I talked to a recruiter and they told me I have to have one year left in my program and have a min of a 3.5 GPA. So in January I will be able to start all the paper work and everything else.

im choosing the AF because of my family. My grandparents,my father, and my husband are AF.

I'm also applying for FY2015 in the Air Force, HPSP. I've been accepted to a Nurse-Midwife program, and I am currently a second year Masters of Nursing (think BSN) student. All of my paper work is in, except the recommendations and transcripts -- hopefully those arrive soon! It's tough that all the paperwork has to be in before the interview can be scheduled. Does the board meet throughout October? Or is it just October 1st, and then decisions are made and mailed within a week or two?

I guess I have to get used to waiting!

Does anyone now how many slots there are for each specialty?

Are there any other FQ Labor and Delivery nurses applying for FY 2015?

I know this board is looking for 18 ER and 10 clinical nurse, these are the two I'm interested in so I don't know the rest. Your recruiter knows, ask him/her. I can't

From my understanding all necessary paperwork including physical and interview is due the beginning of September. This is the first board, however they fill most of the slots with this one. The board meets again sometime in the spring. So there are 2FQ boards per year. If you are alternate there is a slim chance you may get called later next year if someone's situation changes and they drop out. If not then you do like me and reapply the following year. Your recruiter will then call you and tell you if you are selected, alternate or non-select. You usually know by the second week of October and then you wait for a slot to go to OTS and that is another long wait, for a slot to go to the training. For example if you got selected the next OTS class is in January so that would be the soonest you leave if you get a slot for that class. So the being selected part is the beginning of the wait. Good luck!! #octoberhurryup:nailbiting:

Hi!! I am actually applying for FY2015 for active duty. I'm applying for critical care. I have 7 years critical care experience at a level 1 trauma center. MY interviews are this week at Wright-PAtt in Dayton Ohio. I've offically become very anxious/nervous/excited! I am really hoping to be selected, but truly dont know what the chances are!!! Anyone have any insight?? My recruiter also said the board meets in sept, so I would have an answer by OCt??



Specializes in Adult Critical Care.

No your paperwork is due to be submitted to personnel in Texas in September; if you don't interview this week you can't apply for the October board. They take a month to comb through it to make it board ready. Then, the board meets at the beginning of October. You'll find out 3-4 weeks after that. I applied last year at this exact same time.

Yes, January is the class that many people entered. However, you could also go in March. It depends on the staffing of the unit you're being assigned to.

I have done everything thus far. I am just in the hurry up and wait phase. Does anyone know what the most important part of the selection is? Does the chief interview hold the most weight?

Specializes in Adult Critical Care.

I applied twice before being accepted the second time. They say it's a holistic application. Even though I'm sure the chief nurse does hold weight, I have never heard of anyone's interviews being anything but positive. As a result, I think pretty much everyone gets the recommendation of 'select,' and the impact is diluted. The chief nurse will tell you their decision if you ask them.

Specializes in NICU.

So I've had the first of my two interviews. The interview wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I interviewed at McGuire in New Jersey! The nursing officer was very nice and made me feel at ease, opposite of how I thought it would be. I have my next interview next week with the NICU advisor as that's a new change that they just put in effect :)

so as it stands now, still on track to apply for the October boards as a NICU rn!

I am sure you will not have a problem. My recruiter said they had a hard time filling NICU slots last year. I never heard of interviewing with an advisor. I know everything has to be completed and in by Sept 15. Did you already get cleared by MEPS?

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