Published Mar 21, 2007
82 Posts
After reading post after post after POST about how so many of you would not recommend nursing to your kids, I'm about to give up. I decided to go back to nursing school after having my two kids, because nursing is something I feel that I was made to do. I have experienced a MAJOR reality check from reading so many threads about nursing being so horrible. I have tried very hard to stay positive and keep moving forward in school to reach my goal. I don't know what to do now. SO much wasted time and money to find out that, chances are, I will end up hating whatever nursing job I get. I never in my life thought that an occupation could bring this much unhappiness for so many people. I am so VERY upset about this. I had thought about going the RT route and then sonography, but chose nursing because I felt that it was in my blood to become a nurse. Maybe sonographers are a little happier-but I'll never get my hopes up again about anything.
labcat01, BSN, RN
629 Posts
You know...when I was thinking about applying to nursing school, I spent A LOT of time looking at various threads and I too was very discouraged. I just thought a lot about what people were saying and asked myself if I thought I could live with it. The answer is yes! So I applied and I'm in school now and I love it! Most people here are just venting but I doubt very few would change their careers. Maybe you could spend some time volunteering in a hospital to see if it is what you want. You shouldn't let other people's venting keep you from your dreams...and if you DO go into nursing, you will know what you are getting into instead of just going in with some false ideals. I think that is how people end up being really unhappy anyway.
Good luck with whatever you decide!
1,237 Posts
Im a pre nursing student right now but I definately sympathize with you. I have been having the same doubts but I just try to think of it this way:
work is work. You are working and getting paid to do so. No one likes every part of their job.
secondly, work is what you make of it. You can allow yourself to love what you do if you want to :).
thirdly, people come here to vent. So dont take it all so seriously.
Cheer up. It just sounds like youre discouraged.
twinmommy+2, ADN, BSN, MSN
1,289 Posts
Don't let what others say dictate what you want to do in life. All people are doing is coming to vent for a while and get what ever off their chest. Its a hard job defiantly and what we have to deal with is not in the normal realm of experiences. So we have to get it out. And yeah we get frustrated sure.
You know, there are probably way more positive nursing stories out there that arn't told about here than there are negative ones that we hear about.
Just don't base your percieved reality of nursing on just this website.
Soup Turtle
411 Posts
After reading all of the negative threads, I think I'm better prepared to deal with issues that may arise when I become a nurse.
983 Posts
oh maggi i love every part of my job now that after 30yrs of nursing i have found my true nitch. work is definitely what you make it. with such a wide scope of where to practice i pray we all find our 'nitch' and make a difference.
best wishes in your nursing career. :)
125 Posts
THIS is exactly how i looked at it! :) it could be idealistic but Im excited to actually do something about hte negative aspects of nursing when my turn comes.
Pepper The Cat, BSN, RN
1,790 Posts
Don't give up. Not everyone is negative about nursing. Its just human nature to voice the negative things about their lifes, rather than the positive. Yes, nursing has its negative points, but it also has a lot of positive points. Listen to your own heart. I've been nursing for 21 years and would do it again. I think any job has both its good and bad points.
Focus on why you wanted to be a nurse. Focus on how being a nurse makes you feel. Someone suggested volunteering - that's a good suggestion. Try that and see how that makes you feel. If you enjoy it,then you will probably enjoy nursing. Finally, when you do your clinicals, talk to the nurses who seem to enjoy their jobs! You may have to look harder for them, because the negative and unhappy people tend to be louder and more vocal, but the positive ones are there too!
Don't give up your dream just because of a few venting threads!
168 Posts
i am a newer nurse and i can say that i have experienced a lot of negativity and crap that goes along with my job. but honestly i can say that when a pt or their family thanks me for the job well done, or even smiles at me and acknowledges the job that i have done its all worth it to me. nursing is hard we see the best life has to offer and the worst, learn to look for the small little joys and forget the rest. in the end i think its worth it even though i sometimes come home cursing and angry those feelings fade and i go back to work with a smile one my face and wait to see what i'm gonna learn new each day. i love my job and wouldn't trade it for the world.
gonzo1, ASN, RN
1,739 Posts
I went into nursing after being laid off from many jobs. I went into it only for the money and the job security and I was sure I was going to hate it. Still, I went to school and worked hard at it because I wanted a job I would never be laid off from again.
But a really strange thing happened. I started to like it, and then love it. I have been a nurse now for 4 years. I have had some bad times in finding my niche, but am finally in a great place with a great group of nurses, doctors and staff (ER). I have found nursing to be very rewarding, and has turned out to be more than I ever expected. I love it. Please don't let our whining distract you.
Allnurses is our whining home, but we love it and it provides a fabulous service
Anagray, BSN
335 Posts
I think the reason why there are so many negative threads is because this site is one of the few places where people can talk about things that really bother them and vent.
It can not be done at work frequently , because people will say " oh, that nurse complains ALL the time" ot the boss may think that by venting one is bringing down the mood of the whole floor/office, and ,for example, my friends who are not in the medical field have no idea what I'm talking about when I vent to them about my job.
The opportunity to get some issues of my chest here is making me a better nurse at my work place, because I am not unloading it in the workplace and here people volunterily come to read my thread and offer support.
Yes, nursing is hard, but every job is!
If you love caring for people and helping them, you whould still become a nurse.
NurseyPoo, RN
154 Posts
I am so sorry to see that what others are venting about has discouraged you. Being a nurse has its ups and downs but remember this...Being a nurse is by far one of the most rewarding things you could ever do. The first time a patient looks at you and thanks you from the deepest part of their heart, or one of their family members hugs you and thanks will realize that you made an enormous difference in their life. I get so frustrated, and I feel angry because of the system!!! BUT, when I have a patient who really needs me, and their family really needs me, and they are truly grateful, none of the other stuff matters. NOW, keeping that in mind you need to look at the big picture. Nursing takes a tough skin, and a lot of dedication...but there are so many wonderful aspects to it. As a nurse you will touch someone in the deepest depths of their heart every single time you go to work! If we all start rethinking our careers...who will be there for them? Stay positive, focused and work your butt off, because nursing school is very difficult for a reason. If you feel that this is what you were meant to do...DO IT!!! We need people that have a passion for nursing! And remember not to let what others think bog your brain down. I think if we look at web-sites for other careers we will find the same rantings...only with different topics;) My husband manages a group of 30 men and tells me it is like running a day care:lol2: