Aiken Tech Fall 2014 hopefuls!!

U.S.A. South Carolina


Has anyone applied for the ADN program at Aiken Tech? I know the deadline for applications isn't until May 30th but I have had my paperwork ready and submitted it today and the suspense is killing me ALREADY!! Just wanted to see if anyone else was waiting to get in and wanted to see how many points others had, their GPA and teas scores.

Uggh, yes it does, I think that I'll be all ready by next next weekend, I should have everything finished then.

Ok well. My chest xrays are back and they look good! :) And my titers are scheduled for Tues July 15th! And I am going to be attending the CPR class on Thurs July 17th. So hopefully by the end of next week I can be uploading all my immunization records by the end of next week. I am getting so excited and I cant wait to attend our first orientation so that I can find out more! After all this is done it seems like paying tuition and buying books, etc. will be all i have left to do and believe me, I am currently preparing for that :)

I'm glad to hear that your xray came back good :)

Has anyone figured out how to take the drug test? Certifiedprofile says to take my email to department administrator?

The administrator told me we have to bring a copy of the email to orientation and we will find out more about the drug test at orientation.

Well, my titer results came in: positive for varicella, rubella and measles antibodies, and negative for hepatitis B antigens, so that's all good. But I was negative for mumps antibodies, so I'm not immune any longer. Looks like I get a tetorifice, MMR, and a Hepatitis B shot Wednesday.

I wonder how this will work for me now, I have records of my first MMR, but not a second one, and that is just a copy of my high schools records, no physicians signature are on them. And now I need a MMR booster. I hope that I don't need two now before I can attend classes. Errggh, I suppose I'll email the administrative assistant to try and find out.

Ok, it looks like I read it wrong for some reason, we only need one recorded vaccination for mumps, so I'm all set. I had an issue though, that my doctors office doesn't do MMR vaccinations, so I have to get it at a different doctors office on Tuesday.

Thanks for keeping us updated! I also have had all 3 hepatitis B vaccinations and my titer results shows that I am not immune to it. It says on certified background that if we have a negative titer we have to submit a declination waiver. Are we supposed to get this form from our doctor?

I'm not sure, I thought that we got the form from ATC.

I haven't had my Hepatitis B vaccines yet, I plan on getting them soon though, not enough time to get all three before orientation though, so I'm just going to sign the waiver.

Which Hepatitis B titer did you get? Did you get the surface antigen or the antibody? The surface antigen will show negative as long as you don't have Hepatitis B.

I got the surface antibody. And I messaged the administrator assistant and she said we will find something that says "declination signature & date" and that is what we are supposed to sigh on our health form.

Ah, ok, that sounds so obvious now that I look at it. Thanks Jesykahope.

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